Essay on Importance of Love In Our Society Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

ϻ� literature i a short story of the english language marión lencina isp nº 8 almirante brown august 18th 2014 there is an old story, i don’t know if you’ve heard it. €�the tower of babel’ it was titled by those who wrote the most ancient and refuted book of the world: the. ϻ� literature i a short story of the english language marión lencina isp nº 8 almirante brown. Games certainly serve some important purpose or they would not be as popular as they are. Games of competition, where one or more teams compete for a prize or at least an arbitrary winning condition defined by the rules of the game , are obviously a comparison of ability, whether it be mental or physical. They let humans satisfy their animal drive for direct competiton in a controlled and relatively benign environment.

We satisfy our competitive bloodlust by watching or participating in the death of the opposing team rather than an individual. The modern development of the individual as the important fundamental unit has largely exterminated death games. These heirarchies may be somewhat meaningless you suck at yatzee! haha! or they may reinforce regional pride go bears! yeah!. Either way, they make us feel better than that guy , even if our dominance is not permanently assured. Let them in the know classical music and their audience the importance of music in our society art and music are basic human functions. We have the burning desire to create, whatever it may be and however tiny or grand.

The interaction with sound is unavoidable, either to make it or take pleasure in it. People have always found music significant in their lives, whether for enjoyment in listening, the emotional response, performing, or creating. Both musics have immense worth for our society however, the problem we all know in this field is that this music is little known and hence underappreciated. As a musician and artist it is my responsibility that others can learn to enjoy the art for which i have utter passion. It goes without saying that in mainstream american culture, classical or concert music is not a huge part of people's lives.

There are still stigmas that contribute to this, as well as the practices of the government in the last two decades declining music education in schools on the local level, resistance to increased nea funding and less visibility of the arts on the national level let us hope that the obama administration can start to reverse these trends. Many people may still believe that classical music is for the rich, older, and the well educated. Others may feel awkward about going to classical music events because they feel as if they need to act and dress a certain way in order to enter the concert or recital hall.

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Even more, the pretentiousness and elitism that some artists exhibit is amplified by some television shows, commercials, plays, books, by people of influence and even themselves, which distance musicians from mainstream society. While some of this is true, as with nearly any stereotype, it is not entirely true. With the impression that concert music has on society, the majority decide that it is not for them simply because they believe it has no relevance or worth to their lives. This is further compounded by the past government's lack of interest in promoting and supporting the arts, whether it is to fund arts organizations or arts education.

Now, the current government give us hope and we have seen evidence of its commitment but most importantly our american society needs to believe that everyone can find worth and enjoyment in classical/concert music. The most common way one becomes involved with music is through listening or attending a musical event. Listening at home on a cd player, or in the car, on the computer, or on an ipod can be a very personal and fulfilling experience. Music, as we know, sets a mood and a vibe as we hear it in lounges, bars, parties, or other social events. Also, attending a concert is unique as it offers the excitement of hearing live musicians while providing the sound as it is meant to be heard if it is acoustic music that is. Where else can one sit with other people, listen, and enjoy music in relative silence so that there are no distractions besides the music itself? music can also stimulate the mind.