5 Paragraph Essay on Cause And Effect Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Often student writers are taught short term solutions to the problem of organizing an essay. The five paragraph essay uses the following organization:

    introduction background and thesis first body paragraph the first reason why the thesis is true second body paragraph the second reason why the thesis is true third body paragraph the third reason why the thesis is true conclusion recap of essay
it is important to understand that the five paragraph essay is not necessarily bad. However, most student writers are led to believe or falsely believe that all essays must follow the five paragraph essay format. Just a little thought makes clear that format is very limiting and limited and does not provide an adequate organization for many types of writing assignments. That is why i have crossed out the description of the five paragraph essay, so that you won't make the mistake of thinking that it is the best way to organize your essays. Instead, student writers should see that the form of an essay its organization needs to match the purpose of the essay. To begin with, we should look at one of the most common tasks student writers are asked to perform and the one of the organizational strategies effective for this task.

Often writers are asked to explain how certain conditions or events are related to the occurrence of other conditions or events. When a writer argues that one thing leads to another, he or she is making a cause and effect argument. For example, in an economics class, students might be asked to explain the impact of increasing oil prices on the nation 146 s economy. Inherent in the question is the assumption that increasing oil prices is a cause, which produces specific effects in the rest of the economy. So, higher oil prices produce higher gasoline prices raising the cost of shipping goods.

Higher oil prices produce higher jet fuel costs raising the cost of travel, and so on. Higher oil prices is the cause, and increased shipping costs and travel expenses are among the effects. Writing tasks involving cause and effect analysis usually take one of two forms: explaining how a known cause produces specific effects explaining how specific effects are produced by a previously unknown cause which the writer has discovered. To argue that certain conditions will lead to other conditions that the loss of privacy will lead to something else , first the writer needs to define clearly what those conditions are, and then the writer needs to make clear how those conditions lead to other conditions. Finally, the writer needs to explain what this cause and effect relationship means. This type of essay then has five parts not paragraphs! , with each part corresponding to a specific task the writer needs to perform, and each part consisting of one or more paragraphs.

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We will discuss the physical, psychological, and emotional effects of alcoholism and what causes it to happen. Besides, alcohol alters the digestion of nutrients that the body needs to stay healthy. Alcoholism also causes severe damage in the neurons, so it causes alterations in the body movements, loss of appetite, and depression. All these physical consequences could cause your death if you drink alcohol in mass quantities. At the beginning, alcohol makes you feel relaxed, but if you drink it in excess, it increases anxiety and causes depression. It also causes family and legal problems, violence, changes of behavior, suicide among others. Many people believe that they can handle their drinking and that it wont affect them at all.

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For some this may be true, but for others it is a cover up for what can really happen. Since alcohol alters the perception of most people, they make decisions that could change the rest of their lives. The chance that you could take your own life, or someone elses life on account that you wanted to have a good time is very serious. Alcoholism affects families all over america, and some families are even divided because of it. Alcoholism can definitely take a toll and someone when it causes them to lose their family, their job, and even their sense of well being. Why risk everything you have for a drink? it becomes a habit, taking over your life that one day you wont be able to control. In conclusion, the effects of alcoholism which are physical, psychological, and mentally. it can cause many problems that affect your life in all aspects.

Alcohol alters your brain, muscles, digestion process, and other disorders that affect your health. It also can cause you depression or changes in your behavior that result in problems with your family, friends, and with yourself. So before you drink ask yourself is it really worth losing it all? below is an example of a 5 paragraph  effects essay .  your first cause or effects essay quiz is very soon th i.e. topic: the effects of having high absences for foundation students at sct thesis statement. Many foreign teachers are amazed at the number of absences that omani students think are acceptable when they arrive here to college.  in most countries around the world, no students are allowed to miss more than two to five percent of their classes in a semester.  students at sct are permitted to miss up to  fifteen percent of their classes in a single semester.  there are many bad effects of missing too many classes at sct. Here are the three most important bad effects of missing too many classes and not practicing enough english. First, the most important reason that students hurt themselves when they don’t attend class is that they do not spend enough time speaking, writing, listening, reading, and practicing english language and vocabulary.

When time spent practicing english per student is too low, students cannot move from one level to the next in the foundation program easily.  if they are lucky enough to pass to a higher level or even to pass all four levels in the foundation english, the students have either cheated or depended too much on others to do their work, i.e. Third, because of low attendance and other bad study habits, some students actually will either leave sct during the foundation or post foundation period.   others will continue to fail too many exams.  others simply will miss too many classes. Others give up hope and stop going to college.  many of these students then have trouble getting the career or jobs that they have dreamt of getting. In conclusion, attendance is very important for students at sct, but too many students do not take attendance nor practice of english and study of english or math seriously.   it is very important for students to have high attendance rates and to spend as much time practicing english and math regularly.  i believe that both in the foundation level and in the post foundation level students must have good attendance and good study habits.

Below is an example of a 5 paragraph  cause essay .  your first cause or effects essay quiz is on 30 th of january. topic: the causes of poor grades  or marks for some students at sct thesis statement. First of all, the older man said that too many young omanis get too much given to them from their parents. The old omani explained that, for example, if a young boy wants a car, the father often gives it to him.

Later, in college, this may mean that when the same young man asks for help on his homework, too, that he believes that someone should simply give it to him, i.e. Second, the 80 year old said that young people often don’t have the patience that many in his generation had learnt. For example, when he was young and he needed money, he learnt step by step to work as a carpenter and later as a mason.  first, he watched the others work.  next, he tried it and asked for help. The man had to learn to work with simple tools and simple designs before he tried more difficult ones.  as a truck driver, too, he first learnt to drive slow and safely before he later drove many kilometers to abu dhabi, to qatar, and to kuwait. However, nowadays, students and young drivers are looking to go too fast and take dangerous shortcuts.   in education this often means cheating or paying someone else to study or to help them. Others get a friend in class to do work for them rather than listening to teacher in class and asking questions. Finally, some young people simply do not know what is important or don’t know what they want.

Until the student knows why he studies or what he wants when he studies, the student will not be organized.  the student will waste time on this or that instead of taking time to do what he really needs to do. Perhaps, if young people work in groups or have better advice from others,  they will be able to organize their lives and make better decisions. In conclusion, the 80 year old omani from dahariz believes that young people have basically three problems when learning.  first, sometimes, they are given too much and because of this, they don’t learn to try hard enough on their own. Second, some people are trying to go too fast without learning the patience to do things step by step  or slowly but surely.

Third, some people need ask for advice and direction from others about how to organize their time, study habits and lives better. finally, identify and number the supporting ideas in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4. by richard nordquist. In english, is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at armstrong atlantic state university and the author of two grammar and composition textbooks for college freshmen, writing exercises macmillan and passages: a writer 39 s guide st. cause and effect is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a writer analyzes the reasons for and/or the consequences of an action, event, or decision.

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