Age Discrimination Essay Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Age discrimination in the workplace age discrimination in employment is a complex issue which impacts many areas of government policy and has many implications for individuals themselves. Age discrimination can occur across all spectrums of employment and can affect both young and old. Age discrimination can affect a person’s chances of getting a job, and potentially their chances of promotion or development within the workplace.

Age can also be a factor when employers are deciding who should be selected during a workforce downsize or redundancy of work due to a mergers and acquisitions. Approximately 20% of all complaints filed with the federal equal employment opportunity commission eeoc are for age discrimination, settlements and jury awards are substantially higher in age related cases than in those for race, sex or disability discrimination age discrimination, 19. Generally older people are accused of lacking energy and flexibility, while young people lack experience and want it all. Many people do not get the opportunity to show whether or not they have what it takes because of their age. These people are being discriminated against and therefore, robbed of their employment opportunities.

Definition of age discrimination direct and indirect forms of age discrimination exist in employment. Obvious forms of discrimination are where people hold strong, stereotypical views about a person’s capabilities to do a job or to be developed because of their age. An example is an employer could regard all 23 year olds as immature and incapable of managing older workers, even if they have the right experience and qualifications for the job. On the other hand, an employer could consider those over 50 unable to learn new technology due to change and their age. Age discrimination can affect younger workers when it comes to wages irrespective of their abilities.

It can affect workers in their twenties through the tendency to set arbitrary age limits in job advertisements as a substitute for a decision based on the merits of the applicants. It can affect women over 35 and men over 40 who are trying to find new employment or change direction mid career. Older unemployed workers may have greater difficulty finding work and experience longer periods of unemployment than other age groups. The proposed legislation will require employers to abandon age stereo types and assess individuals on their merits. More subtle forms of age discrimination exist where a person may not realize that a corporation is discriminating on the grounds of age. This situation assumes that an older person is less likely than a younger colleague to want to be considered for a promotion or continued developmental path. In addition, some older workers themselves may doubt their own ability to learn new skills and may rule themselves out for opportunities.

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For instance, some older workers may feel they would not be able to learn about information technology when in fact, they have been learning about new technology throughout their career. Youth a fine line exists between trying to help people who are most likely to experience age discrimination in employment so that they have the same opportunities as others, and positively discriminating in their favor at the expense of others. Having identified unacceptable stereotypical behavior, a danger could exist in potentially adopting stereotypical attitudes such as all older people are more reliable than younger ones to try to bridge the gap.

This approach might help to tackle some stereotypes but it does not help to promote the vision of an economy making the most of the diverse skills, potential and experience available to it. Employers may not want to hire older workers because of the following reasons: the. We are a nation that has come across the times of apartheid and saw the women’s suffrage. A discrimination essay can be written on so many different perspectives and there are a number of discrimination essay topics available. Whether it is about the racial discrimination blacks faced in the past or women had to deal with in not being allowed to vote or write books, history is filled with examples of discrimination for a race discrimination essay. A gender discrimination essay must focus on the issue, how it developed and how it was brought down. Discrimination papers can also focus on the screening issue in airports these days particularly the controversy surrounding it as being an act of racial discrimination.

A paper on discrimination must carefully analyze and break down what creates doubts and uncertainty in people eliciting such behavior. Discrimination in many cases is a fear of the unknown or of things people do not understand and perceive as different and threatening and this idea should be discouraged in a discrimination essay writing. These issues discussed in a discrimination essay are sure to serve as an eye opener for many. Related readings: deducative essay writing, descriptive essay papers and definition essay writing help. There are numerous resources on discrimination essay available in books, magazines and online. If you find that you need a discrimination essay written for you there are online writers who can do the research and write out the discrimination essay for you in any prescribed format. Their discrimination essay will be well written and edited with no spelling errors and good language for a school paper, a college assignment or a research essay.

ϻ�age discrimination the effects of discrimination have been pervasive in our society for many years. Over 30 years ago, initial legislation was enacted to eliminate discrimination in employment due to race, color, sex, religion or national origin. Several years later, the age discrimination employment act of 1967 made it unlawful to discriminate against any individual with respect to his/her compensation.

Discrimination is a serious issue that is unfortunately rampant across the globe. Before beginning your essay you should be aware of the types of discrimination and what they include. For instance, workplace discrimination includes illegal hiring and firing, harassment towards those on the job, denying employees their promotions or bonuses and paying unfair or unequal salaries or wages. You should also be aware of the laws and statutes that protect people from discrimination. An essay on workplace discrimination could discuss the different policies that have been created to protect employees. For instance, your discrimination essay could discuss the civil rights acts of 1964, the americans with disabilities act and the age discrimination in employment act of 1967. One possible topic for an essay on discrimination is the different types of discrimination.