Alcoholism Apa Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Many people can stop drinking after one or two beers or glasses of wine, vodka, whiskey, or other alcoholic beverages. Excessive drinking over a long period can lead to dependency so great a need for alcohol that you will become physically ill if you abruptly stop drinking. Constant drunkenness can lead to loss of job and family, serious accidents, and arrest.

Large amounts of alcohol consumed year after year also result in severe damage to the liver, brain, and heart. Without treatment, an alcoholic faces increasing illness and a needlessly early death. If women drink while they are pregnant, their infants can be born with fetal alcohol syndrome, a serious condition that affects the development of their brains and may cause serious illness.

Some studies have tried to prove that alcoholism is hereditary, and that people are genetically prone to be addicts of some sort and the most common addiction is alcoholism. Advertising is also blamed partly for the prevalence of alcoholism in our society. Advertisements on tv, radio and in newspapers and magazines contribute to teen alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Alcoholic coolers are also displayed in grocery stores next to fruit drinks, suggesting to teenagers that drinking them is as harmless as drinking fruit juices.

Research has shown that by the time teenagers reach driving age they will have seen 75,0 ads for alcohol products. Fifty six percent of students in grades 5 through 12 say that alcohol advertising encourages them to drink. These facts and statistics seem to show that being bombarded by alcohol advertising may have an effect on the amount of alcoholism in our society. Is it ethical for researchers to give known abusers alcohol in a controlled study? a special section of december's psychology of addictive behaviors vol. 4 takes a look at that question in its review of the ethics, informed consent and risk factors associated with providing alcohol to problem drinkers during studies on alcohol abuse and dependence. According to journal editor thomas brandon, phd, the special section shows that: ethical decision making can be informed by empirical research.

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Investigators, funding agencies and institutional review boards need to be aware of such information. More research is needed in ethical decision making, such as the consent process and potential risks and benefits to participants. With necessary precautions, alcohol abusers are capable of giving informed consent and the risks are minimal in a controlled study. The conclusions in these review articles, brandon adds, may be viewed as controversial by some who adhere strictly to the disease model. They believe problem drinkers have difficulty giving informed consent, and the consumption of alcohol may be particularly risky. The disease model is widely accepted by the lay public, but poorly supported by research, says brandon, and the review articles in this special issue question this line of thinking. The articles also provide evidence that problem drinkers who participated in these studies tend not to experience any long lasting, negative effects.

In some cases, according to the articles, participation led alcohol abusers to reduce their drinking or eliminate it altogether. Also, preliminary data indicate that some problem drinkers participate in alcohol studies because they want to learn more about their own addiction or to help other problem drinkers. Many people have either married or have a blood related relative who is an alcoholic. One third of alcoholic deaths are from suicide or accidental such as drowning or head injuries from falling.

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Nearly half of all americans report that one or more of their close relatives have a drinking problem. One in four youngsters aged ten to eighteen are at serious risk of becoming involved in abuse of alcohol. Children of alcoholics are three to four times more likely to develop alcohol problems then the children of non alcoholics. As many as three million americans over the age of sixty are alcoholics or have serious drinking problems.

Alcoholism affects the alcoholic of being able to perform his or her responsibility such as performing his work at his job or at home and even his or her school studies. An alcoholic can be arrested while driving under the influence of alcohol or being intoxicated in public. Medical information alcohol misuse is serious and life threatening, and can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as cancer of the liver, esophagus, throat and larynx. In economic terms alcohol related problems cause the system millions of dollars per year, inhuman terms the cost cannot be calculated. Scientists have found that genetics have shown that having an alcoholic member of the family makes the individual more likely to drink and develop alcoholism, but genes are not the whole problem, alcoholism can increase by ones environment.

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Alcoholism is a big problem with todays society but there is help for people who want to stop drinking, such as aa alcoholics anonymous aa has helped many people but there are other treatments such as counseling and medical care. With treatment and support many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives. Remember, free essays, sample essays and essay examples on alcoholism topics are traced by plagiarism detection systems. Dont download them and submit them as your own paper for school, college or university. Why not to get a 100% original custom essay at would you like to get a free quote? . if you need a custom essay on alcoholism feel free to contact our online essay writing company. Our professional academic writers who hold masters and phd degree will write a 100% non plagiarized essay, term paper, research paper or dissertation for you.

Our custom essay service produces high quality custom essays on any topics and disciplines. Timely delivery and confidentiality guarantee! for many people, drinking alcohol is nothing more than a pleasant way to relax. People with alcohol use disorders, however, drink to excess, endangering both themselves and others. This question and answer fact sheet explains alcohol problems and how psychologists can help people recover. For most adults, moderate alcohol use no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women and older people is relatively harmless. A drink means 1.5 ounces of spirits, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer, all of which contain 0.5 ounces of alcohol. Moderate use, however, lies at one end of a range that moves through alcohol abuse to alcohol dependence: alcohol abuse is a drinking pattern that results in significant and recurrent adverse consequences.