An Essay About Drugs Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

It is a stage of identity versus confusion knowing oneself compared to losing oneself. Belonging and being accepted in a group is very important and being cool as well. During these years of growing up, teenagers encounter their share of positive and negative experiences. Peer pressure, curiosity, and the availability of drugs are factors that some youthful and vulnerable teenagers have to deal with in their adolescent lives. One of the significant reasons of teenage drug use is peer pressure, particularly from the social influences among friends, acquaintances, school, and the community.

Depending on the person’s experiences and choices, circumstances and consequences may vary. If a teenager’s social main group is using drugs, then there may be a strong pressure due to the fact that drugs are present and can easily be offered. Also, the person might get convinced to think that there is nothing wrong with trying drugs because everybody else is doing it. In the effect that teenagers will try drugs just to fit in the social norms, they might do it to impress their buddies to be considered cool as part of being in the group and gain acceptance by friends. It’s available and accessible for anyone who knows where to get it or whom to talk to about it.

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For instance, if one teenager hears a personal drug experience from another student in the school, the person may become curious and try to have a connection. Although there is no instant addiction with the first try, young persons can tend to experiment further and in a matter of time, anyone can have the euphoric effects of the drugs and may keep seeking it in order to function adequately. The accessibility of the drugs and the curiosity and experimentation of the person are high risk factors that can result in a drug addiction among teenagers. Because of the chemical changes in the brain that most drugs can create, as well as environmental influences, one of the most devastating side effects of addiction is depression.

Using heavy and very highly addictive drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and opium will cause sudden mood changes and unusual flares of temper from the effects in the brain, deterioration in the immune system, and nervous breakdowns from the changes in the heart rate, and among other side effects. Drug addiction can also change a person’s social life, running into conflicts with family and friends, and resulting in a desire for isolation. This will create more problems, limiting the person’s social support and the burden of financial strain that leads a teen to do anything to obtain money to continue getting drugs. When things become out of control and a stage of serious hopelessness, problems may seem inescapable, in other words hitting rock bottom. According to a previous study, persons who are feeling hopeless and lonely with no prospects for improvement may lead to depression, which can further lead to attempted suicide. Many studies have found that drugs are a contributing factor to suicide because drugs can inhibit or impair judgment thereby, affecting the brain and a person’s thinking.

In short, the cause of using drugs can have a great effect on the person and in the society. Depression and suicide, mainly from substance abuse, are now the common problems among the younger population. Teenagers need to be educated about substance abuse, such as drug addiction to create awareness among them and to help them make better choices in their lives. There are many non profitable organizations that can help teenagers to cope with drug abuse.

There are telephone help lines, community services, and individual counseling that can give information and they are available in almost every educational institution. Drug use is one of the most serious and concerning issues among teenagers in today's high schools. Most drug use begins in the preteen and teenage years, and it is these years that can be the most crucial in determining how a young person develops as a human being.

During these years adolescents are faced with difficult tasks of discovering their self identity, clarifying their sexual roles, asserting independence, learning to cope with authority and searching for goals that give their lives meaning. Drugs are so readily available in modern society that the vast majority of teens throughout australia would have absolutely no problem in finding someone capable of selling them the drugs. Throughout their teen years, adolescents are curious and vulnerable, and extremely susceptible to the various forms of peer pressure. Many teens also feel the need to escape from certain situations or conflicts that have arisen in their daily lives. The use of drugs by teenagers is the result of a combination of factors such as peer pressure, curiosity, and availability. The severity of drugs and the level to which they are understood by modern teen society is an issue that all of us should be concerned with. While the basics of drugs are understood, when asked, many teenagers will be able to tell you little more than, drugs are bad.

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