Ap English Term Paper Topics Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

You should really pin your teacher down on direction because the ap curriculum is very diverse. In any case, given his vagueness clueless ness? , he could be asking you to do a research argument paper. What is a rap? well, it means to take up a position and argue about it on paper, citing supporting sources and why these writers and thinkers were right or wrong. 10 15 pages is quite long, but once you get going for a rap, you may find that that is not enough. A probable topic could be: is religion still relevant in this age of scientific advancement? 1. Can consumerism be curbed to slow our consumption of earth 039 s limited resources? 7. Is it fair to ask developing countries to go green? i am not sure if these topics are too difficult for you.

But there are many sources to research from best is to ask your teacher about it. the patriot act threatens fundamental american freedoms by feross aboukhadijeh 11th grade forty five days after the september 11 terrorist attacks on the united states, congress passed the usa patriot act, also known as the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act, or more simply, the patriot act. The patriot act was created with the noble intention of finding and prosecuting international terrorists operating on american soil however, the unfortunate consequences of the act have been drastic. Constitution a document drafted by wise men like benjamin franklin, james madison, alexander hamilton, and george washington in order to protect american rights and freedoms. The patriot act encroaches on sacred first amendment rights, which protect free speech and expression, and fourth amendment rights, which protect citizens against unwarranted search and seizure justice. The patriot act authorizes unethical and unconstitutional surveillance of american citizens with a negligible improvement in national security. Free speech, free thinking, and a free american lifestyle can not survive in the climate of distrust and constant fear created by the patriot act.

Kennedy once said in his famous day of affirmation address that the first and most critical element of individual liberty is the freedom of speech the right to express and communicate ideas, to set oneself apart from the dumb beasts of field and forest. Modern american politicians and lawmakers, it seems, have lost sight of the important ideals that kennedy spoke about and upon which this country was founded ideals like civil rights, personal freedom, and the right to privacy. No longer can a newspaper editor publish an article that is critical of the government even if it is legal without fear that big brother may begin to survey his every thought and action.

This may very well be the most frightening aspect of the patriot act: the fact that the act allows the government to spy on any of its citizens, not just the bad ones. The patriot act does not demand sufficient proof that alleged suspects are engaged in criminal activity before authorizing government surveillance. Even upstanding american citizens can become targets of federal bureau of investigation fbi surveillance simply because of the manner in which they exercise their first amendment rights beeson. Simply put, the patriot act fails to secure american liberties in reality, the act exposes americans to potential abuses of power by creating an environment that encourages government corruption, secrecy, fraud and discrimination while using national security as a pretense for violating basic constitutional rights like privacy and free speech. As the century drags on, it is becoming painfully obvious that the patriot act has actually moved the united states further away from an ideal democratic society since its passage in october of 2001. Ever since 1776, when american colonists first abandoned their ties with britain to create an independent nation, american citizens have always cherished basic rights like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and protection from unreasonable searches and seizures united states. But after the unpredictable events of september 11, 2001, many citizens began to feel that they should give up some of their cherished rights in order to punish the perpetrators of the attacks and avoid future tragedies.

An overwhelming sense of national unity overtook the country and americans united to face the newly discovered threat of terrorism in a modern age. The president’s approval rating increased from 54% to 86% its highest level ever in a matter of days ruggles. Tragically, congress drafted the patriot act and decreed that it would be the solution to america’s problems. According to congress, the patriot act would protect america from its enemies who operated on american soil. Many americans unquestionably accepted the act to avoid the risk of being labeled unpatriotic. However, thousands of far seeing americans publicly questioned the actions of the government, but their cries were not heard. When the house of representatives sent the patriot act to the senate, it passed with a vote of 96 1.

Int 2 English Critical Essay Marking

The climate of fear in the weeks after the september 11 attacks and the haste with which the patriot act was passed allowed some of its more controversial aspects to escape adequate congressional scrutiny. Clearly, the fear frenzy that took place after the september 11 attacks caused americans to sacrifice essential civil rights in exchange for a sense of security. Feingold is significant because he was the only senator to fight against the patriot act before it was signed into law.