Argument Essay on Social Media Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Different media have projected various issues about our lives in various ways. It is no doubt that the opinion and the views of the public can easily be swayed or controlled by manipulating the content on the various media artifacts. Since there are many different kinds of media in the world and since different people prefer different media as their source of information, the choice of media and the way the issue of information security is presented in each media is very important in making decisions as well as shaping people 39 s ideas and attitudes. Ldquo there are 260,0 billboards 11,520 newspaper 11,556 periodicals 27,0 video outlets for renting video tapes more than 500 million radios and more than 100 million computers.

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Ninety eight percent of american homes have a television set, 40,0 new book titles are published every year 300,0 worldwide , and every day in america, 41 million photographs are taken. And if this is not enough, more than 60 billion pieces of junk mail thanks to computer technology find their way into our mailboxes every year rdquo neil postman. These statistics can thus provide an overview of the bulk of information that is available to the people. It can also be derived that each kind of media would therefore have a different kind of effect on the people.

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Each media would present the issue of information security in a different way and each would have a different point of view. Al these things combined would then determine the attitude that the public holds for or against various issues. It is also important to realize that using this media as a social control is not just an urban myth, but a reality that occurs almost everywhere in the world.

Many would appropriate some negative connotations with this word, ala george orwell 39 s 39 big brother is watching. The united states government has been using media in order to change and control the views of the public ever since the second world war. When the primary concerns of all the politicians and generals of the united states during world war ii were directed towards winning the war, the immediate government at home was lobbying to portray certain elements on the local television and media in order to win a different battle, the war in the entertainment realm culbert1983, 173 barkin1984, 119. Many movies and animated movies were made during that time whose subject matter was the war.

There were many major cartoon studios in america that used to work on contractual basis for the military. Had productions that were especially wrought for the navy which starred a character named hook, and mgm had bertie the bomber. But the one cartoon that got the most critical of acclaim was military cartoon series that starred u.s. The name 39 snafu 39 is actually an acronym that when decoded reads: 39 situation normal all fouled up 39. Many believe that the word 39 fouled 39 actually represents the variation on the four lettered 39 f 39 word. Snafu also has two brothers: tarfu 39 things are really 39 fouled 39 up 39 and fubar 39 fouled up beyond all recovery 39 . Seuss created private snafu and phil eastman and these people wanted to personify him as having certain very counterproductive behavior.

This was done so that the people in the army would know exactly what it was that they should not ever do dow. The end of the first world war saw a great refinement to such tools as radio and television and many producers such as leni riefenstahl and his pro nazi production triumph of the will had started to use this media as a propagating tool by the beginning to the second world war. The united states also made many films including why we fight and of course, private snafu. Snafu was well liked and immediately accepted by the people and ldquo warner bros. The cartoons were made in such a way that they represented the global presence of the united states and their army as snafu would be shown to be in many places such as various parts of europe, in the south pacific, africa and in the united states itself.

This was done to personify the power of the united states over the others as snafu was used to depict the commonality within the u.s. This was not the end of the us government 39 s way of projecting their presence and their victory in wars by using the media for their purposes. Ever since, hundreds of movies and television programs have been aired in order to signify their victory in the places where they have gone at war. In the similar manner, the popular westerns that were made after the cold war began were used to sway the minds of the us public away from war. One of the ways in which the united states decided to keep the minds of its citizens off the possibility of another world war was by engaging them in entertainment in order for them to forget about their current fears. It was found that the best way to distract them was to get their minds off the war and to have them delve into the past. These western movies showed cowboys on horses, slinging their guns and behaving in heroic manners.

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There were gun fights, horses riding into the sunsets, bounty hunters, hunters of gold, and other stories of heroism. Many westerns were based in the period of the civil war, such as the good, the bad, and the ugly and this was done so as to take the people into the past and to take their minds off the possibilities of a future war. Other westerns were about the clashes between the white people and the red indians. These movies projected the gun slinging cowboys as the 39 good guys 39 while the indians were projected as the 39 bad 39 ones. The movies showed the whites killing the non whites and this worked to create a feeling in the public that they were the stronger and more powerful one.

This 39 cowboy 39 image was instilled in every citizen and everyone thought that they were strong and powerful and no one could defeat them. The western movies were able to attract many people and led them to perceive americans as the all powerful and superior people in the world. The 39 white man 39 never lost in the western movies and television shows and this strengthened the notions that the americans were invincible and unbeatable. This allowed the us government to instill these feelings of power into the hearts and minds of the people and they were able to convince them that the united states was a superpower and an unbeatable force.