Argument Essays Overpopulation Text

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Characteristics for determining overpopulation in a named country or environment? analysis by division topic: what are the characteristics for determining overpopulation in a named country or environment? thesis statement: in the republic of trinidad and tobago, overpopulation is determined through the. Epletion of natural resources: the effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current needs. Persuasive essay: overpopulation overpopulation is becoming one of the most preeminent problems facing human civilization. This complicated, pervasive issue will come to be a problem of the utmost importance for people of all races, religions, and nationalities. Our planet now provides for approximately 5.8 billion people, with projections of around 10 billion by the year 2050. Two billion of these are extremely poor, the poorest of which live in absolute poverty and misery.

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One very serious effect of the population explosion is its detrimental effects on the global environment. Increasing amounts of food, energy, water, and shelter are required to fulfill the needs of human society. Much of our energy is derived from the burning of fossil fuels releasing millions of metric tons of toxins into the atmosphere annually.

The amount of land required for food production will grow increasingly larger, while the amount of available land will grow increasingly smaller. Suffering from a lack of resources, people are often driven to war when they become too numerous for their available resources. Increasing numbers in urban areas will lower quality of life in cities around the world. Factors such as poverty, food distribution, and government corruption are all important aspects.

This highly sensitive and complex issue demands the attention of all who reside upon this planet, particularly those who have the ability to work for change. Population is an important topic and i chose it because the people worry about it. Some people are very worried about the ability of the world to sustain these huge numbers. This essay will examine the problem of overpopulation and suggest some ways of solving the problem. If the world population continued to grow at the current rate, the earth would not be able to sustain its population and the number of people will decrease. For instance, when the numbers of people increase absolutely the resource will exhaust like water and crops.

The main problem in the world is high cost of living and if you dont have money you can't live in this world. For example, in the poor countries a lot of people are die because of they didnt have the fundamental sources such as water, food and health care. All societies should know that low population are currently enjoying the greatest advanced and rises in living standards such as the health, food and education.

When we have control at number of birth we can sure that overpopulation problem will be limited and we can solve it. In conclusion the overpopulation is huge problem and we have to worry about this rapid increase in it. overpopulation is a serious problem that will eventually have an extremely negative effect on our countries, and our planet. The problems that arise due to overpopulation could even prove to a fatal epidemic that will eventually wipeout the entire human race. Oftentimes this issue is overlooked due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the subject or, simply because most of us are so blessed that we are not affected first hand by the problems it is causing this very second. Overpopulation, in my belief, is an enormously serious global issue that should be identified, analyzed, and controlled immediately. The term overpopulation literally means that the number of things in this case: humans that depend on resources for survival is significantly larger than the amount of resources available to them.

Today our planet is experiencing the effects of multiplying citizens because of the obstacles the environment is being forced to take on. Currently the world population is growing by 80 million people a year hohm, jones, and lio 116. Presently, there are about 6 billion people occupying this planet, and by the middle of the approaching century the u.n. Both developed and developing countries are at risk of the dangerous problems that overpopulation can and will create. Nearly sixty percent of the increase will occur in asia…china’s population will swell from 1.2 billion to 1.5 billion, india’s is projected to soar from 930 million to 1.53 billion.