Argumentative Essay Cigarette Smoking Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 698 words 2 double spaced pages the governments must ban the sales of tobacco products. There are many consequences to smoking like health, addiction, cessation and economic costs. Second hand smoke is a major problem, since smoking is allowed in alot of public places. Second hand smoke has fifty cancer causing shemicals which are inhaled by non smokers.

Ets is made up of smoke that comes from the end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar called sidestream smoke. People that are constantly exposed to ets are at increasing risk for developing health problems related to it. Thirty three percent of canadian children under the age of twelve are regularly inhaling ets.

Since children breath faster than adults rhey take in more air, and if there is ets in the air, the children can develop alot of health problems. In a 1995 survey it is found that over half of the smokers, smoke in the car when children are present. Smoking causes cancers to the esophagus, lungs, voice box, throat and mouth and helps develop cancers of the bladder, pancreas, cervix and kidneys. It also causes cardiovascular disease like heart disease, stroke and diseases of the blood vessels.

Lung cancer was the first cancer to be linked to smoking and is the number one cause of cancer deaths of people, world wide. Eighty to ninety percent of all lung cancer is smoking related, but lung cancer is not the only smoking related cancer, there are eight other cancers linked to smoking. And it also causes alot of other diseases that permanently damage the lungs and airways by smokers. Other than cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, smoking can cause alot of health problems like ulcers and bowel disorders crohn's disease , osteoperosis decreased bone density , thyroid disease and increased severity of rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking also causes other health problems like cataracts, menstrual disorders, sleep problems, tooth and gum damage and increased injuries.

About three million people die from smoking related diseases, world wide, each year. In canada about 45,0 people die each year from smoking and about 3,400 of them are albertans. Researchers estimate that on average, smokers lose about fifteen years of their lives. The smokers that die before 70 lose an average of 22 years, and the ones that die after 70 lose an average of 8 years. One in four deaths are caused by tobacco in developed countries, one in eight deaths in developing countries, and one in six deaths world wide. And also researchers say that within thirty to forty tears the global death rate will rise to ten million per year. Smoking should be banned off the shelves of stores so the death rate would go down.

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In conclusion, if the government would ban the sales of tobacco products the health system wouldnt have to spend so much money on cancer or smoking related health problems. About 33 to 50% of people who try smoking become regular smokers and 70% to 90% of people who are regular smokers are addicted to nicotine. So once children try it out when they see other people doing it they most likely would become addicted. Smoking kills more people than hiv/aids, traffic accidents, murder, suicide and drug use combined. But smoking should definately be banned from public places since second hand smoke causes health problems as well. So smoking should be banned because it causes so much problems to health wheather it is to the smoker or to the second hand smoker.

2 sources cited length: 1585 words 4.5 double spaced pages the effects of cigarette smoking can be horrifying. Smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke, but to non smokers and unborn children as well. The large particles in cigarette smoke, commonly known as tar , collect in the branching points of the lungs. The small particles in cigarette smoke, including carcinogens, irritants, and corrosive chemicals, collect in the small air sacs in the lungs and damage them. When the small particles from the cigarette smoke are absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other parts of the body, they include a variety of diseases. The smoke from a burning cigarette is a mixture of hot gasses and different sized particles that fills the air with over 40 chemicals, including 43 carcinogens and over 400 other toxins glantz amp daynard, 1991. One of the gasses emitted by cigarette is carbon monoxide, a colorless and orderless poison.

By attaching to hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide lessens the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. They include lung cancer and other cancers, cardiovascular malfunctions, strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. There are many dangers as a result of cigarette smoking not only to smokers, but to non smokers as well.

Cigarette smoking in the philippines should be banned because it poses a great threat to the health of the family members a. Cigarette smoking not only affects the smoker but also the others around the smoker. When there is a smoker in the family it is most likely that the members of the family will be influenced by smoking.

Cigarette smoking is the inhalation of gases and hydrocarbon vapors generated by slowly burning tobacco in cigarettes. The harmful substances found in cigarettes and cigars are the carbon monoxide, nicotine, and tar. Carbon monoxide is the gas that impairs the capacity of the blood to supply adequate amounts of oxygen to the vital organs of the body and is responsible for the shortness of breath among smokers. Nicotine is the substance that creates dependence on tobacco and is responsible in raising blood pressure and heart rate. The tar is the brownish viscous substance found in smoke known to be a cancer causing agent. Smoking has been associated with lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

Most of the smokers know that already, they just can’t quit yet because of its addicting content. But, they do need to be aware that cigarette smoking causes harm not only to the smoker but also to the people around him. It has been an increasing concern about the effects of the smoking habits of a family member to other members of the family. Secondhand smoke also known as passive smoke, is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that comes from burning tobacco: sidestream smoke smoke that comes from the lighted end of a cigarette and mainstream smoke smoke exhaled by a smoker secondhand smoke, 2011. It is passive smoking when non smokers are exposed to secondhand smoke secondhand smoke, 2011.