Argumentative Essay Oku Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

opinion essay argumentative / persuasive bu tür essaylerde her essay gibi introduction paragrafı ile başlanır hook + background information + thesis statement + your opinion anlatılamk istenen şey detaylıca okuyucuya sunulur. Ancak dikkat edilmesi gerekilen şey body1 ve body2 olarak iki adet body paragrafı olmalıdır. çünkü birincisinde bir görüşü savunacağız, ikincisinde ise onu yalanlayıp karşıt çıkacağız ve ikinci paragrafta karşıt düşünceyi savunacağız. Ardından ise conclusion paragrafında anlatılmak istenen şeyi verip kısaca özetleyip bitireceğiz. First of all, if you use computer, you should sell your stuff and items in the internet.

After than, if you user of computer, you are lucky, because you can earn money from the internet. As you can see if all people use computer, life will very easily but somebody don't agree me, because they didn't use computer. Inroduction ile girişimizi yapıp konuyu vermişiz, daha sonra body1'de bilgisayarın faydalarından bahsedip savunmuşuz, body2'ye geçip body1'deki düşünceye karşıt bir paragraf oluşturmuşuz ve as you can see diye başlayan conclusion paragrafımızla makalemizi tamamlamışız. Essaylerin zor bir yanı yoktur bunları zamanla yazılarımı okuyarak görebilirsiniz. War is very natural thing for humanity.although nowadays the meaning of the war is changing, the importance of war is the same.  two major causes can be identifed.these causes are economic and political benefits of  countries. These countries to continue arkadaslar en yakın zamanda yazmıs oldugum essay orneklerını yayınlayacagım ılgılılere dyurulur.

These expenditures are interest of government debts, social payments and payments given to pensioners, war veterans and soldiers. In return for these expenditures, the government does not buy goods and services.therefore, new income movements does not form. On the contrary to consumption expenditures, financial aids has not a direct impact on national income. The last type government investments provide capital to economy and create production capacity. Government investments are very essential to prevent an economic crisis and uneyployment. Briefly, while a government is determining consumption, financial aid and government investment, it must pay attention it’s countries provisions because these expenditures have a big role on improvement and growth in economy.

Matsuo basho who made a living as a teacher had a burning desire to gain inspiration for his writings. This had made him to put aside social urban life of literally circles and inclined to wander throughout the country. Some of his journeys were risky even to a point where he thought that he would die on the way. He met a number of poets, of which some liked his counsel and later became his follower. This paper explores some of the well recognized achievements associated with him, and trying to answer questions as pertains to the achievements and works of basho and rarely confining itself much on his social life makoto.

Apparently he received a gift of a banana tree from his fellow student and immediately after this, the poet was just identified with it. In his teenage hood, basho joined the service of the local lord, hence acting as a page. The lord was not that old and he was indeed a couple of years older that basho himself.

This meant that the two could mix freely and share a lot and apparently they became great friends, most of the times enjoying the playful exchange of the haiku verses. Still while enjoying his young age, unfortunately who had become his great friend and lord passed away. His real manhood started showing its tips after this and he took a bold strep to leave home, abandon his samurai status and commence a wandering life.

It was after the long time of wandering that basho suddenly settled in edo tokyo , still not abandoning his passion for writing and publishing poetry. It was at this moment that his haiku began drawing the attention from many and even students were now surrounding him to hear of his intelligent work and prowess. However, contrary to what many would think, basho just remained restless amid his fame.

It is at this instant that one begins to see the hero in this man, the same character that guided him through the world of poetry, withstanding hard life and challenging periods, and still doing maintaining his passion for writing and publishing poetry, all thanks to the type of being he was born. A neighborhood fire had consumed the whole of his house situated at the edo, hence this rendered him homeless. The brave basho once again took up the former itinerant life, visiting disciples and people, taking up residence for just a short period of time only to commence another journey. The real basho showed up at this moment and any question pertaining to his poetry prowess was answered during this particular time as amid all this, he composed some of the re known great haiku. His small house was claimed by a neighborhood fire and this meant that he had to begin another journey. Although he was born in samurai family that was prominent among nobility, he lived a humble live in fact blissful poverty under a modest support by his many students and he being exposed to the world increased his creativity in poetry. His poems took a less prospective and more striking tones as he observed the world around him thus becoming a major genre of japanese poetry.

Basho's haikus are dramatic, and they embellish humor or depression, delight or confusion. Matsuo basho, born in the year 1644, and died in the year in november 28, 1694, besides him being the most famous poet of the edo period, was also recognized for his great works in the collaborative referred to as lsquo haikaino renga rsquo. In the current world, after several centuries of commentary, he is apparently known to the master of brief and clear lsquo haiku rsquo. Internationally his poetry works are well recognized and particularly in japan, most of his poems are normally reproduced in traditional sites and monuments. It is worth noting of how basho was introduced to the poetry world at a tender age, and immediately after integrating himself into what is referred to as intellectual scene of lsquo edo rsquo , he instantly hit in the japan. However, despite the fact that he made his living as a teacher, he actually renounced his social environment, the urban life that is of literary circles and was finally inclined to wander in japan, heading west, east, and further to the northern wilderness just to go and gain the inspiration for his writing.

Research shows that his poems greatly were due to the influence of the world around him hence first his first hand influence and often this tended to encapsulate the feeling of a given scene in several simple elements. But really what makes many think of basho as a prominent and one of the finest poets whereas there exist many other poets who basically dwelled may be on the same issues basic that basho addressed in his works? this may have some relation with the fact that basho, besides being accepted to be the finest japanese poet, of the japanese haiku, may have famed due to the fact that he reflected the simplicity of his great and meditative life. Surprisingly, when he felt the strange feeling for solicitude, he just withdrew to his lsquo basho an rsquo , a hut that was structured of plantain leaves basho and hence his followed pseudonym. It is apparent that basho infused a recognized mystical quality into most of his verse and to address universal themes through the well known and simple natural images, all the way from the harvest moon to the fleas in his cottage. He brought to haiku ldquo the way of elegance rdquo fuga no michi , greatly deepened in the zen influence, and actually tried to make an approach to poetry itself just as a way of life ldquo kado, the way of poetry rdquo in the tight belief that the poetry could even provide a source of enlightenment, achieve the same enlightenment, and then go back to this world of the ordinary humanity, he advised. These are some of the issues one ought highlight and consider mostly in order for one to notice that basho was not just a poem writer, but a distinguished poet as he did his thing wisely in a peculiar way that may have confused others, only to find that he is trying to drive some sense into one, thanks to his intelligence.