Argumentative Essay Topics for The Crucible Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Many characters in the crucible have personal flaws that lead/contribute to tragedy. Discuss the character’s strength s /noble quality or qualities and tragic flaw s , how his flaw s lead to his downfall and/or death, and the larger message that miller conveys through this character. Also consider discussing how the character transforms perhaps in applying kohlberg’s moral stages , how this change is related to the title of the play. Furthermore, consider how forces beyond his control combine with his own inner flaw s to cause his downfall/death. Discuss the established structure of salem and its puritan society – its binary oppositions/social divisions into rich and poor, powerful and powerless, town insiders and outsiders, male and female, educated and illiterate, old and young, religious conservatives and religious liberals, etc. Discuss how the events of the play constitute an attempt of some segments of society to overturn the traditional ways of society, while other segments fight to maintain /strengthen the old/traditional social order. Discuss miller’s larger message as it relates to these struggles, considering the witch hunts as an allegory for the mccarthy trials, as well as social struggles in other times and places such as modern day america.

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In other words, how is the play a battle among the groups or divisions mentioned above, and how might their motives and struggles mirror the motives and struggles of various societal segments in other societies besides that of salem in the 1600s? use specific characters to represent the social groups/divisions that you will discuss. Consider discussing how their kohlberg moral stages reflect their motives and the title of the play. Compare and contrast the three authority figures in the drama proctor, danforth, and parris. What motivates their responses and attitudes toward the witch trials? what are their views regarding law/order/authority? discuss miller’s message regarding law and order based on these characters. Consider including a discussion of kohlberg’s moral stages and how the conflict between these three characters reflects the title of the play. Discuss the images of women and female archetypes that abigail, mary warren, and elizabeth portray, as well as the message that miller conveys through these characters.

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Consider discussing the kohlberg moral stages of these characters and what view of women each reflects, as well as how these characters reflect the title of the play. Discuss how a theme – such as scapegoating, greed, integrity, hunger for power/authority/respect, protectiveness of reputation and self image, cowardice/bravery, hysteria/paranoia, deception or falsehood/honesty, individual/society, the power of falsehood, self preservation as a powerful motivator, absolutism, and hypocrisy – functions in the play. Discuss how the theme – in all of its manifestations and transformations – reveals miller’s underlying message. Consider universalizing the issues and relating them to another time and place, as well as including a discussion of the character’s kohlberg moral stages and how the character/theme relates to the title of the play.

Who is the most admirable or despicable character in the play, and why? what is the larger message that miller sends through this character? consider discussing this character’s kohlberg moral stages and how he/she exemplifies the thematic significance of the title. How and why does his involvement change, and what is the result of his efforts? what is the larger message that miller sends through this character? what is miller trying to represent with proctor? what is miller’s opinion of proctor? consider discussing this character’s kohlberg moral stages and how he/she exemplifies the thematic significance of the title. Focus on specific characters or themes and discuss miller’s message regarding the title. Can she be excused/pardoned because of the influence of outside forces upon her? examine the events from her past and present, and make connections between these events and her behavior.

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What is the larger message that miller sends through this character? consider discussing this character’s kohlberg moral stages and how she exemplifies the thematic significance of the title. Carefully read the passage from act 3 in which danforth explains his purpose, power, and education to francis nurse no, old man… i hope you will be one of those . Carefully read the passage from act 3 beginning with, danforth: what proof do you submit… and ending with, giles: i will not give you no name . Write an essay in which you analyze these two contrasting personality traits, their repercussions, and their significance to the salem hysteria.

Choose parris, putnam, or giles, and write an essay in which you show how he serves as a foil for proctor. Remember, a foil is a literary character who highlights certain traits of the main character by contrasting them. The original version of the play, published in 1953, included a second scene for act 2. In an essay, argue whether this first scene should be kept in the play or excluded. Discuss miller’s possible reasons for writing the scene and/or choosing to leave it out what is the larger message? 14. How do the witch trials empower individuals previously powerless women or other groups ? discuss miller’s larger message regarding this idea. You can alter/change any of the above topics or create your own topic, but clear it with me before you begin working on it! home » essay topics and quotations » the crucible thesis statements and essay topics below you will find five outstanding thesis statements / paper topics on the crucible by arthur miller that can be used as essay starters.

All five incorporate at least one of the themes found in the crucible and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. These thesis statements for the crucible by arthur miller offer a short summary of different elements that could be important in an essay but you are free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the. thesis statement/essay topic 1: the crucible as a cautionary tale in the opening of act one of the crucible , arthur miller clearly establishes that this play is about the period in american history known as the salem witch trials. Much has been made, however, out of the historical moment in which arthur miller wrote the play the mccarthy era and it has been argued that the crucible was miller’s attempt to come to terms with and understand contemporary social dynamics.

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If you agree that the crucible is a cautionary tale, identify what it cautions the reader against, and how it suggests that society avert or prevent such a fate. State whether you agree that the crucible is a timeless tale, or whether you think the relevance of the crucible will fade over time. thesis statement / essay topic 2: analysis of the introduction to act one of the crucible by arthur miller the genre of arthur miller’s the crucible is, in a certain sense, a strict form that clearly delineates the role of the writer relative to the text. Miller challenges dramatic conventions somewhat by writing what might actually be considered a preface prior to the commencement of action in act one.

In this section, arthur miller situates the crucible within its historical context, and he does not refrain from offering his own opinions about the salem witch trials and their lasting social implications. This curious form of an introduction might, in fact, be the most important part of the play, for it explains the symbolic motivations that created the conditions that made the witch hunt possible, and, as miller argues, such a witch hunt is not necessarily a relic of history. Consider what meaning and insight it offers with respect to the larger narrative of this play, and consider how miller’s motivations influence the reader’s interpretation of the play and its meaning. thesis statement / essay topic 3: the use of fear tactics in the crucible the play begins with rumors that the town has become plagued by witches of late, and soon this rumor generates a fear that spreads faster than wildfire.

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The fear escalates to such a dramatic degree that the dominant class must respond by quashing the supposed witches with extreme strategies: the trials and subsequent burnings of witches. Carefully examine how this fear escalates, identifying who the responsible parties are. What their stakes were, and what tactics they used to escalate concern in their community. Propose an argument and write an argumentative essay on the crucible in which you state your belief about the inevitability of the witch hunt, and explain how the fear tactics employed convinced otherwise rational people to believe very irrational ideas.