Avoid Using You In Academic Writing Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

anybody, anyone anyone and its variants are more formal than anybody and its variants. 15 placing a comma before as can help prevent ambiguity when it could also be understood to mean when or where. big, large, great all three of these words are acceptable in formal english, but large is more formal than big, and great is more formal than large.

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Calling someone a fellow is more formal than calling him or her a dude, but fellow is still a colloquialism. 16 for sure replace for sure with with certainty in formal writing, as in i know with certainty. Replace it with have, as in do you have not got an extra pen? introduce, present present is more formal than introduce. kind of, sort of kind of and sort of are unacceptable in formal writing when used for somewhat and rather.

When used to categorize something, kind of and sort of are acceptable, but type of is more formal: the parakeet is a type of bird. Note that it is informal to include an article after of: the parakeet is a type of a bird. 17 let when used in place of allow or permit, let is a colloquialism. madam, ma’am both madam and ma’am are very polite forms of address.

In fact, ma’am is much more informal than other contractions such as i’m and i’ll, 18 19 which go unmarked in dictionaries. on the other hand on the other hand is a very common phrase, but can be considered a cliché 20 and should, therefore, be avoided in extremely formal english. On the other hand is particularly useful in everyday writing and can eliminate the temptation to start with but.

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In perfectly formal writing, you also should avoid using so as a coordinating conjunction. You can eliminate this colloquialism by deleting so and beginning the sentence with because. Compare the song may bother me, so i’ll cover my ears and because the song may bother me, i shall cover my ears.

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Sometimes, you need the conjunction that after so, as in i wrote this how to so that you could improve your grammar and style. In particular, formal english uses firstly, secondly, et cetera to discuss arguments, one by one. 21 22 this is not the case for thus, though in formal writing, use thus, not thusly. yours truly ironically, signing a letter yours truly is formal, but referring to yourself as yours truly is informal. 23 still, sincerely is a more formal signature than yours truly because it avoids the second person. Yours truly can be very useful in informal english because the proper pronouns sometimes sound wrong.

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You can say, it’s yours truly! instead of it’s me! because yours truly can be used for i and me. John, i’m looking for a job, and i’ve heard through the grapevine that you need a workhorse for your shop. Anyway, tell me whether you want to get together for an interview, okay? as professors and researchers, you are responsible for writing research proposals. Authoring academic books and scholarly journals, and designing and teaching courses. After editing thousands of pieces of academic writing, our editors have compiled five of the most common mistakes that academics make and offer suggestions on how to avoid them.

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An active sentence contains a subject that acts on a direct object: a passive sentence occurs when the object becomes the subject of the sentence and is the recipient, rather than the source, of the action: the magazine was bought by me. The passive voice tends to spring up in academic writing when the doer of an action is indefinite or unknown, when a researcher feels uncomfortable using subjective pronouns like i or we. In these cases, the passive voice can be appropriate in academic writing, especially when rephrasing the sentence would introduce absurdity or unnecessarily complicated phrasing. However, sometimes the passive voice can frustrate a reader and, in extreme cases, represent an abdication of responsibility, as in the following example: who made the mistakes? sentences like these make readers wonder whether the author is trying to pull a fast one on them. We recommend looking over your academic writing and scrutinizing every instance of is, are, was, and were.