Build a Bibliography Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

To complete this project assignment, please refer to this module's section  noodlebib to create citations and annotated bibliographies. Please build your formal annotated bibliography with at least five resources and submit it before the end of this module. Remember to continue researching in preparation for your final report! submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date.

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My internship started in early january and is sadly coming to an end at the end of april. Im a 4 th year student at the university of waterloo working towards my software engineering degree. We also found that we could drop our own custom styles in c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice12bibliographystyle and word will display them. Today, im going to be expanding on amanis post to show you how to build more complex styles.

One of the issues that complicates bibliography styles is that they often need to have a significant amount of conditional logic built into them. For example, if the date is specified we need to show the date, whereas if the date is not specified we may need to use an abbreviation to indicate that there is no date for that source. For a more specific example, in the apa style, if a date is not specified for a website source, then the abbreviation n.d. The example is shown below: apa website source with no date entered: kwan, n. Retrieved from apa website source with date entered: kwan, n. Retrieved from as you can see, what is displayed is conditional on the data entered. Unfortunately, there is not enough space or time in this blog to go through each and every rule that a new style would need, but i will provide a foundation for you to create new styles by showing you step by step how to implement a single rule that leverages conditional logic.

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The output of virtually every style needs to change depending on whether you have a corporate author or a normal author. Im going to show you how to display a corporate author if the corporate author is specified and display a normal author if the corporate author is not specified. To display a corporate author only if it is filled in, we need to take the following actions:

    add a variable to count the number of corporate authors in the citation section of the code display the corporate author in the citation if the corporate author is filled in. Display the normal author in the citation if the corporate author is not filled in. Add a variable to count the number of corporate authors in the bibliography section of the code display the corporate author in the bibliography if the corporate author is filled in. Display the normal author in the bibliography if the corporate author is not filled in.
you can build a bibliography by marking items to keep from a single search results hit list.

Items marked keep initially can be unmarked by clicking remove. You can remove some of the items in your bibliography by selecting the check box by the titles to be removed and clicking remove checked titles from list. In the sort by box, choose to sort the bibliography by author, title, or call number.

In the library box, choose to filter the bibliography by library branch. From the kept page you can choose to view the bibliography online, print the bibliography, or e mail the bibliography to an address you specify. Save your bibliography as a.bib file in the same folder as your thesis document. To have latex process your.bib file, add to the end of your.tex file these three lines thesis.bib is the bibliography filename : 160 160 160 \bibliography \nocite< > to make changes to your bibliography, you can edit the.bib file directly or make changes in jabref. To generate a pdf with your bibliography, in the.tex file, first typeset with 160 latex click the first dropdown menu and select latex then typeset with bibtex click the first dropdown menu and select bibtex and finally typset in latex again, and then typset in latex once more. 160 160 160 note: using the method above gives you an error log, which allows you to troubleshoot the errors in your bibliography.

It is recommended that you use the shortcut below after you have done the above steps at least once. As a shortcut to the three typsetting stages, click the macros button gt applescript gt bibliography. But what do those directives mean to students who, in all reality, haven’t had to do much citing?  what does it even mean to cite your sources?  the first step in the process is for students to understand the purpose and importance of citations. We found this great resource outlining that information from the write direction. One of the co authors of this piece, jessica steege, is a middle school writing teacher. In her first year of teaching she did her best to explain the importance of citing her work.

When a student turned in a research project citing just one source – she felt defeated and wondered where she’d gone wrong. She realized that teaching citations from a handbook, especially one that would quickly become outdated, wasn’t the best way to teach her tech savvy students. The internet offers an abundance of online citation tools, from the extremely easy to use, to ones that require more research on the part of the user. We’d suggest teaching students about a few tools and let them decide which one to use to help them successfully cite their research. image via flickr by dan4th nicholas check out these 8 tech tools that will make citations and bibliographies manageable for students at any level. Easybib is great to use with students because the site doesn’t require you to create an account, but if you do, it will store all your projects in one place, and you can add to it over timeif you are using mla.

When you enter a book title on the site, many citation options come up and you simply choose one. It’s a very intuitive tool, and there are lots of cues along the way to help you out. Easybib also offers an app for ios and android for citing sources on the go, and although the app is not connected to your account, it makes it easy to email the proper citations to yourself.  this site is best for students who are new to citing sources in mla format because its hard to mess up the entry! another user friendly citation tool is bibme it works with many source and formatting types. Once again, you type in the title of the source material, and pick the correct one from a list of options.

You can copy and paste the generated citations right away, but you can’t save bibliographies unless you pay for a pro account.  bibme is great if you are prepared to copy and paste your work into another document while using the site.  the site is best for students who are at least familiar with bibliographies, as they still might require some guidance. Researchers can type in the name of their source and pick one from a list that matches what they need. The only downside is that you can’t create an account, so you have to copy and paste your citation while using the site. Citation machine is best for students who have all their sources ready to go they can put all of the entries in at once and save or print right away. You can auto cite if you have the full title of the source, or you can manually add a source.

Without signing up for an account, your bibliography will be saved for a week before it disappears. This site is great for teachers who want to show their students an easy way to cite their work. Without leaving the homepage, students can cite works in apa, mla, and chicago style.

The website walks you through two steps and creates the bibliography in the third step. On the upside, google docs templates are free, and many students are probably already using google docs for their writing. Some of the templates are charts that students can use to gather the correct information, and others are examples of bibliographies that others have compiled. If you have students find their own template, you might need to check first that they have selected the proper style.

The google docs templates are best for teachers who want students to really learn the nuts and bolts of compiling a bibliography. This site offers encyclopedic information on citations, helping students reference video clips, maps, musical scores, and nearly everything else. Some of the features require a subscription, which also comes with ios and android apps. But students can create individual citations in mla, apa, and chicago style for free and then paste those into their documents.

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