Cass Business School Library Past Papers Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

If you are a student, library registration is integrated into the registration process for your course. Once this has been completed, and you have obtained your university id card, you will be ready to start using library services. If you are a member of university staff, you are currently required to visit your local site library with your staff id card and complete a registration form. City university students and staff can log into their library account using their it username and password. Other users should key in the last eight digits of the library barcode on their university id card and input their four digit library pin number. If you are a student you can obtain a replacement id card from the student centre. Cass students can also apply at the service desk at the cass learning resource centre.

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Staff should contact security services it username/password required to view this page. Remember that you cannot enter any of the libraries without a university id card. Northampton square library has extensive collections for the schools of arts social sciences, business, engineering, mathematics computer science and health sciences, with specialist collections for business at the cass business school, bunhill row and law at the city law school, gray's inn place and in the innovation building at northampton square. There are group study spaces available at northampton square library, cass learning resource centre and the law libraries. There are bookable rooms at the northampton square library, and at the city law school libraries at grays inn place and northampton square. These can be booked via the library bookings page most of our libraries have silent study areas. Please look for the signs indicating the silent study areas, or ask at the service desk for guidance.

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Please familiarise yourself with our code of conduct by reading our page on your study environment and the local guidelines displayed around the study floors. Opening times vary between the libraries but all are open at weekends during term time. Full details of opening hours including weekend opening are available on the library homepage. Northampton square library, cass learning resource centre and the city law school library northampton square provide self service machines to enable you to borrow books quickly and conveniently. If you have a reserved item waiting to be collected, go to the library service desk. You will receive a receipt indicating the due dates and you will be able to view your library account details by following the log in link on the library homepage. A maximum of two items can be borrowed at once from the 24 hour loan collections.

When you are requesting a book, you can specify which site you would like to collect it from. Books can be renewed online use your it username and password to check your library account through the library website. It's always a good idea to try to renew your books a day before they are due for return. By doing this, you'll be made aware if any items can't be renewed and should be able to return them to the library in good time.

Short or 24 hour loan items can't be renewed these should be returned to the library before the stated due date and time. If you have accrued fines of 163 25 or more, your library account will be blocked and renewals will not be permitted. If a book you wish to borrow is out on loan, you may place a request using the library catalogue. You'll be notified by email when the requested item is available for you to collect. At northampton square library and cass, items can be returned using the self service machines simply scan the book and then pop them in the slot. At other libraries, return your books to the library service desk during opening hours. Use the drop box located near the library entrance to return items when the library is closed.

Short or 24 hour loan books should be returned to the library which they were borrowed from. Gray's inn place has a small collection of short loan books which can be borrowed for 2 hours. There is a self service machine in the 24 hour loan area of the university library and the city law school library northampton square. Use the citylibrary search to search for books you can enter any combination of author surnames, key words or words from the title. Citylibrary search will tell you which library the book is located in and give you the shelfmark so that you can find it quickly. You can view further help on using the citylibrary search via our library shorts or ask a member of library staff for help.

City university students and staff will need to log on with their it username and password in order to access them. Most resources available in online format e journals, e books, databases, for example are accessible from outside the university. Key the name of the resource you want into the search box on the library homepage. Follow the links and log in with your it username and password when prompted to do so.

Links to these extracts are added to reading lists on the reading lists online system and also sometimes from your module home page on moodle. Copies of city university phd theses are listed on the library catalogue and are available for reference use in the libraries. Theses at the university library are held in a store so you will need to place a request 24 hours before you want to visit the library. You can do this by clicking on the request print copy from library store button on the catalogue entry.

The library does not usually hold undergraduate projects or masters' dissertations. Theses written at other universities are available via the british library's ethos repository or may be requested on inter library loan. Type the name of the database or electronic resource into the search box on the library homepage. If you are not sure of the name of the one you need, look in your subject guide for a list of databases related to your subject area.