Conclusion for Dream Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

After analyzing, explaining and developing the concept of american dream all along the presentation, we come to a conclusion that it is barely possible to define the american dream with one general definition as it is finally very complex and vast depending on the situation. Since its birth and even before the american dream was spread everywhere in the us essence itself. For a long time, the american dream was considered as the invisible living dream on earth in all people's mind where you are feeling like you can do anything.

Nevertheless, since events such as the 9/11 the image of the american dream was tarnished and this created a tense and heavy atmosphere on people's life and vision. Today, the american dream doesn't have unanimous support, especially american people themselves as they may feel dishonored and for the first time they realize they have enemies even though they were regarded as the savior of the world. Yet, the american dream is not dead after all since millions of immigrants still believe in the dream of crossing the wall towards liberty. Therefore, the american dream keeps existing thanks to immigrants although the reality is being cruel to them.

Another issue is raised by this presentation which is the victory of barack obama's elections at the presidency. Does that really mean the achievement of the american dream or is it a false interpretation, a confusion between the american dream and the black american dream. D.difference between rem sleep and non rem sleep c.difference between lucid and non lucid many people are interested about the meaning of their dreams, dreams that occur in different time, different situation and ways. It was an intriguing topic for most people, specially psychologist.many spend much time and effort studying the space of dream and also it connects to sleep and brain.

However, there are complicated studies that varies, like the stages of sleep that falls to rem sleep. There is also non rem sleep that is a contrast for rem sleep and the types of dreams. These types of dreams are lucid and non lucid dreams, daydreams, nightmares and normal dreams, surely one of your dream or my dream falls to any of these type of dreams. Literally, dreams are manifestation of shameful unconscious thoughts and emotions that human beings encounter on a daily basis. According to sigmund freud, one of the first people to propose a theory on dreams.

Dreams are those forbidden thoughts and urges which are too shameful for our conscious to handle therefore they are pushed back to our unconscious and are freed while we dream dreams are rich with symbolism that depict the intent and emotion of human beings dreaming is define as the subjective experiences of imaginary images, sounds/voices, thoughts or sensations during sleep. Dreaming is an altered state of consciousness in which remembered images and fantasies are temporarily confused with external reality investigators do not yet unlocked why people dream at all, much less why they dream what they do. Dream is an undefined word that has a lot of meaning, may it be a dream to be somebody, someday or just the plain dream you have everytime of the day. Most of us, asked the things happened in our dreams and usually, we were confused why these dreams occur.

There are lots of things we do not know or unexplained events associated in some of our dreams. Meanings literally are just words clearly stated but unreasonably defined and not enough for us to understand what is dream, because dreams are interpreted in different ways. Next, we can stimulate our senses, sayings, beliefs, psychological and scientifical observations about dreams.

Let us find out the various definitions and explanations of this intriguing words i. When does dream occur? normally we say that it only occurs in our sleep or when we think of something before going to sleep. In many cases it really does, therefore it only trigger our mind to believe the theory we concluded. Fun fact about it is that, it may occur anytime of the day may it be in the daylight or night.

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It can also occur even if you are not asleep, but ofcourse the most common time it occurs is when you are sleeping or what we call rem sleep. Sleep sleep seems the opposite of wakefulness, yet the two states have much in common. We think when we sleep,as dream shows, although the type of thinking in dreams departs in various ways from the type we do while awake. We form memories while sleeping, as we know from the fact that we remember dreams.

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People who are asleep are not entirely insensitive to the environment: parents are awakend by their baby's cry. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me.

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