Death Penalty Short Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Over at bloomberg view, ramesh ponnuru has taken the occasion to pen a column  ostensibly arguing against the death penalty. But ponnuru, evidently embarrassed to find himself in liberal company, spends most of the column dismissing the arguments of soft headed bedfellows: on the core issue yes or no on capital punishment i'm with the opponents. The teaching of the catholic church, to which i belong, seems right to me: the state has the legitimate authority to execute criminals, but it should refrain if it has other means of protecting people from them. Still, when i hear about an especially gruesome crime, like the one the oklahoma killer committed, i can't help rooting for the death penalty.

Take the claims of racial bias that we execute black killers, or the killers of white victims, at disproportionate rates. Even if those disputed claims are true, they don't point toward abolition of the death penalty. Executing more white killers, or killers of black victims, would reduce any disparity just as well. When ponnuru suggests that the way to correct for the death penalty's disproportionate use is to execute more white people, he is presenting a world in which the death penalty has neither history nor context. One merely flips the hey guys, let's not be racist switch and then the magic happens.

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Those of us who cite the disproportionate application of the death penalty as a reason for outlawing it do so because we believe that a criminal justice system is not an abstraction but a real thing, existing in a real context, with a real history. In america, the history of the criminal justice and the death penalty is utterly inseparable from white supremacy. During the civil war, black soldiers were significantly more likely to be court martialed and executed than their white counterparts. African americans comprised 10 percent of the armed forces but accounted for almost 80 percent of the soldiers executed during the war, writes law professor elizabeth lutes hillman. In american imagination, the lynching era is generally seen as separate from capital punishment. Senators such as ben tillman and theodore bilbo openly called for lynching for crimes as grave as rape and as dubious as voting. Well into the 20th century, capital punishment was, as john locke would say, lynching coloured with the name, pretences, or forms of law.

The youngest american ever subjected to the death penalty was george junius stinney. At age 14, stinney, a black boy, walked to the execution chamber with a bible under his arm, which he later used as a booster seat in the electric chair. Standing 5 foot 2 inches 157 cm tall and weighing just over 90 pounds 40 kg , his size relative to the fully grown prisoners presented difficulties in securing him to the frame holding the electrodes. Nor did the state's adult sized face mask fit him as he was hit with the first 2,400 v surge of electricity, the mask covering his face slipped off, revealing his wide open, tearful eyes and saliva coming from his mouth. Living with racism in america means tolerating a level of violence inflicted on the black body that we would not upon the white body.

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This deviation is not a random fact, but the price of living in a society with a lengthy history of considering black people as a lesser strain of humanity. When you live in such a society, the prospect of incarcerating, disenfranchising, and ultimately executing white humans at the same rate as black humans makes makes very little sense. The hey guys, let's not be racist switch is really hey guys, let's pretend we aren't american switch or a hey guys, let's pretend we aren't human beings switch. The death penalty like all state actions exists within a context constructed by humans, not gods. Humans tend to have biases, and the systems we construct often reflect those biases.

Understanding this, it is worth asking whether our legal system should be in the business of doling out an ultimate punishment, one for which there can never be any correction. Citing racism in our justice system isn't mere shaming, it's a call for a humility and self awareness, which presently evades us. I was sad to see ponnuru's formulation, because it so echoed the unfortunate thoughts of william f. That was the year john lewis was beaten at the edmund pettus bridge, and viola liuzzo was shot down just outside of selma, alabama.

 in whole swaths of the country, black people lacked the basic rights of citizenship central among them, the right to vote. When the issue of the vote was raised buckley responded by saying that the problem with mississippi wasn't that not enough negroes have the vote but that too many white people are voting. There's something revealed in the logic in both ponnuru and buckley's case that we should fix disproportion by making more white people into niggers. Which will surely disenfranchise huge swaths of white voters, for the goal of disenfranchising proportionally more black voters. I'm not sure what all that means it's the shadow of something i haven't worked out. The florida  house of representatives has voted to approve a bill that would require a unanimous finding by the sentencing jury that prosecutors have proven at least one aggravating circumstance before a capital defendant can be eligible for the death penalty, and a recommendation of death by at least 10 jurors before a judge may consider imposing the death penalty on a defendant.

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The california department of corrections and rehabilitation has agreed to further extend the period for public comment on the state's proposed execution protocol until april 6, 2016. Appointed to the united states supreme court in 1986 by president ronald reagan, has died at age 79. news 2/10 : the virginia house of delegates has approved a bill authorizing the use of the electric chair for executions if lethal injection drugs are unavailable. Sparking much controversy and anxiety in the hearts of american citizens is the ethical dilemma of the death penalty. The death penalty, as a form of punishment, is given to those who commit crimes deemed by society and government as deserving the infliction of death. Termed death penalty , death sentence , and execution , the issue is not a newfangled idea, rather a form of punishment that actually dates back to the ancient laws of china.

Actively controversial, the death penalty serves as a divider among many political ideologies, religions, and cultures. This essay will assess the ethical issues associated with the death penalty from the views of ancient thinkers, as well as modern principles. The ku klux klan rallying in support of a black man 146 s execution in texas. The north carolina death row warden wheeling a gurney into the execution chamber. These are just a few of the images captured in scott langley 146 s chilling death penalty documentary photography project, which is the most comprehensive collection of original death penalty photographs available from one source. The documentary includes execution vigils, inside an execution chamber, the hours leading up to an execution, portraits of exonerated death row prisoners, celebrities opposed to the death penalty, marches, demonstrations and candid emotional and prayerful moments in the context of the death penalty in the united states.

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