Describe Your Childhood Home Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

length: 945 words 2.7 double spaced pages each year millions of dollars are spent on therapy because people want to re live their childhood. These people discover late in life that childhood was the time period where the most meaningful parts of life were. Things from our past don't just fade away, they are part of us, and most people greatly miss them weather they know it or not. My most meaningful place is my parents' house because it is a symbol of reliving my childhood, indulging in good times. Childhood is the time in life where personality traits are formed and memories haven't yet taken a sentimental feeling.

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Now that those times are gone, i remember running through the neighborhood with my friends and many other happy times where i knew i was having fun. It was a friendly game, and we even had the cushions form the couch set up so nothing would get broken. Little did we know one stray puck would have us replacing drywall at 1 pm so our parents wouldn't see it, but, like everything else, we did it because it was enjoyment. My theory on life is, in order for something to be meaningful, you have to want it. I don't always want the irresponsible times of discovery that were my childhood back, but i do strive for the feelings i had toward life when i was there. Having a pleasant attitude all the time may not be possible this day in age, but i know it's a good feeling when you can. I can recall these memories at any time, but they are especially present when i am at my home.

It's not just because most of these things took place while i was at home, but because i actually feel like i can do everything again while i am there. In this aspect, my parents' home is a giant playground of memories with every toy i can imagine. I've decided to make it a habit to visit every sunday with the rest of my siblings that have moved on. We weren't dysfunctional or anything, but like most families, the children argued.

Since i have been here, even if it has only been three weeks, i've noticed that these once dreaded sunday dinners are a lot of fun. Eating dinner is no longer a rush to gulp the food down as fast as possible go we can go back to playing, but a dinner table with people passing the mashed potatoes around, laughing, and enjoying eachother's company. Leaving the house may have push my family apart a little, but coming back to it glues us back together stronger than ever.

I have made my home a sort of symbol of this which is another reason i have named it the most meaningful place to me. Now, the situation is the same, but there is a perfect stranger in the room with me. My dorm hasn't yet become a place where i can kick off my shoes and sleep on the floor by the heating duct like all of those winter mornings in the past. Every morning before school, when the heat kicked in, we would stop whatever we were doing, and get in a blanket in front of the heating duct on the floor. The view wasn't as great as a fireplace, but we had the window with the wonderful snow falling to keep our attention. Were you can be sitting in the weirdest position in the world, perfectly comfortable, including knowing the people who see you doing it might laugh, but won't judge you by it.

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At home, i could walk form the living room to my kitchen on my hands and excluding some strange looks, things would continue as normal. In the mood of school sprit, my best friend and i made blue and gold super hero outfits, representing our school colors, put on our capes, painted our faces, dyed our hair, and went off to school. I'll never forget the look on my dad's face when we exited the bathroom, but i was perfectly comfortable with it. Through reliving my childhood, the happiness i've experienced, and the feeling it causes to be there, i know that my home is possibly the most meaningful symbol i could ever have.

Autobiographical writing is an excellent way to work on your descriptive skills. When you describe items or memories from your past, you are able to provide details that are often lacking in more purely imaginative exercises. With autobiographical writing you learn how to describe what was rather than what isnt. Another great benefit of these writing exercises is that they can bring back long forgotten thoughts about who you were and what you felt in the past. Many of these questions can bring back memories that you havent considered for years.

When you approach a question, try to make your answer last at least a few paragraphs. Take the time to think about the question and try to make the most of your answer.

    give a general description of your childhood what was life like for you? what are your very earliest memories? describe any childhood ailments or injuries you had.