Dissertation Research Questionnaire Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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if you are a maintainer of this web content, please refer to the site documentation regarding web services for further assistance. This option may be re enabled by the project by placing a file with the name .htaccess with this line: i am a student in my final year at leeds metropolitan university. The title of my dissertation is 'has off site manufacturing come of age? a study of off site manufacturing and its ability to provide affordable housing in the uk’ the aim of my piece of research is to primarily look at the current state of the off site manufacturing market and its effectiveness in the provision of affordable housing. My objectives are:     examine the current state of the affordable housing market and how it needs to progress.

    examine the uk off site manufacturing market in relation to foreign off site manufacturing markets.     determine the advantages and drawbacks of using off site manufacturing practices.     establish whether the use of off site manufacturing is suitable for the provision of affordable housing.     establish whether the continued use of off site manufacturing is sustainable. Please could you spare 5mins of your time to complete the questionnaire and return it to me via e mail.

Your answers will enable me to analyse the views of people in the construction industry who are currently or have been involved with off site manufacturing. Bsc hons building surveying part time year 5 dissertation research questionnaire has off site manufacturing come of age? a study of off site manufacturing and its ability to provide affordable housing in the uk 1.    please specify the number of years that you have worked within the construction industry. 3.    which type of off site manufacturing have you been in contact with? we at take great pride in our customers' satisfaction. That's why we have been in business so long with many happy customers to show for it.

If you want our help today, just register with us online and then fill in the order form. In no time at all, one of our writers with an advanced degree in your essay's topic will begin to craft you a superbly written academic paper. Take that initial first step with our services at today and you'll be pleased with the results! 5 июля 2015 г. 35 просмотров re: postgraduate dissertation questionnaire i am a postgraduate student studying for the msc in quantity surveying at the school of civil engineering amp construction, kingston university london. I am currently conducting research for my dissertation on impact of mentoring females in professional technical roles in the construction industry i would be most grateful, given your position and expertise, if you could kindly complete the short questionnaire attached. I would like to stress that the data collated is for my own research, and not for publication.

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Questions need be formulated in an unambiguous and straightforward manner and they should be presented in a logical order. Advantages of questionnaires include increased speed of data collection, low or no cost requirements, and higher levels of objectivity compared to many alternative methods of primary data collection. However, questionnaires have certain disadvantages as well, such as selection of random answer choices by respondents without properly reading the question and the absence of possibility for researchers to express their additional thoughts about the matter due to the absence of a relevant question. Survey monkey represents one of the most popular online platforms for facilitating data collection through questionnaires.

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Substantial benefits offered by survey monkey include its ease to use, presentation of questions in many different formats and advanced data analysis capabilities. The advantages of the computer questionnaires include their inexpensive price, time can be saved, and respondents do not feel pressured, therefore can answer when they have time, giving more accurate answers. However, the main shortcoming of the mail questionnaires is that sometimes respondents do not bother answering them and they can just ignore the questionnaire. telephone questionnaire. researcher may choose to call potential respondents with the aim of getting them to answer the questionnaire. The advantage of the telephone questionnaire is that, it can be completed during the short amount of time. The main disadvantage of the phone questionnaire is that it is expensive most of the time. Moreover, most people do not feel comfortable to answer many questions asked through the phone and it is difficult to get sample group to answer questionnaire over the phone.

in house survey. this type of questionnaire involves for the researcher visiting respondents in their house or workplaces. The advantage of in house survey is that more focus towards the questions can be gained from respondents. However, in house surveys also have a range of disadvantages which include its being time consuming, more expensive and respondents may not wish to have the researcher in their houses or workplaces for various reasons.