Dissertation Writing Software Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Posted on august 26, 2009 88 comments i have already recommended scrivener in the references of organizing creativity, but writing my dissertation thesis with it has led me to recommend it once more: it is simply an awesome, awesome, really awesome program. note: its now available as version 2.x and still the best tool i know for writing and the posting is still up to date. No kidding i wrote organizing creativity with it, which was over 400 pages long, had 138.105 words and 785.500 characters, and it was still very easy to find the thread or specific spots where i wanted to change something. Now my dissertation thesis has 45.531 words and 288.429 characters and still isnt finished and i just cannot cope with the love for this program. Granted, without circus ponies notebook i would not have been able to write my dissertation, it helped me so much organizing all the material, all the literature, and all the countless results and statistical analysis, but when it comes to actual writing, scrivener is just the reigning and undefeated champion.

First, lets give a quick overview of what scrivener looks like: the typical interface of scrivener. With scriveners usual layout you have the binder on the left side which shows your document structure, the index card for the synopsis, the status information, and the document or project notes on the right side, and the space to write the actual text in the middle. While it may sound strange to divide the document into these tiny parts, it actually makes sense. Got an idea for the theoretical background of question three? you can quickly add it because you can easily jump to that part. You can also easily collapse and expand parts of your document, depending on where your focus is. Nice help to structure larger projects if you do not have circus ponies notebook for this.

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document notes and project notes

technically it isnt much, but the ability to make notes to the small parts of the document is invaluable. Got an idea what you have to mention in the discussion section for question 2? write it in the document notes of that part. Sure, you could simply write it in the text itself, marked as a note, but it gets confusing fast. Got something that you want to have available everywhere in the document? write it in the project notes visible if you click on document notes and change the view to project notes you can access it anywhere in the document. You are going to do a major revision of the paragraph you are working on or just delete that special sentence that might be useful once again. Instead of creating a new version of the document and wondering in which version the golden sentence is days later , you can simply create a snapshot of the part you are working on. Snapshots are like versions in a wiki and they come in two well, versions: untitled and with a title you can enter.

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Use the title version, for example, changed the baseline of the results to the visitors who actually used the device, and you know what changed between the versions you have save. If you want to roll back to a previous version or simply get that golden sentence later you can do so easily. Much, much better than the version control of any other writing program scrivener lets you quickly create backups of your texts. Great for rewriting you can always seen and compare what you had written here previously. Scrivener can so too, and offers horizontal and vertical view of the parts of the document. Since the document is subdivided into smaller parts you can easily compare a part of the introduction with a part of the discussion. Scrivener offers to give a status to different parts of the scrivener file, so i routinely give the corresponding status to the parts i have finished: to do, first draft, revised draft, final draft, done you might even create your own names.

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While it might sound strange to use this feature, you can get a quick overview over your file with the outline view and quickly see where you are with the document and it is just a good feeling to assign a first draft to a part you struggled with for hours and hours. This view lets you see the status of the different parts of your writing project. Just where are you with your document? word offers word count scrivener offers project statistics, text statistics, and project targets. Project statistics gives you the amount of words, characters, and the amount of pages the text takes according to your specified characteristics. Project targets lets you set the number of words or characters you want to write and shows you how far you are from reaching that goal. You can also set session goals for the amount of words or characters you want to write today. We have identified some books, software, and websites that have been useful to writers of dissertations.

But don't read books about writing your dissertation instead of writing your dissertation! how to write a lot: a practical guide to productive academic writing by paul a. Silvia finish your dissertation once and for all: how to overcome psychological barriers, get results, and move on with your life by alison b. Miller writing the successful thesis and dissertation: entering the conversation by irene l.

This software allows you to create a library of sources that you can then cite in your writing. It will automatically format citations and bibliographies in the style that you choose. Mendeley is free software that works in similar way and may be a better fit for you, depending on how collaborative you are as a researcher.

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The university library system offers regular instruction for both endnote and mendeley. Evernote allows you to organize your own notes, files of many kinds, and internet finds. Apps allow you to synch your notes across platforms or to annotate files, organize contacts, and more. It helps you organize and develop your content and it keeps track of your research.

It allows you to look at your work in many different ways and even manages drafts. Xmind is free open source software that allows you to do detailed and sophisticated mind mapping. Some writers find that mind mapping allows them to articulate their ideas, draw connections in productive ways, and plan work.

Have you ever wished you could just turn off the internet so that you can work without distraction for a while? freedom  allows you to do that. You specify the number of minutes that freedom should block your access to the internet and email!. If you are a mac user, self control  can allow you to block your own access to any distracting aspects of the internet while still allowing you to do online research. Rescue time will not only block sites, but it will also analyze your computer use and tell you how much time you spend, for example, writing and how much on surfing, facebook, or email. By helping you better understand how you use your time, rescue time can help you make better choices. The pomodoro technique relies on using segments of timed writing using a tomato shaped kitchen timer, perhaps to structure and advance your writing. focus time is a fun app that works with the pomodoro technique. Instead of using a kitchen timer, this app helps you to work for four twenty five minute sessions with a short break between each segment , followed by a longer break at the end.