Doctoral Dissertation of Karl Marx Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

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Why some time and secure custom writing service with write a dissertation on the basis. 133 158 10.1353/hph.1995.06 in lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: the marxism of marx's doctoral dissertation john l. Stanley although the amount of scholarship on marx's doctoral dissertation is small in comparison to what has been done in regard to his later writings, interpreta tion of this earliest systematic work is not inconsequential for our understand ing of the controversies surrounding his later texts.

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The dissertation, diff erenz der demokritischen und epikureischen naturphilosophie, is rele vant, not only for studies of democritus and epicurus, but for the debate over the question of freedom versus determinism in marx. Generally speaking, that debate is between commentators who are intent on seeing marx as primarily a humanist thinker stressing the free self constitution of man against the mate rialism of the more old fashioned marxists who have stressed marx's inevita ble laws of development. 2 the present study will address the issue of freedom3 and attempt to show that the interpreters of the dissertation have generally underestimated the extent to which its author is already a materialist whose 1marx engels werke, ergiinzungsband, first part berlin: dietz, 1973. The english translation, which i shall generally follow, is difference between the democritean and epicurean philosophy of nature, and is by richard dixon and dirk and sally struik in: marx and engels, collected works, vol.

The extant copy, by an unknown hand, lacks parts 4 and 5 of the first part, most of the appendix and some notes. 3 there are already extensive discussions of the validity of marx's interpretation of epicurus and democritus. See especially jean marc gabaude, le jeune marx et le mawtmlisme antique toulouse: privat, x97o .

See also cyril bailey, karl marx on greek atomism, classical quarterly 2 o6, and rolf sannwald, marx und die antike zurich: polygraphischer verlag, 1957 , ch. While sannwald says that marx has made a valuable contribution, but is wrong in details, gabaude is more critical, arguing that marx exaggerates the difference between the two thinkers 7 l. In interpreting this treatise, on the one hand those whom we shall loosely call the humanist writers have for the most part sided with kolakowski's view that the idea of the free acting subject implicit in marx's promethean anthropocentrism and epistemology of praxis, is not the same as the supposedly passive subject implicit in engels's deterministic positivism. These same interpreters have then projected this distinction back to the dissertation: for kolakowski, marx sides with the epicurean doctrine of the free subject which, not passively submissive to the existing facts, contains the germ of the concept of praxis.5 for thomas that doctrine of freedom opposes democritian positivist deter minism in much the same way that marxian praxis opposes engels's billiard ball atomism. ''6 on the other hand, it is argued by sannwald,7 and by an otherwise dispa rate group whom we might generally identify as the proto historical material ist interpreters of the thesis, such as cornu and gabaude, 8 that the marx of the dissertation asserts the dialectical polarity between freedom and necessity, which marx accuses epicurus of failing to overcome, and points toward the materialist conception of history. However, these interpreters have not only generally resisted the positivist caricature of them by humanists they also agree with the humanists that the pre i84i marx remains, in gabaude. Read the face of the history of the natural philosophy doctoral dissertation completed at the.