Electric Car Argument Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The technology of electric vehicles has been around since the turn of the nineteenth century but faded as the gasoline powered engine took the spotlight. Their impacts are very significant ranging from economic, to new technology that can be applied elsewhere, to most importantly, the environment. Ford and gm, through its saturn plant, have already begun production on their own version of the electric vehicle and have made them available to the public. In 1998 california plans to have one percent of its major auto makers sell electric vehicles and other states have looked into the same possibility, mainly massachusetts and new york. Imagine driving a quieter, cleaner car with the windows down letting the clean pollution free air flow throughout the car, sound appealing? production of the ever advancing technological electric vehicle can make it happen! the problem of this study was to research the development and impacts of the electric vehicle. At the turn of the 19th century when automobiles were new, electric vehicles outnumbered gasoline powered vehicles. The problem for the electric car was that electric battery technology did not improve nearly as fast as gasoline technology and by 1910 the interest in the development of the electric vehicle had all but ceased sedgwick 1996.

Electric vehicles made a surge back onto the national scene because of the oil crisis of the late seventies and the early eighties, but nterest soon dropped however, because the crisis was soon solved. Today the current surge of interest in electric vehicles replacing the internal combustion engine, or ice, is due strictly to one concern, air quality. The world's population is booming and cars are polluting the world's cities, dumping large amounts of carbon dioxide and other climate altering greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and cons! should everyone switch completely to electric cars? everyday gas powered cars destroy the environment and the people that drive these gas guzzlers pay a ton of money to use them. Many people think that gas powered cars are better than electric cars, but they do not know the real truth. After you read this paper you will understand why electric cars are better for yourself and the environment you might even have to buy one! there are many credible sources that prove the benefits of having an electric car and describe the differences between electric cars and gas powered cars, which is beneficial information to people who drive gas powered cars. Everybody should switch from gas powered cars to electric cars because they can help an individual, help the economy, and help the environment. First i feel that good should be defined as good something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want or something useful or beneficial to an individual or a society as a whole.

My peer may use whichever definition he wishes, but as no definition was supplied i am able to now use whichever definition i see as best fitting the context of the debate at hand i think those definitions are reasonable. Next i will point out that as con burden of proof is on myself to prove that electric cars are good. However i do believe we need something to compare electric cars too, and as such i see the current status quo, internal combustion engines ice's as a contention 1 electric car engines are more efficient than internal combustion engines ice efficient esp.

Of a system or machine achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense a electric engines use 75% of the potential energy stored in their batteries. B electric engines require less frequent maintenance than ice's c the cost of fueling an electric vehicle would be 60% lower from.10 cents a mile down to.04 cents a mile. With this contention we see electric vehicles are indeed something that has economic utility or satisfies an economic want. The utility being higher effiency lower cost, lower maintenance, higher percentage of potential energy use. Before i submit my next contention i will briefly touch upon oil dependancy and why that is a negative to the current ice filled world. Major energy suppliers from russia to iran to venezuelahave been increasingly able and willing to use their energy resources to pursue their strategic and political objectives. Major energy consumersnotably the united states, but other countries as wellare finding that their growing dependence on imported energy increases their strategic vulnerability and constrains their ability to pursue a broad range of foreign policy and national security objectives.

Dependence also puts the united states into increasing competition with other importing countries, notably with today's rapidly growing emerging economies of china and india. Foreign policy at worst, they will seriously strain relations between the united states and these countries. 3 so now we see that in the current ice filled world there is a guarantee that effectiveness of us foreign policy will be reduced, at worst seriously strain relations with foreign countries resource war anyone?. As such this outcome being avoided would meet one of the two possble parameters of good , something useful or beneficial to an individual or a society as a whole. B 68% of all total oil that is used in the unites states is used for transportation. C the unites states has 4.6% of the words population yet uses a quarter of the oil produced yearly. Contention two electric cars will reduce energy dependance upon foreign oil imports a by the year 2050 if 30% of all vehicles in the united states are electric.

Int 2 English Critical Essay Marking

Oil consumption would decrease oil usage annually by 2.5 million barrels a day above the projected reduction from increased fuel efficiency standards. Oil use, down from 60 percent currently contention three: electric vehicles would reduce total greenhouse gas emissions. A same 30% by 2050, expanding electric car use would cut emissions by 7 percent overall.