End of The School Year Writing Assignments Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

And after you go grab a paper bag to breathe into while you contemplate all the things you still need to get done this year deep breaths , read on to find creative ideas for year end lessons that will get your students reflecting about all of the great things they accomplished in the last nine months. 1. book hall of fame. have each student write or draw a reflection on the best book they read over the year. Then, save their reflections and post them on a bulletin board so that next year's students can glean reading ideas. 2. it takes a village. or at least a classroom. Write several story titles mdash the great summer adventure, how my teacher lost her mind or my teacher, my hero at the top of blank pages. Then, have each student start a story and after five minutes, pass the story to a neighbor who will continue writing.

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Continue writing round robin style until you have several stories to read aloud to the class. 3. high school or middle school musical. break your students into groups and have them create and perform musical numbers commemorating the year. 4. teach me. flip your classroom upside down and backwards. Have each student prepare a video lesson try using the app explain everything on a topic that they learned about during the year.

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Then have them re teach the class what they learned while you sit in the back of the classroom and pass um, we mean take notes. 5. dear next year's class. have your students write letters of advice or, if they want, commiseration to next year's students. 6. count 'em up. get students counting by having them use a calendar to figure out how many mondays you've had this year, how many fridays, how many p.e. 7. people of the year. time magazine can't have all the fun.

Make sure to include important people from history say, obama and romney as well as important people to your classroom the custodian, the principal and even that crotchety lunch lady. 8. science inspired art. head outside with paper and art supplies such as watercolors, colored pencils and chalk. Ask your students to create a wall worthy piece of art that reflects something they learned in science. question for you: how do you commemorate the school year? as your seniors begin the last few weeks of their high school careers, they will probably be experiencing many emotions. To help ease their anxiety, carve out a little time for a meaningful writing assignment.

who doesn't like to reminisce once in a while? have your students write as many remember when. Here are some websites with compilations of quotes that may help: as an enrichment, students can type their favorite quote into a word cloud generator try w.wordle.net or w.tagxedo.com . They can print the images and hang their quotes in the classroom as a reminder of the inspirational words they have chosen. i've written about this activity several times it's no surprise that it is one of my favorites each year. Examples include: i have learned that being nice to the lunch ladies pays off with extra helpings of food, and i have learned that my senior year went by way too fast. If you want to use the lesson i created for this assignment, you can download it free here: life lessons writing freebie 4. Best advice received amp /or best advice to pass along first, students write about the best advice they've received in the past four years.

What made it the best ? did they follow it? or wish they had? next, or as an alternative prompt, they write a message of advice to incoming freshmen. What do they wish they had known? would they pass along advice they had been given? how would advice to an incoming freshman differ from advice they would leave to the current junior class? 5. ask students, what is your legacy? what are they leaving behind for others? this is a good reflective prompt because it makes students think about how they have impacted the lives of others. Perhaps it is a memory of something they did in school an accomplishment they achieved or how they made a group of students laugh.

Maybe they served as an example, whether it was positive or negative one of my former students who had been expelled for a year wrote about that experience and hoped others would learn from his mistakes. Maybe it is a tangible item, such as a trophy in the cabinet, a seat in the cafeteria, a parking space, a locker, or a tree planted on campus. How will others benefit from their legacy? if they struggle with this, ask them what they would like to leave behind if they had no limitations. Or maybe the underlying question here is: how do they want to be remembered by future students? or do they want to remembered at all? if not, why not? 6. Senior will i remember my old high school year yearbook printing up senior wills on the last page of the yearbook. Each senior willed something to another student, a teacher or staff member, or the administration.

Perhaps the reason it was dropped before i entered high school was that some responses like jack wills his sense of humor to mr. But some of them were great, like jane wills her artistic abilities to the incoming freshmen so they can beat the other classes in the homecoming float building contest. If you think your students can handle this as far as maturity , it is a fun activity. What's hot? what's not? another favorite activity, have students create hot/not lists for their high school career. They could start a list on the white board or on a shared google doc of events or happenings that were hot or great and not over the past four years.

Hot items might include winning a championship, filming a harlem shake video, or participating in a poetry cafe. Not items may include state testing/final exams or any high stakes test , losing a close game, or perhaps losing a classmate. The lists they generate are great discussion starters, but also help students cope with feelings they may still be holding on to.

I use my what's hot? what's not? activity in class for additional purposes, as well. Are you looking for some quick, easy, and fun writing prompts for the end of the year. Or perhaps a sweet bulletin board to end with a bang? if so, i think you'll really enjoy this fin tastic end of the year writing prompt packet. run off the large fish on a variety of colored construction paper. They can glue it to the top of a sheet of writing paper, or add more pizzazz by letting them choose a strip of colorful construction paper to write on. Before hand, brainstorm with students why they think they will have a fantastic summer vacation. To help with spelling, make a list of things they are going to have fun doing and list them on the board. For more pow have students add a wiggle eye and include their school photo on the fin.

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