Essay About Married Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

It is best for couples to arrange their work life so one has a career and the other person has a job. It is important for couples to arrange their work life so one has a career and the other has a job so that one could occupied the financial responsibilities while the other cares for the family, while at the same time she is also contributing to a family income. One of the most important reasons why women are primary the main ones to seek for a job or just stay at home instead of a career job is because they bear primary responsibility for home and family care. The reason why men are the primary career workers is because they are expected by society to be the bread winners вќ of the household.

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Parenthood is the number one factor why a spouse changes or leaves the working envelopment. Still, it is mostly women who makes more than the necessary changes when they have children, most man make none, leaving women to do it all and the man to pick and choose. The best solution for mothers that allows them to avoid giving up the job they love or giving up time with your family is by working a part time.

Otherwise, if they do decide to give into the traditional way and become a full time housewife, they are more than likely to fall into depression or loose their sense of importance. To no one's advantage, the dissatisfied full time mother may be less emotionally available than the employed mother. If a mother who wants to or needs to work is frustrated in that, she is less available mother of she does work. вќ family therapy as much of a relief as quitting work may initially be, after six months women generally feel bereft, particularly since their husbands have not had to trade work for parenthood.

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Peters as we often see our society pressure women into full time motherhood, it does today, a lot of significant number of people are being married and still being single. In this essay, i’m going to compare and contrast the differences between single people lives and married people lives in their lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility. Firstly, lifestyle is the first difference between single and married people lives.

Nobody will command them not to sleep late, not to watch movie too much and so on and single people can live a free life too. If they want to go out with their friends, they must get permission from their partners first before they go. Married people are more busy compare to single people because married people have to take care of their children and their partners, unlike single people who don’t have children and partners. Secondly, companionship is the next difference between single and married people lives. Supportiveness will be achieved easily by married people from their partners, parents and their children. They can’t trust anyone to share their secrets and another important part of their life except their parents. Lastly, responsibility is the last difference between single and married people lives.

Married people have to manage their money or expenses gently and economically every day. When a couple gets married, there are many advantages one might experience on his or her life long journey. These advantages range from feelings of comfort, security, trust, and most importantly, companionship. Other advantages of being married are having someone to share special moments and make new memories with. Waking up beside a spouse in the morning gives a person a feeling of comfort or security. When a person is involved ina relationship, that person has personal security invested in his or her partner. One might need security in one's social life as well as for one's personal self worth.

Do you know students who want critical essay reviews from a professor of english literature? click like to share. The better life: married or single with a free essay review being married has always been my dream. My plan, from kindergarten, was to get married have children take care of my family and grow old with my husband. I will share how my well ordered plans were challenged when i found myself unexpectedly divorced and single. The reader will see how i had to reevaluate my life and determine whether being married or single was better for me. Thompson 541 608 i sought counseling and read many self help books to try to help my relationship.

We were blessed with a beautiful daughter, and for a little while things were better. For the first time in my life, i had to face the prospect of being a single woman. I found myself responsible for paying bills raising my daughter alone and entering the dating arena. I had never paid bills before and i was surprised to find my ex husband had left me with a large debt.

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He had not been paying anyone and all of our utilities were scheduled for shut off. Not sure what to do, i approached the utility companies and they extended me payment arrangements and shared other programs i was eligible for. As a single mother, i was entitled to several programs that helped me with my bills, my mortgage and daycare. I was also able to secure child support and this helped improve our quality of life.