Essay About Negative Effects of Computer Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Below is an essay on negative effects of computers from anti essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Negative impact of computers in society why computers are too much in society? computers are very efficient in the sense of studies, jobs and communications but computers are getting way too off the line. Computers have had a negative impact on society in three significant areas: personal relationship, health and the economy. It is like a drug when you have taken one you’ll get used to it and then get addicted. It means you will not have time for other things like activities, sports and espcially studies. Seldomly taking a bath, not eating/eating junk foods and lack of sleep are the cause of an unhealthy person. If you will just sit down and play games or surf through the net all day long you could have poor eye sight, bad posture and affects the bone strucutre of your hands.

Taking too long on computer everyday is bad in your health physically and mentally. The reduction of of manufacturing jobs are the first factor of economy’s change. Man power doesn’t needed on some factories because robotics that are controlled by computers can do the job easily and faster. Then, there are piracies, hackers and computer masters that using computers on crime. The computer has been used in their own purposes to do such things that other people doesn’t know that it is bad in the economy.

Computers are not that bad it is just used too much by people and use it in a wrong way. Autor: people bull august 8, 2011 bull essay bull 639 words 3 pages bull 1,033 views negative effects of technology technology has many different effects on our everyday life. For example, television, computers, and cell phones are lifelines of technological advances of everyday life for many people.

First, television has taken away time from our families, friends, and the social interaction with the real world. Second, computers have also taken away from social interaction and are misrepresentative of the real world. Third, cell phones affect our ability to communicate effectively and texting hurts our grammar skills that we have learned all our lives.

Even though technology advances today apos s society it often teaches us the wrong perception of reality. Television often is used to replace the ordinary daily life communication of a family by taking away the . Hours of sitting around the dinner table, the spontaneous taking up of an activity, the little games invented by children on the spur of the moment when there is nothing else to do, the scribbling, the chatting, and even the quarreling, all the things that form the fabric of a family, that define a childhood. Second, there is no family discussion or interaction with each other because the television is seen as the peacemaker of the family. It keeps the peace and everyone preoccupied by taking the place of discussion and avoiding the real life at hand. Television is watched in different rooms, by different parts of the family, at different times.

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Television is a misrepresentative of reality and real people by no interaction or communication with nothing other than a screen. Computers are also misrepresentative of the real world and real people because you have no interaction or communication with one on one contact. Computers are the wrong communication method that we learn in today apos s society because they teach us that you do not have to have the physical contact with a real person. Daum states the outside world the place where i walk around avoiding people i didn apos t want to deal with, peppering my casual conversations with half truths, and applying my motto let the machine take it to almost any scenario was sliding into the periphery of my mind.

1.using computers everyday can have more ,negative than positive effect on young children. But some people believe that it cause obstacle between their healthy life and in acquiring. The effects of computer to the health of the teenagers in second year high school students of saint martin montessori school sy 2010 2011 angono, rizal a thesis presented to the faculty of high school department st. Games are complex to design and spreading quickly to various platforms like online gaming, phones, computers.

In 1958 at brookhaven national laboratory, idea of combining computers with electronic graphical display to play games has been developed. Rice 2007 after few years computer games has become commercial product in market and first patent petition filed to get license was sanders associates in 1964. His main focus was to ignore mainframe computer which are costly instead those computers his intention was to provide home users a small and simple box that should display graphical gaming output on television.

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Later in 1972 magnavox secured rights to patent and released first home video gaming console i.e. Rice 2007 the founder of atari corporation, bushnell commissioned a coin arcade version of video ping pong called pong and later sold to home market. Ict is widespread and essential to play a meaningful role in changing and modernizing educational systems as well as the way of learning. It includes any product that will store, restore, operate, or receive information in a digital form.