Essay About Reality of Life Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

We learn to live through various means of socialization from the time we are born. Without this socialization and interaction among each other, we can become very disillusioned and confused about society. In katherine mansfield’s short story miss brill, one such person, herself a kind of outcast of society, creates a fantasy world in which she is at the center.

She partakes in a ritual in which every sunday she would spend the entire afternoon at the local park eavesdropping and observing the people around her. In her mind everyone around her is apart of her unadorned existence when in fact miss brill only sits alone seemingly frantically in search of companionship. She scorns anything and anyone that may cause her to realize the truth about her pathetic existence. The story conveys a message, expressed through the character of miss brill, that those who do not communicate with others but idealize them, and those who do not act in the real world lose touch with reality.

The story starts, as she gets ready for her sunday ritual in which she describes fur stole as a friend or companion instead of an object. Miss brill lacks companionship that she desperately desires so in turn creates her own. When she returns home from her weekly outing she stops and gets what she calls her weekly treat of a piece of honey cake. These were all things to make her humdrum life seem more important and exciting that it really was.

This defines miss brill as an idealist, making everyone and everything around her seem alive and interesting. It seems like she is loosing a sense of reality and her idea of what is important in life is somewhat warped. Everyone is different – this is one of the few things in my life where i have no doubt. And since everyone is different, then his dreams, ideals and perspective are different. As we try to put a strange place, it only managed to touch the foreign thoughts and feelings, and is quite short.

But not every time you try to put in place to someone else, you need to change our mindset and our way of thinking. There, all described with such detail like you’re in the mind of the character. In this essay i will try to give you an idea of my personality, and tell you about the ideal and reality in my life without you for holding back a lot of reading. To help you not to rummage through thesauri dictionary, i’ll try to explain as simply as possible what is ideal: the ideal is the highest goal that a person pursues a lifetime.

For example, a musician is to be like another great musician or composer, for a scientist it is a discovery machine, or that his idol was unable to find or build and many others. Now, having clarified the concepts, you will dive into my world of ideals, dreams and reality. While i’m still too young for full independence, according to psychology i already have dreams and built it possible to achieve.

Now differentiate objects at school difficult and boring and easy and interesting. And they are the languages and literature, and some sciences, which do well in the curriculum – geography and ethics and law. I guess that is because the major part of the culture of other nations, and one of my dreams is to travel and explore. What is reality to us? almost all of us believe in there being one reality which is free from all opinions.

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