Essay About Taking Drugs Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The disadvantage of drugs today, drugs abuse and addiction are the most problem that rising among us and more deaths, illnesses and disabilities happened to the people. Department of lifelong learning: study skills series note taking skills from lectures and readings introduction when you are at university, the sheer amount of information that is delivered to you can be daunting and confusing. /media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2013/05/02/10/56/globalnav patientcare.jpg /%%quality care find out why mayo clinic is the right place for your health care. make an appointment. /media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2013/05/02/10/56/globalnav docsdepts.jpg /%%meet the staff find a directory of doctors and departments at all mayo clinic campuses. visit now. /media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2013/05/02/10/56/globalnav research.jpg /%%research and clinical trials see how mayo clinic research and clinical trials advance the science of medicine and improve patient care. explore now. /media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2013/05/02/10/56/globalnav meded.jpg /%%visit our schools educators at mayo clinic train tomorrow’s leaders to deliver compassionate, high value, safe patient care. choose a degree. /media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2013/05/02/10/56/globalnav medprofs.jpg /%%professional services explore mayo clinic’s many resources and see jobs available for medical professionals. get updates.

/media/kcms/gbs/research/images/2014/04/29/12/35/globalnav you are blue.jpg /%%give to mayo clinic help set a new world standard in care for people everywhere. give now. We owe it to our children to be understanding and supportive and help them through the problems they face. Many teenagers are tempted to try drugs at some stage in their life, with research showing that as many as 45% will be tempted to dabble in drug taking of some sort during their young lives. Aside from the usual peer pressure and the incessant need to be 39 cool 39 or considered 39 edgy 39 and 39 fun 39 , many teenagers are simply curious about the buzz or 39 high 39 they can achieve from taking drugs.

That buzz is doubled by the simple fact they are doing something illegal that we as parents would consider dangerous and frown upon. In short, it 39 s a rebellious risk, a chance they take and with peer pressure to join in, it can be hard for them to say no. Perhaps they are unhappy at school or there have been recent changes at home that may have unsettled them. In this case, drug taking can be more worrying as they may start to rely on it as a form of escapism and start to take them more regularly. If you have a hunch your child might be smoking or taking drugs, it 39 s best to deal with it straight away. It 39 s easy to turn a blind eye and swipe the issues under the carpet in hope that they 39 ll eventually stop, but without your intervention, the problem could escalate into drug abuse and dabbling with strong drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

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Sadly there are no specific rules regarding parental approaches to drugs and the way in which you deal with the problem really depends on the type of child you have, their personality/mood and how they are likely to respond to you quizzing them. Approach the subject in a calm and understanding manner, so your child feels confident about confiding in you and revealing whether or not they are taking/have tried or are currently under pressure from friends to take drugs. Do your home work first, research smoking and drugs so you can speak to them confidently about the substances they are using, making them aware of the risks and the implications on their well being.

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Talk to them about their feelings and try not to judge them or create arguments whilst they are talking. If you have taken drugs in the past, now might be a good time to tell your child about your experiences and why it was important for you to stop. Instead, remain chatty and friendly but keep your views and ideas firm so they know your position on drugs and are clear about why they should avoid them. Once you have had the initial chat, try to monitor your child closely and bring the conversation up again as and when you deem necessary. There are some clear signs to look out for that will indicate if your child is still smoking or taking drugs, including the following: chewing gum a lot, yellow stained fingers and smoke scented clothes. Mood swings, loss of appetite and a general desire to spend lots of time in their room. Obscure descriptions of where they are going, a certain shiftiness to their behaviour.

Requesting or asking to borrow money from you or any other members of the family. If your advice and help isn 39 t working and your child is still taking drugs it 39 s important to seek help from an external source specialising in drugs. Admitting you need help is nothing to be ashamed off smoking and drugs are addictive substances and young people from all walks of life, backgrounds and families can easily become addicted. In many cases, taking drugs is merely a passing phase or 39 fad 39 that teens sometimes go through and it will eventually pass.

But i also know that she chews a heck of a lot of chewing gum! i found my 16 year old son smoking recently. It might sound harsh but i basically told him that he isn 39 t old enough to smoke, i would not wash any of his clothes if i smelt it on them, if i found any and i would be looking that i would be breaking them up and throwing them away so it was going to cost him a fortune and i cut his lunch money down from 10 to 5. My 15 year old step son went from a delightful child of 11 to being in trouble with the police, bunking school most every day, and smoking cannabis and drinking. We have tried everything you can think of to help him but all he wants to do is smoke weed and hang out with mates, he wont even wash and smells awful. I have a 10 month old daughter who i am scared for as she is crawling and i 39 m worried she may get hold of his drugs which he stashes all over the house. He is living with his real mother at the moment to see if she can influence him in any way but it seems to be getting worse. I don 39 t have any teenagers myself but at that age i remember when my mum caught me out i was just relieved and was glad to talk to her.

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I think any parent with a child who is taking drugs should simply talk to them and let them know you 39 re there for them. I searched my sons room for a few weeks until i found evidence of cannabis and also my metal teaspoons which had gone missing. I actually called the local police to confirm what i had found and they came round and were so helpful. They told me they wouldn 39 t charge him with possession as there were only tiny amounts and as he had a loving family they prefer the family to try and deal with it. I.e losing his passport, having a record and how this can affect his life physically as opposed to mentally. He snapped out of it pretty quickly when the reality of his actions hit him hard.

It was one of the most difficult times of my life and my son is full of regret for what he put us all through, i am just pleased he is out of it now. My daughter 39 s whole attitude has changed since she started taking drugs, she is constantly angry unless she has money in her hand on her way out my back door to go and meet her friends . She is in with a crowd of known drug users which i have being trying with all my powers to keep her away from, but the more you say keep away the more they go behind your back. My only advice is to be open with your child, tell her your concerns, your worries about the drugs, about your hopes for her in the future, maybe you could ask her what her hopes for the future are or try to suggest spending some quality time together.