Essay on Advantages And Disadvantages of City Life And Village Life Text

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Village is a habitation of people which is much smaller in area than a city or a town. However, this life like all other things has its own merits and demerits and, advantages and disadvantages. In a village, the avenues of employment are few as, knowhow of various avenues is not at par with that available in the cities. Besides farming, there may be some construction works, some small scale industries and, that is all of what is available in the villages.

It is this lack of a variety of employment potential that makes for the continuous exodus of village people in the cities and towns. This in because the towns and cities are not planned for the huge population that moves into the towns and cities while city life appears to be fast and on a continuous move, on the contrary, life in a village is very calm and quiet and also slow moving. Here there appears to be a lot of peace and silence as if everyone is without a care in the world. Besides being tension free, people here, are a satisfied lot, not fighting for any competition of any kind. They are all very very satisfied with their lot whatever it may be and, i think that is just the reason for their friendly behaviours with each other in the village.

While people in cities and towns are busy struggling to compete with each other, people in the villages are busy remaining just happy with themselves without a care for what the others do. Here, people are also more helpful to each other because probably they do not have any competitions and thus no grudges against each other. Regarding education, some villages do have schools but, if any of the children are interested, and want to study more they have no option except to move to cities nearby.

This is because there are no institutes in villages for advanced studies of any kind. Thus in contrast to cities, though villages have a peaceful life, progress of any kind remains a far off dream. However a study of the people of villages and those of cities goes to distinctly show that, people of villages are definitely better human beings than their counterparts in cities and towns. In times of need thus, while village people are one entity very closely knit together, the people of the cities are a class apart without a care for any other. In a city, health is another hazard due to complete pollution which is the gift of mechanisation of everything in a city. On the other hand there being no mechanisation in a village, air they breathe is pure.

However, at the same time, since there are no arrangements for any treatments of any kind in villages, there is no possibility of any treatment for any sick in a village. Thus, in villages, people die unattended as there are no medical facilities available there. Thus, though there is less or no pollution in villages, if one falls sick, then there is no treatment also. This is why epidemics of all kinds attack the villages more than any cities and towns. Thus village life like city life, has its own drawbacks and demerits but life has to be encountered whether in a town or a city, and we must realise that both village and city life have their own problems. Title: advantages and disadvantages and thorough study of city life vs village life though india is mainly a land of villages. Mother's image in fair face the infant love of all his race his martyr'd father's dearest thought, my latest care, for whom i sought to hoard my life.

That his might be less wretched now, and one day free he, too, who yet had held untired a spirit natural or inspired he, too, was struck, and. Public transport, good education and health facilities, all sort of entertainment, more economical opportunities etc. Disadvantages of city life: noise amp air pollution, hectic life schedule, expensive food, expensive property, high property rents / taxes, too much trafic etc. Advantages of village life: clean atmosphere, no noise pollution, relaxed life style, property prices lower than cities therefore one a can buy a bigger house with some land. In an agricultural village vegetables, fruits, meat amp dairy products will be fresher and cheaper etc. Disadvantages of village life: insuffcient medical and education facilities, few oppertunities to make money, little entertainment, no or little public transport, lacks many facilities which a big city offers. Azurewaters1 8 years ago it is said that god made the village and human being made the town.

The craving of children for the village is a sign that it is the most natural and healthful life for man. People living in villages are more healthier, active, and simpler in habits than the the people living in towns. The quiet and peace of village life give opportunities for thought, study, and mental development, which are impossible in town life. The abundance on pine air, and the more healthy conditions of life, also establishes physical health and strength as town life can never do. The dwellers in the village miss the conveniences and opportunities of life in town. The educational advantages are often few and difficult to secure, and opportunities for work are far less than in the city.

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Life in the village may become dull, and engender a lack of brightness and polish which puts the village people at a disadvantage beside the town dweller. Ignorance, prejudice, and narrowness, too, are more characteristic of village than of town life. conclusion: the improved train ways, the post, newspapers, the bicycle, the bus, the motor, and the improved means of intercourse between town and village go far to minimize these drawbacks, so that the dweller in the village need not lack the culture of the town. Free essay on the village life people living in cities do not know what living in a village means.

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India is a land of villages whose more than 80% of the population lives in rural areas. The people living in villages lead a simple and peaceful life and majority of them are farmers or agricultural labourers. Early in the morning when most people in the cities and towns are asleep, village is awake and full of activity. The farmers are seen going to their fields with the plough and bullocks to till the land. Image source: the women tend to their cows and buffaloes and milk them. When free from this work they cook food and take it to the fields for their husbands to eat.

They also tend to their household duties and clean and sweep their houses every day. In earlier times there used to be no water taps, electricity or doctors to look after the health of villagers. But now a days most villages have electricity and water supply and health centres. Every village has a panchayat to settle the disputes among villages and also for preparing development plans.

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