Essay on Communication Competence Text

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Communicating effectively interpersonally and within a group has always been my problem. More specifically, communicating orally, that is, oral communication and presentation is another aspect that i feel anxious about. This is why i try to develop my communication skills and competence by reflecting on the important factors that influence one's communication why the need to communicate effectively' the main reason why i want to improve my communication skills is that communication is an inherent part of relating with people in all of the activities that we do everyday. Communication is present in all kinds of media: through print, broadcast, and even online communication. Learning to communicate is essential since communication helps develop one's self concept of himself, as well as the image s/he presents to other people. Thus, because of these essential uses of communication, i intent to improve on three important factors in communicating: motivation, knowledge, and skills.

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I know that i have the motivation to communicate competently, but honors: communication capstone communication competence is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both appropriate and effective for a given situation. Interpersonal competency allows one to achieve their communication goals without causing the other party to lose face. The model most often used to describe competence is the component model spitzberg amp cupach, 1984 which includes three components: 1 knowledge, 2 skill, and 3 motivation. Knowledge simply means knowing what behavior is best suited for a given situation. Motivation is having the desire to communicate in a competent manner. theorist: spitzberg amp cupach spitzberg, b.

The component model's three parts requires that a communicator be able to 1 recognize what communication practice is appropriate knowledge , 2 have the ability to perform that practice skill , and 3 want to communicate in an effective and appropriate manner motivation. The component model of competence is not a theory about communication, but rather a model that sets the framework for what makes someone a competent communicator. The component model has been used as the basis for many other models of competence because of its breadth. The model can be easily applied to the criteria of effectiveness and appropriateness that make up a competent communicator. Specifically there is a new focus on this idea of competence that is concerned with how the dyad creates competency rather than the focus on the individual competency. In this model a dyad's communication can be competent in that within the relationship it is both effective and appropriate, but to those outside of the group, it might seem incompetent. In order to be a competent communicator, one must be able to recognize which skills are necessary in a particular situation, have those skills, and be properly motivated to use those skills.

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Toward the development and validation of a measure of cognitive communication competence. understanding communication theory: the communicative forces for human action. n/a communication competence is something that affects people everyday. Therefore, this work will be focused specifically on communication competence in family communication and how parents affect the child during the developmental stages. Communication competence can be linked to mead apos s symbolic interactionism theory. Throughout our paper, the concepts of symbolic interactionism are applied to communication competence.

The goal of this paper is to better understand the importance of effective communication during the developmental stages of children, and further show the vitality of symbolic interactionism to development. First, the research focuses on the phenomenon of communication competence and a clear definition will be given so that the reader gains a mutual understanding of the term communication competence. The topic will be narrowed down to its importance in family communication and the research will focus on the importance of parents communicating affectively to their children. Each concept of this theory will be explained and the paper will then exhibit the relation between communication competence and symbolic interactionism. The last section of the paper will discuss what was found through research, and hopefully help the reader understand the importance of communication competence. After discussing communication competence, symbolic interactionism, and explaining the link between the two, a hypothesis will be given.

How does communication competence correlate with the leadership role of the adult? we discovered two different perspectives of the concept. Communication competence for the cognitive perspective is the ability of the individual to demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate behavior in a given situation. Communication competence from the behavioral perspective is the ability of the individual to perform the appropriate communicative behavior in a given situation

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Parents direct operations, activities, and performances of families in many cases. A study researched the role of parent child conversation and its role in shaping a child apos s cognitive development laible, 2004. Therefore when a child converses with an adult, the internal thought originates from the social interaction. This is due to a mutual understanding and meaning given to the conversation by the caregiver and the child.

The child, in turn, internalizes their conversations, and further guides his social skills laible, 2004. When parents verbally guide a child in creating descriptions of social, emotional, and moral experiences, caregivers are likely teaching children about socio emotional concepts, including the causes and consequences of emotions, what type of behaviors are socially acceptable, and how they evaluate moral and emotional experiences laible, 2004, p.979. The style the parent uses to communicate with the child has an effect on their recollection of past experiences laible, 2004. Some parents are very elaborate and provide rich descriptions of past experiences. This type of parent also asks open ended questions about a child apos s memories laible, 2004. On the other hand, some parents provide little support and detail of past experience. Researchers on autobiographical memory have found empirical support for the idea that elaborative parents have children who have more comprehensive and detailed memory of their past experiences than children of repetitive parents laible, 2004, p.980.

The interpersonal relationships a child forms are determined by the child learning to develop relationships by the competence demonstrated by the by richard nordquist. In english, is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at armstrong atlantic state university and the author of two grammar and composition textbooks for college freshmen, writing exercises macmillan and passages: a writer 39 s guide st. 34 by far the most important development in tesol has been the emphasis on a communicative approach in language teaching coste, 1976 roulet, 1972 widdowson, 1978. The one thing that everyone is certain about is the necessity to use language for communicative purposes in the classroom. Consequently, the concern for teaching linguistic competence has widened to include communicative competence. The socially appropriate use of language, and the methods reflect this shift from form to function. 34 christina bratt paulston, 34 introduction: english teaching as a foreign or second language.

Multilingual matters, 1992 34 we have then to account for the fact that a normal child acquires knowledge of sentences not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to when to speak, when not, and as to what to talk about with whom, when, where, in what manner. This competence, moreover, is integral with attitudes, values, and motivations concerning language, its features and uses, and integral with competence for, and attitudes toward, the interrelation of language with the other code of communicative conduct. 34 dell hymes, 34 models of the interaction of language and social life, 34 in directions in sociolinguistics: the ethnography of communication. Holt, rinehart amp winston, 1972 canale and swain 39 s model of communicative competence in 34 theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching and testing 34 applied linguistics. 1980 , michael canale and merrill swain identified these four components of communicative competence: ii sociolinguistic competence includes knowledge of sociocultural rules of use. It is concerned with the learners 39 ability to handle for example settings, topics and communicative functions in different sociolinguistic contexts.

In addition, it deals with the use of appropriate grammatical forms for different communicative functions in different sociolinguistic contexts. I discourse competence is related to the learners 39 mastery of understanding and producing texts in the modes of listening. Iv strategic competence refers to compensatory strategies in case of grammatical or sociolinguistic or discourse difficulties, such as the use of reference sources, grammatical and lexical paraphrase, requests for repetition, clarification, slower speech, or problems in addressing strangers when unsure of their social status or in finding the right cohesion devices. It is also concerned with such performance factors as coping with the nuisance of background noise or using gap fillers. An analysis to encourage teachers of english to assess the very basis of their teaching.