Essay on Feedback In Communication Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Showing result 1 5 of 153 essays containing the words feedback communication. University essay from it universitetet i göteborg/tillämpad informationsteknologi author. China as one of emerging economies has attracted a large number of global companies, including swedish ones, to engage in the financial investments and create many business collaborations cross national borders. Swedish managers inevitably go to china for some reasons such as long or short term assignment in local or swedish organization located in china or negotiation with chinese business partners.

Read more university essay from it universitetet i göteborg/tillämpad informationsteknologi author. Tanti kostaman 2015 09 30 feedback refers to the response or reaction of the receiver to the sender. How it influences depends on whether the communicator received positive feedback or negative feedback.

If one receives laughter or clapping from the audience while delivering a lecture, he feels encouraged. For any developmental programme to succeed, adequate and correct feedback is necessary when a development practitioner receives feedback, he comes to know the positive and negative sides of his work and he is able to plan his subsequent activities on the basis of this knowledge. Thus, it enhances the confidence of the communicator and receiver in what they have accomplished by communicating with each other. Absence of feedback may give rise to doubts in the minds of both sender and receiver.

Discouragement from the communicator to give feedback, language and cultural barriers, untimely messages, socio economic barriers or nature of the channel could be some of the reasons for getting no or poor feedback. Receivers are not just passive absorbers of messages they receive the message and respond to them. Sometimes it is oral, as when you react to a colleague 146 s ideas with questions or comments. Feedback is your audience 146 s response it enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of your message. If your audience doesn 146 t understand what you mean, you can tell by the response and then refine the message accordingly.

Giving your audience a chance to provide feedback is crucial for maintaining an open communication climate. For example after explaining the job to the subordinated he must ask them whether they have understood it or not. He should ask questions like 147 do you understand? 148 , 147 do you have any doubts? 148 etc. Feedback is essential in communication so as to know whether the recipient has understood the message in the same terms as intended by the sender and whether he agrees to that message or not. There are lot of ways in which company takes feedback from their employees, such as. The managers encourage feedback by asking specific questions, allowing their employees to express general views, etc. A manger should ensure that a feedback should: focus on a particular behaviour it should be specific rather than being general.

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Impersonal feedback should be job related, the manager should not criticize anyone personally. Goal oriented if we have something negative to say about the person, we should always direct it to the recipients goal. Well timed feedback is most effective when there is a short gap between the recipients behaviour and the receipt of that feedback. Use 147 i 148 statements manager should make use of statements with the words like 147 i 148 , 147 however 148 etc. For example instead of saying 148 you were absent from work yesterday 148 , manager should say 148 i was annoyes when you missed your work yesterday 148. Ensure understanding for feedback to be effective, the manager should make sure that the recipients understands the feedback properly.

While giving negative feedback to the recipient, the manager should not mention the factors which are not in control of the recipient. In english, is professor emeritus of rhetoric and english at armstrong atlantic state university and the author of two grammar and composition textbooks for college freshmen, writing exercises macmillan and passages: a writer 39 s guide st. Read more in communication studies, feedback is the response of an audience to a message or activity. 34 the term 39 feedback 39 is taken from cybernetics, a branch of engineering concerned with self regulating systems. In its simplest form, feedback is a self stabilising control system such as the watt steam governor, which regulates the speed of a steam engine or a thermostat that controls the temperature of a room or oven. Feedback refers to a response from the receiver which gives the communicator an idea of how the message is being received and whether it needs to be modified. 34 strictly speaking, negative feedback does not imply 39 bad, 39 and positive feedback 39 good.

39 negative feedback indicates that you should do less of what you are doing or change to something else. Positive feedback encourages you to increase what you are doing, which can go out of control over excitement at a party, fighting or having a row. If you are crying, feedback from those around may cause you to dry your eyes and put on a brave face if feedback is negative or weep unashamedly if feedback is positive.

Nelson thomas, 2002 useful feedback on writing 34 the most useful feedback you can give someone or receive yourself is neither vague encouragement 39 good start! keep at it! 39 nor scorching criticism 39 sloppy method! 39 , but rather an honest assessment of how the text reads. In other words, 39 rewrite your introduction because i don 39 t like it 39 is not nearly as helpful as 39 you start off saying you want to look at trends in functionalistic interior design, but you seem to spend most of your time talking about the use of color among the bauhaus designers. 39 this gives the author not only insight into what is confusing the reader, but also several options for fixing it: she can rewrite the introduction either to focus on bauhaus designers or to better explain the link between functionalistic interior design and bauhaus designers, or she can restructure the paper to talk about other aspects of functionalistic interior design.

Nygaard, writing for scholars: a practical guide to making sense and being heard. Universitetsforlaget, 2008 feedback on public speaking 34 public speaking presents different opportunities for feedback. Or listener response to a message, than does dyadic, small group, or mass communication. Partners in conversation continually respond to one another in back and forth fashion in small groups, participants expect interruptions for purposes of clarification or redirection. However, because the receiver of the message in mass communication is physically removed from the messenger, feedback is delayed until after the event, as in tv ratings. 34 public speaking offers a middle ground between low and high levels of feedback.

Public speaking does not permit the constant exchange of information between listener and speaker that happens in conversation, but audiences can and do provide ample verbal and noverbal cues to what they are thinking and feeling. Facial expressions, vocalizations including laughter or disapproving noises , gestures, applause, and a range of body movements all signal the audience 39 s response to the speaker. 34 dan o 39 hair, rob stewart, and hannah rubenstein, speaker 39 s guidebook: text and reference. Martin 39 s, 2007 34 s ome researchers and classroom practitioners remain unconvinced of the merits of peer feedback for l2 student writers, who may not have the linguistic knowledge base or intuitions to give acurate or helpful information to their classmates. 34 handbook of research in second language teaching and learning, volume 2.