Essay on Global Warming And Its Preventive Measures Text

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The energy you use at home and work contributes to increased levels of carbon dioxide usually, fossil fuels are burned to produce and transport the energy, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Environmental protection agency recommends is changing out standard lightbulbs for compact fluorescent or led lights, which use up to 75 percent less energy and last longer. You can also upgrade heating and cooling systems and insulate your home properly to make sure your home is not wasting energy.

To reduce dependence on fossil fuels, buy green power, which is produced from renewable sources like solar or wind. See references 5 the way you shop and the products you buy can contribute to global warming: the materials' sourcing, manufacturing, transportation and disposal all have the potential to cause emissions and pollutants to be released into the air. The epa recommends buying energy star certified products, which are designed to be efficient and last longer. When you can, buy used products and items with recycled content and minimal packaging. See references 7 when it comes time to throw away items, try to recycle them or donate them to another source so that they don't end up in a landfill.

Although food waste decomposes quickly, when this takes place unattended in a landfill the process releases methane, a greenhouse gas. Global warming is the biggest problem of the world and we have to minimize global warming if we want to make earth a better place to live. In this article you will find meaning of global warming, causes of global warming, effects and measures to prevent global warming.

The green house gases are collected in the environment due to the activities of human beings. The green house gases allow the solar radiantion of short wavelengths to pass through them which are converted into long wavelength radiantion. These radiations of long wavelenghts do not escape away through the gren house gases therefore they remain in the atmosphere and rise the temperature of the atmosphere. Global warming is a great problem due to whcih the normal temperature of the earth has increased higher than before.

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Increase int he amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere due to excessive deforestation. Increase in the amount of oxides of carbon, oxides of nitrogen produced during the combustion of fossil fuel like coal and petroleum partially or completely. Collection of chlorofluorocarbon in atmosphere due to use of aerosols in refrigerator and air conditioners, use of foams and fire extinguishers.

Nitrogen oxides gas is produced by chemical fertilizers used in agriculture and by the combustion of fuel used in automobile. Various biotic activites, agricultural activites and decay of organic wastes produce gren house gases causing global warming. Rate of evaporation of water increases due to global warming creating shortage of water availability. Due to global warming, the polar snow will melt, flooding the rivers and oceans which will endanger the costal life. By discouraging deforestation and efforcing a completecontrol on excessive cutting of forests.

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Definition of global warming: gradual increase in the earths surface temperature. The debate: is the observed global warming natural or man made? human causes: carbon dioxide co2 , e.g. Government position: the energy act of 2005 states: the president shall establish a committee on climate change technology which shall submit to the secretary and the president a national strategy to promote the deployment and commercialization of greenhouse gas intensity reducing technologies and practices. History: in 1896 svante arrhenius 1903 nobel prize in chemistry predicted the decrease in co2 needed to cause past ice ages.

This helped confirm the 1859 prediction that human produced increases in co2 would cause just the reverse: global warming. ϻ�global warming killing earth’s age global warming is defined as the increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere. global warming also refers to the increase in temperature of the earth’s surface. ϻ� global warming causes and implications name of the student name of the professor course title date global warming causes and implications earth is a miraculous natural entity equipped with trillions of astonishing attributes that have made it the only possible life supporting planet. Implementation the grazing must be controlled and forest management should be done properly the afforestation and reforestation must take place proper preventive methods like shields should be used in areas of wind erosion and wind breaks remember to carry paper bags and minimize using plastic bags the.

This will therefore translate to climatic change of such area which can also spread to other areas unless preventive measures are taken. Air pollution and global warming sci 275 cheryl wilson september 30, 2012 tori robinson air pollution causes global warming through the greenhouse effect, according to the united states environmental protection agency. Fever, and the fever is growing… we are what’s wrong, and we must make it better. global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, resulting in a permanent change in the earth’s climate. The earth has been experiencing a continued increase in its mean atmospheric temperature by about 1.4 degrees f. global warming and coastal erosion background ongoing global warming has been a popular subject between scientists, politicians and society in general. A lot of research has been done regarding climate change and global warming and most suggest that global warming is happening.

The new york times claiming that global warming is a matter our generation must concentrate on in order to halt the rapid increases of change to our planet’s climate. He creates a strong, convincing argument by addressing and exemplifying issues pertaining to global climate change. global warming global warming name: navin mathew university: baker college course: english 102 tutor: christopher profeta introduction global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of both the earth’s near surface air and the oceans. Funding big global warming projects worth it? many large organizations have formed to fight the effects of global warming. These organizations have been successful in fundraising their projects and spending substantial amounts of money into research and policy lobbying. What is the greatest threat to our world? over the last decade, global warming has turned out to be a controversial issue as the effects of global warming have been proliferating sharply.

global warming leads to some negative impacts on people and the world we live in, but the most crucial ones are. global warmingglobal warming for mankind global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of earth's atmosphere and oceans. global warming is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as deforestation and burning. global warming there is little doubt that the planet is warming. Over the last century, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit 0.6 of a degree celsius. The united nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures. Is global warming a conspiracy? global warming is the rise in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation.