Essay on Importance of Holiday Homework Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Holidays are necessary to every one to get rest and refreshment from our routine. We all get tired and bored with normal routine and wish to have a change from it, holidays have the ability to give more comfort to us and most of us are expecting holiday from the week beginning we all love holidays. Starting from school going kids to working employees all are liking holidays and awaiting for it.

No one hate holidays, because we can take rest in holidays as well as enjoy a lot with our friends and family members during holidays. A single holiday have the ability to change our routine and give more relaxation to us. During our school days we like summer vacation and go to our relatives house at that time and enjoy a lot with our grand parents, cousins and other relatives in our native place during summer holidays. While working, we are looking for week end to change our routine, as we are tired with our day to day hard work and regular routine and look for a change.

Week end holidays will give some change from this normal routine and we plan for various outing trip and enjoyment during the week end with our friends or family members. Holidays are necessary to every one to get rest and refreshment from our routine. We all get tired and bored with normal routine and wish to have a change from it, holidays have the ability to give more comfort to us and most of us are expecting holiday from the week beginning, i.e we are waiting for the week end to enjoy. Without holidays, we don't have any changes and doing the same work throughout the month without any relaxing activities.

During holidays most of us take some rest and have a sound sleep in the noon time it will reduce our stress and give refreshment to us. Holidays help us to give rest to our physical work and we reduce our body strain on holidays. Some of us will plan for a family outing or going outing with friends during the holiday time to have fun and pleasure and forget about our worries.

Holidays will give a great relaxation and refreshment to us and give a new energy to do our work in the upcoming week. Most of us will do our work with full enthusiasm in the week beginning due to the holiday rest. Surely holiday is a need and necessary thing to every one whoever want rest from their routine. There are many reasons homework should not be abolished as it is beneficial towards the student, allows the teacher to acknowledge the student's weaknesses in turn giving them an opportunity to improve and acquire new skills. Also, taking time each night to do homework is a chance for students to catch up on missed class and further reinforces the day's lessons so it is permanently etched in the student's mind where the information is stored and used when called upon.

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Several studies have proven that homework, in fact, does improve the stability of the student in school this strengthens the statement that time spent completing homework is time well spent. Rather than giving students another hour of leisure time, doing homework entitles the student to an hour of enriched education this can greatly benefit the student, as consistently. importance of homework in college introduction if you thought that moving from high school to college was the end of homework. homework is as essential in college studies as it is during high school. Doing or not doing homework can have a direct impact on how well you do in college. ϻ�the debate on importance of homework every school day might be new learning for students, as this is a phase where their basics are being gathered and made strong however, can end on as usual with a lot of assignments to complete at home. ϻ� homework can be defined as the tasks given to the students by their class teachers, which has to be completed outside of the class.

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