Essay on We Want Peace Not War Text

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Thousands of years later ad 96, marcus nerva the emperor of rome was out to conquer the world alongside his. Here you can publish your research papers, essays, letters, stories, poetries, biographies, notes, reviews. Thousands of years later ad 96, marcus nerva the emperor of rome was out to conquer the world alongside his undefeatable army waging war against all those who oppose… all who stand in his way would suffer his wrath. Mythologies of war and peace from the text: myths o live by joseph campbell copyright 1972 from a lecture given in 1967 it is for an obvious reason far easier to name examples of mythologies of war than mythologies of peace for not only has conflict between groups been normal to human experience.

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international day of peace – a call to continue our journey as peacemakers by sr. Brenda walsh, racine dominican this year, 2013, september 21 st is designated as international day of peace. Each year, the united nations invites all people and nations around the world, to hear and respond to the call to create a peaceful world.

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It was designed to create a specific time each year, to concentrate the efforts of the un and its member states as well as the whole human race, to promote the ideals of peace and to give positive evidence of their commitment to peace in all viable ways. This year there is a specific call to address and eliminate bullying and to practice civil discourse in homes, schools, churches, communities and government, or wherever it is practiced. The call to practice and live peace is for all human beings, regardless of age, color, creed, class or place of origin. We must believe that peace is indeed possible and the spirit will show us the way to live in peace and harmony wherever we are. What are some of the ways that groups can be engaged in creating a just, peaceful and inclusive society? the first and most important thing is to pray and reflect on the meaning of peace and ways to be involved.

Invite god to remove all the obstacles in our minds and hearts and allow god’s peace to fill them with light, hope and peace. Ban ki moon, secretary general of the united nations, said: it is not enough to teach children to read, write and converse. We must teach them to have respect for themselves, for others and for the world in which we live. Reach out across lines of color, class and creed and demonstrate that peace is possible. What can faith communities and other organizations do to work for peace? mahatma gandhi once said that we must be the change we want to see happen. We can learn about ways to address anger and resentment and participate creatively and peacefully in our interactions.

Conflict resolutions skills are available for children and adults to learn about ways to have peaceful interactions and to resolve conflicts. Commentaries on the need to work for peace can be sent to media at a local, state or national level. Writing to legislators at all levels about justice and peace issues is very important. The money used for wars is needed to help those struggling with life issues and ways to live with human dignity and have needed resources. Margaret mead once reminded us, never doubt that a small group of committed, thoughtful people can change the world. All of us need to confront continuing and expanding poverty, dependency, hostility towards immigrants and refugees.

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How can we resist a culture of growing violence at every level of society? we as a nation continue to use violence as a means of solving problems. By looking at the underlying causes of violence, we can help stop using bandaid solutions in solving problems. We need to work to identify what caused the problems in the first place, and then to choose a different path. Diverse groups can come together and share ideas and plans and design life so that no one is excluded from it.