Essay Topic Sentence Structure Text

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Skillswise uses the levels of the national qualifications framework, which start at entry 1, 2 and 3 and then go on to level 1 and level 2. entry 3 covers the basic concepts and is a good preparation for starting a level 1 course. level 1 is roughly equivalent to a gcse d g grade in england, northern ireland and wales, and a foundation level at standard grade in scotland. Essay structure refers to organization it refers to how you organize and support the ideas expressed within your essay. One – few paragraphs at the beginning of the essay the length should be in proportion to the essay as a whole body.

One – few paragraphs at the end of the essay like the introduction, the appropriate length depends on the length of the essay hook: an opening statement that attempts to grab the attention of your readers. This attention grabber can take the form of a question to the reader, anecdote story , interesting quotation that relates to your topic, surprising statement, revealing statistic regarding your topic, statement of opposition, statement of opinion, etc. Example of an anecdote hook: i was born on a surprisingly sunny and warm january day in 1975. Example 2: parents should enroll their pre school aged children in daycare programs, because there are many advantages that students gain in the daycare environment. Example 3: the first day of college was significant to me because it is the day that i dedicated myself to my education and i set a plan in place for achieving my goals.

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Body paragraphs: each body paragraph should clearly connect to the thesis statement by helping prove the point made in the thesis. Each paragraph is organized to build upon the other and should include a specific claim that supports the thesis statement and evidence that supports that claim. While some believe that violent video games should not be sold to minors without parental consent, to implement such restrictions is a violation of the first amendment. As andrew cohen of the atlantic states 2011 , crudely violent video games, tawdry tv shows, and cheap novels and magazines are no less forms of speech than the divine comedy. Cohen’s point here is that violent video games, among other questionable forms of entertainment are protected by the freedom of speech clause of the first amendment as they are a form of art – even if that be low art. Within the context of the first amendment, the restriction of violent video game sales and distribution would be unconstitutional, and their unrestricted distribution of these games must be enforced. This sentence also foreshadows the topic of the next body paragraph enforcement of the unrestricted sale of violent video games restated thesis: a rephrased version of the thesis from your introduction.

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Example of a warning ending: if no definitive action is taken to educate americans while they are young, the nation will soon find itself unable to function with few to no eligible candidates to fill the various sectors of the job market. Proprietary information of ashford university, created by academics, cr 215591. A typical expository paragraph starts with a controlling idea or claim, which it then explains, develops, or supports with evidence.

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Paragraph sprawl occurs when digressions are introduced into an otherwise focused and unified discussion. Digressions and deviations often come in the form of irrelevant details or shifts in focus. 2 citizens have had to decide whether offenders such as first degree murderers should be killed in a gas chamber, imprisoned for life, or rehabilitated and given a second chance in society.

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4 they believe that killing criminals will set an example for others and also rid society of a cumbersome burden. 5 other citizens say that no one has the right to take a life and that capital punishment is not a deterrent to crime. 6 they believe that society as well as the criminal is responsible for the crimes and that killing the criminal does not solve the problems of either society or the criminal. A topic sentence is a sentence whose main idea or claim controls the rest of the paragraph the body of a paragraph explains, develops or supports with evidence the topic sentence's main idea or claim. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph, but not necessarily. It may come, for example, after a transition sentence it may even come at the end of a paragraph.

Topic sentences are not the only way to organize a paragraph, and not all paragraphs need a topic sentence. For example, paragraphs that describe, narrate, or detail the steps in an experiment do not usually need topic sentences. Topic sentences are particularly useful for writers who have difficulty developing focused, unified paragraphs i.e. Topic sentences help these writers develop a main idea or claim for their paragraphs, and, perhaps most importantly, they help these writers stay focused and keep paragraphs manageable. Topic sentences are also useful to readers because they guide them through sometimes complex arguments.

Many well known, experienced writers effectively use topic sentences to bridge between paragraphs. Here's an example of how one professional writer does this: soon after the spraying had ended there were unmistakable signs that all was not well. Within two days dead and dying fish, including many young salmon, were found along the banks of the stream. Brook trout also appeared among the dead fish, and along the roads and in the woods birds were dying. Before the spraying there had been a rich assortment of the water life that forms the food of salmon and trout 151 caddis fly larvae, living in loosely fitting protective cases of leaves, stems or gravel cemented together with saliva, stonefly nymphs clinging to rocks in the swirling currents, and the wormlike larvae of blackflies edging the stones under riffles or where the stream spills over steeply slanting rocks. But now the stream insects were dead, killed by ddt, and there was nothing for a young salmon to eat.

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The first part of carson's topic sentence 151 soon after the spraying had ended 151 is a transitional clause that looks back to the previous topic: ddt spraying. Topic sentences often begin with such transitional clauses referring to the previous paragraph. The second part of the topic sentence 151 there were unmistakable signs that all was not well 151 shapes and controls what follows. Notice, too, how carson further helps the reader follow her argument by providing a more focused version of the topic sentence later in the paragraph 151 all the life of the stream was stilled. this sentence tells us exactly what carson meant by all was not well. . .sentence structure layout in essay students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. There are also more companies answering their plea to: write an essay for me and some are much better than others. Students should consider the following points when looking for essay writing services to write essay for me.

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