Essay Writing Skills for Ielts Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

The international english language testing system ielts is the world’s most popular english language proficiency test for higher education and global migration, with over 2 million tests taken in the last year. Ielts assesses all of your english skills reading, writing, listening and speaking, and is designed to reflect how you will use english at study, at work, and at play, in your new life abroad. The test is developed by some of the world’s leading experts in language assessment. It has an excellent international reputation, and is accepted by over 9,0 organisations worldwide, including schools, universities, employers, immigration authorities and professional bodies. For the test, you have a choice of two versions of ielts: academic or general training. Topics are of general interest to, and suitable for candidates entering undergraduate and postgraduate studies or seeking professional registration. You will be presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram and asked to describe, summarise or explain the information in your own words.

You may be asked to describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, how something works or describe an object or event. You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. The writing component of ielts general training includes two tasks which are based on topics of general interest. You will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information, or explaining the situation. The essay can be slightly more personal in style than the academic writing task 2 essay. ielts essay / writing correction service one of the most effective ways to improve your writing is to have a professional check your writing and give you feedback on errors and ways to improve your writing there is no way you can assess your own writing. You can read the tips, follow the guidelines, do your best, but to make fast and reliable progress you must have someone else to look through your work, point out mistakes and make suggestions for improvement.

In this regard, essay ielts, having over 6 years experience in teaching english writing skills to test takers, can help you with correction of your essay.  your essay will be assessed against ielts test criteria task 1, task 2 including: task response: means that your essay shows that you understood and covered the topic from all its sides, aspects, etc. coherence and cohesion: means how well you connected the paragraphs and sentences inside each paragraph.

lexical resource: means vocabulary and different types of sentences, simple and complex. The frequency of spelling and grammatical errors and the range of sentence types used. the four criteria are equally weighted this assessment will be done by our experienced and professional ielts tutors who have corrected hundreds of ielts essays. Our tutors are ex ielts examiners and can help you score higher by providing you with personalised feedback on personal/specific areas for improvement. This feedback not only shows you where you are making errors but also gives you how to improve your overall response in order to maximise your score.

  should you require that your essay be corrected by the best known online correction service, please order here. Candidates are required to write at least 150 words on task 1 and atlatl 250 on task 2. in task 1 candidates are given a diagram, a figure or some data graph, table or chart. It assess the ability of candidates to present and compare information, describe stages of a process, how an even event takes place, explain an object or event etc in task 2 candidates are presented with some point of view, argument, scenario or a problem.

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Candidate has to devise a solution to the problem, present a justification to an opinion, compare and contrast evidence and opinions, evaluate and challenge ideas, etc, in the for of essay of at least 250 words. In task 1 candidates has to respond to a given situation, scenario or problem by writing a letter. The letter should describe factual information, needs, wants, likes and dislikes, complaints, personal correspondence etc in task 2 candidates are presented with some point of view, argument, scenario or a problem. Writing about a topic, an event, or a situation is an art which is developed by training and practice.

It needs a huge discourse to learn how to improve writing skills but i will explain some of the major factors which will help you flourish your general writing skills. Writing skills depends on your creativity or inventiveness, grammatical accuracy, style of expression, personal observation, collection and selection ideas, shaping ideas in proper order. Creativity means generating and organizing new ideas on the base of ideas already know to you about the topic or situation. It depends on your creativity power to utilize the known facts and ideas to generate new ideas and shape them in proper style in written form. Style of expression and shaping ideas in proper order are the important factors for good writing skills.

Ideas should be presented adequately in sentences so that reader can easily understand them. Proper order of sentences, what should be written first and what should be written second needs to be developed. Good style of expressing expression and shaping order in adequate order are very important for impressive and influential writing.

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