Essays for Masters Application Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Graduate school expert tara kuther has written about graduate school admissions and success for since 20. The admissions essay   bewilders most graduate school applicants yet it is a vital part of the application that cannot be ignored.  the  admissions essay serves an important purpose because it permits you to speak directly to the graduate committee. This is an important opportunity that 39 s also a big source of stress for applicants.

Writing an effective essay requires preparation  you must gather the information needed to compose the essay, understand the task at hand, and decide what you would like to convey. Here are some tips to help you gather the information needed to compose a graduate admissions essay that sets you apart from the rest. What do you hope to gain from graduate study? granted, most of this information may not make it into the essay, but your goal at this point is to brainstorm. Identity as much of your personal history as possible so that you can carefully sift through and sort out events and personal items that will strengthen your essay. Hobbies projects that you 39 ve completed jobs responsibilities accomplishments in the personal and scholastic arena major life events that have changed you challenges and hurdles you 39 ve overcome life events that motivate your education people who have influenced you or motivated you  traits, work habits, and attitudes that will insure your success your goals carefully consider your academic record and personal accomplishments.

How do the attitudes, values, and personal qualities that you 39 ve listed correspond to these experiences? try to pair them up. For example, your curiosity and thirst for knowledge may have led you to conduct independent research with a professor. Consider how each pair of attitudes/personal qualities and experiences show that you 39 re prepared to excel in graduate school. Also consider these questions that will help you gather information that will be useful in writing your essays. Once you have a master list, carefully examine the information that you 39 ve listed.

Remember that the information that you chose to present can portray you as a positive and upbeat person or as a tired and discouraged student. Think about the image that you want to portray and revise your master list accordingly. Read the brochure, check the website, gather all information possible to help you determine what the admissions committee is looking for from potential students. Your research should provide enough of a knowledge base about the school to tailor your essay to it. Show that you 39 re interested and that you 39 ve taken the time to learn about the program. Take careful notes on each program and note where your personal interests, qualities, and accomplishments coincide. If you 39 re truly interested in the graduate programs to which you 39 re applying and with a $50 application fee for most schools, you should be interested! , take the time to tailor your essay to each program.

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Many applications require that students address specific questions in their admissions essays, such as these common admissions essay topics. Take time to think about the question, the central theme asked, and how it corresponds to your master list of experiences/personal qualities. consider how to organize your essay before you begin your essay, familiarize yourself with the basic structure of admissions essays.

As you begin write, remember that this is your chance to present your strengths and really shine. Remember that the committee is composed of professionals who have read hundreds, even thousands of such statements over the years. Your admissions essay is a story that tells the graduate admissions committee who you are and what you can offer. Granted, the questions posed will differ by program, but the general challenge is to introduce yourself and describe your potential as a successful candidate. A careful self assessment and consideration of the program and the questions posed will aid in your endeavor to write a winning personal statement. Today, the process of admissions for graduate programs is highly competitive. In addition to the quantitative data tests scores and academic transcripts and other materials that you will be asked to submit to a schools admissions committee, a piece of writing variously called a statement of purpose, personal essay, or statement of background and goals will probably be required as well.

The overall application package will represent who you are to people whom you will most likely not know personally. The written expression of your qualities as an applicant will often be a very important way for committee members to get to know why you are an acceptable candidate for their program. Thus, it is essential to take great care in preparing this part of your application. Because graduate schools make important selection decisions that are partly based on what you say in this essay, the writing of it can be an intimidating prospect. This handout offers some points to consider as you undertake the writing of an application essay. If you have begun your application process early, take the time to investigate thoroughly each institution to which you are applying. Go to the library and locate/browse through/read texts or abstracts by the schools faculty members who work in your field or area of interest.

Study and re study the application materials sent to you very carefully in particular, read through the school catalog and required course offerings. Find out if the school and program have web sites where you can learn more about them. Taking these steps will familiarize you with the department, and allow you to weigh its specific strengths and weaknesses in comparison to those of other schools.

While conducting your inquiry, take notes so that you will have something to base your essay on. Additionally, if you happen to know anyone a friend, family member, colleague, or teacher who has graduated from a school that you are considering, ask her or him for information as well. Although such people may be very helpful, be careful not to let their advice sway you too much, unless you are quite sure that they are particularly familiar with the department in question, and that their knowledge of it is up to date. The piece of writing that each school requests may be very different from that of others some programs may even ask for more than one essay. Before you begin to write, study very carefully the essay directions on the application materials sent to you by the school and by the specific department to which you are applying. While some programs leave the content of the essay fairly open, others may place explicit content and length restrictions on it. Try to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are being asked to write about.