Essays on Animal Behavior Text

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length: 690 words 2 double spaced pages the study of animal behavior is ethology. A large part of the studies have been conducted by lonrenz and niko tinbergen who wanted to find out how animals saw the world. This aggressiveness is what will make the male more fit in order provide more sperm to the females. If you take a chick for example, its mother will respond to sound instead of sight. When a chick is distressed and is placed in a sound proof container, the mother will not respond. However, when there is a physical barrier but not sound proof, the mother will respond to the chick’s cries.

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A bee will never see a white flower but instead it will see the target’, which is the pollen. They are chemicals that are released outside of the animal, and have a scent that will give an effect. When a gull has captured a plentiful supply of fish in its neck, the baby will peck at its mother so the fish will be released for them to feed on. The baby gulls will respond to the back and forth swinging and the red dot on the mother’s beak.

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Usually hormones and timing will motivate animals and drive their behavior timing through biological clocks, the animals circadium rhythms approx 24hrs. If a squirrel is put into the dark and exposed to artificial light, its cycle may shift. Each cell has a biological clock, which means each organ as well as the individual animal has one. Each organism has its own courtship behavior, the behavior by which it will meet the opposite sex.

There is a routine by which the mating will occur – such as a pattern of blinking, or a specific mating call. Honeybees by nature will explore to find a hive and then will interestingly take measurements – what degree the sun is to the hive and the distance from the hive to the place. The bees will tell the other bees from the hive the direction and degrees with a singing motion. For example if a dog was given food when a bell rang the dog will learn that he will be fed when the bell is rung. It is where an organism will learn during the sensitive phase in its life usually when they are young.

For example during the first hours of a baby’s life it will remember the first person it sees. An organism can find its home from almost anywhere on earth by using sun, magnetic senses, circadum clock, star patterns, geographical methods and timing. I've always wondered why animal's act the way they do, i'm sure everybody does because we've all grown up around animals. Certain things make them bark at you when you walk by and certain things make them bite. Without most household pets our mice wouldn't be killed, the cats wouldn't stay out of the yard, and the birds would make more noise than ever. But do animals really acquire this, or are they taught? in this research i hope to find out and examine what animals really think and why they think in certain ways. Maybe in the future i could also prevent injuries and incidents causing another innocent animals death.

After much study and research they have related that much of our behavior and communication is a higher evolved form of their communication. Studying animals is very difficult observation and experimentation are really the only two ways to measure and study behavior. It's really impossible but animals should be studied in their own habitat, but modernized technology made it possible to study animals under highly supervised laboratories. Those who study sound communication use spectrograms to translate animal calls into graphs.

These graphs make it possible for scientists to examine mating calls warning signals threats and food calls. Most scientists agree that mating rituals are communicative and information for animals to communicate is passed on genetically. In person description and relating behavior to other factors such as the environment. The use of this information is highly appreciated by livestock managers, animal transporters, land managers, ethnologists, zoos, veterinarians, and scientis conflict is very common in the animal kingdom. In many cases conflict between animals is resolved by actual fighting, but there are also many examples of fighting, some of which end up in the death of the opponent. From observations of animal conflict it is clear that some circumstances are more conductive to fighting than others.

Animals do not always fight when given the opportunity and some individuals vary in the readiness with which they resort to fighting. Such differences in agonistic behavior often reflect an animal′s chance of winning or getting injured and the importance of the issue concerned. The winner can gain exclusive use of a resource such as a food source or may obtain exclusive mating rights whereas losers gain either nothing or only partial access. The more aggressive an animal is, the more benefits it is likely to gain, but if an animal is too aggressive it might face unacceptably high costs, such as serious injury, so the animal must weigh up the relative costs and benefits of its action and choose an optimum level of aggression. If the costs are too high, and the benefits are too low avoiding a fight may be preferable to competing.

Psychology, a field of study in which knowing why people behave the way do is an important aspect into advancing our knowledge and our understanding of humans and human behavior. In order to achieve this advance, psychologists undergo research involving animals. You might be thinking, what things can animals do to explain why i behave the way i do, well, the answer is, a lot! although animals are not humans, by studying animals and animal behavior psychologist along with many other people have been able to prove time and again that animals are part of the key into clearing up the storm that is human behavior.

Source normalized impact per paper snip: 1.146source normalized impact per paper snip: snip measures contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. Scimago journal rank sjr: 1.547 ℹ sjr is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s impact. Impact factor: 3.137impact factor: the impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. © thomson reuters journal citation reports 2015 5 year impact factor: 3.423five year impact factor: to calculate the five year impact factor, citations are counted in 2014 to the previous five years and divided by the source items published in the previous five years. © journal citation reports 2015, published by thomson reuters this term papers animal behavior and other 60,0+ term papers, college essay examples and free essays are available now on autor: reviewessays bull november 9, 2010 bull 693 words 3 pages bull 620 views the study of animal behavior is ethology. However, when there is a physical barrier but not sound proof, the mother will respond to the chick apos s cries.

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