Essays on Digital Technology Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

In our ever growing world of technology, and communication, people are constantly looking for new and easier ways to use expression and become closer to the world around us. Before the computer and the internet became a common staple in the american household, people used technology such as television, newspapers, magazines, telephones, and radios now commonly referred to as traditional media вќ to communicate. Since traditional media in our society is old and aging, the new wave of communication and expressing ourselves is through various forms of digital media. The definition of digital media in a nut shell is broad, it encompasses many sectors and sub sectors such as content text, sound, images, animated images вќ and video , platforms, software and technologies. Overall, it represents the convergence between traditional media and the growing online media segment, with the related telecommunications and information technology enablers. Essentially, digital media is about content creation, content management and content distribution across multiple internet and digitally enabled platforms such as the pc, television, games console, mobile and other devices, as well as packaged media such as interactive cd rom's or dvd лњs. Essentially it is the center of all these related mediums and it represents the communicator for all of them.

For todays suppliers, the key to digital media is creation of content for multi platform distribution, enabling them to reach different consumer segments. So basically someone that works with digital media through interactive software has the same kind of options as an internet based consumer. On the reverse side, this vastly increased range of options is making it harder for brands and products to be identified in their markets. This is because the technology and digital media itself is growing at a rate so fast that many consumers don't even know how mo digital 32 media 32 and 32 technology 32 is 32 one 32 of 32 the 32 fastest 32 growing 32 concepts 32 in 32 the 32 world 46 32 32. The 32 rapid 32 developments 32 in 32 digital 32 media 32 technology 32 have 32 profound 32 effects 32 on 32 human 32 communication 46 32.

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Digital 32 media 32 and 32 technology 32 will 32 have 32 an 32 impact 32 on 32 everything 32 national 32 broadcasters 32 do 46 32 32. Digital 32 media 32 and 32 technology 32 enables 32 changes 32 in 32 working 32 patterns 46 32 32. Major 32 american 32 corporations 32 are 32 giving 32 away 32 computer 32 technology 32 to 32 the 32 digital 32 have 45 nots 46 32 32. Digital 32 divide 32 basics 32 fact 32 sheet 46 32 retrieved 32 february 32 19 44 32 2002 44 32 from 32 digital 32 divide 32 network 46 32 32. This 32 situation 32 is 32 commonly 32 knownas 32 the 32 digital 32 divide 46 32. Digital 32 divide 32 was 32 first 32 noticed 32 in 32 20 32 during 32 a 32 g8 32 summit 32 in 32 japan 46 32.

He 32 said 32 in 32 an 32 interview 32 withbusinessweek 32 in 32 20 44 32 if 32 digital 32 apartheid 32 persists 44 32 we 32 all 32 lose 46 32. Digital 32 divide 32 has 32 been 32 exacerbated 32 by 32 the 32 slow 32 growth 32 of 32 economy 32 andeducation 32 in 32 poor 32 countries 46 32. Digital 32 technology 32 has 32 a 32 lot 32 of 32 impact 32 on 32 our 32 national 32 security 46 32. Bcis 32 has 32 nowdeveloped 32 the 32 technology 32 to 32 accept 32 electronic 32 filing 32 of 32 certain 32 applications 32 forimmigration 32 benefits 46 32. E 45 filing 44 32 combined 32 with 32 the 32 collectionand 32 storage 32 of 32 an 32 applicant x27 s 32 digital 32 photograph 44 32 signature 44 32 and 32 fingerprint 44 32 allow 32 the 32 bcis 32 to 32 produce 32 a 32 high 32 quality 32 immigration 32 document 32 with . This essay examines the literature on the relations that exist between digital technology and the contemporary type of artistic works. According to the literature, contemporary arts encompass all the artistic works that have been produced during the period spanning through the world war ii to date.

This kind of art is often exhibited museums, contemporary art galleries or even the artists themselves. On the other hand, digital technology is a data system that makes use of discontinuous values. The development of this technology saw the use of mathematical concepts that had been coined in the seventeenth century that were generally based binary system of computing. In the case of this essay, digital technology includes the use things like computer assisted designs, 3d prototyping and computer assisted jacquard weaving among others. Bunnell, 1998 the entry of the digital technology has seen a tremendous transformation of the contemporary art practices. Indeed, in the last ten years several contemporary artists have tended to incorporate digital technology into their productions to the extent that it sometimes looked odd considering the emphasis that words like ldquo hand work rdquo as well as giving honor to the historical precedents mean in the definition of art and by extension craft practices.

Indeed, it has actually made artists, various institutions of art as well as the audience to adjust to the new emergent ways. For instance, art institutions like ldquo new york museum of modern art rdquo has had to break away from the historical practice in museums of displaying dead art and adopted the video art as the best alternative. Mccullough, 2004 the entry of the digital technology has caused a paradigm shift in artistic practices like painting, drawing as well as sculpturing.

Indeed, it has seen certain aspects of new technology incorporated into the category of artistic productions. These include the net art, visual reality and lately the digital installation art. Basically, a digital artist has become a reference for any individual who applies digital technology in the production of their artistic arts. In the area of contemporary art practices, it gives a connotation of one who uses digital media or in general terms the methods of mass production. Bunnell, 1998 digital techniques in visual arts digital technology has found a significant amount of applications in the mainstream media especially in the area of advertisements, making of films that give special effects.

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Moreover, the technology of desktop publishing is currently very popular in the world of publishing although it has a closer relation to graphical design. However, it continues to hold true that both the digital artists as well as the traditional artists often make use of a variety of sources of electronic programs and electronic data to create what becomes of their artistic works. Nonetheless, considering the close relations that exist between visual type of arts and musical arts it generally accepted that the real value of digital type of art will move ahead towards a greater success in the same way that electronic production of music has been successful during the last three decades. Coyne, 1995 the different types of digital arts can either be purely product of computer generation or just a modification of products of other sources like scanning, photographs or just a drawn image that has been made using the vector graphic technology. Although technically applicable for any art works done by the use of other media and eventually merely scanned, the term digital arts has remained a reserve of the type of art that has nothing more than just non trivial modifications of the computer programs or any kind of electronic system that has the ability to interpret an input so that they can create an output. Moreover, text data that have been digitized as well as raw audio and video data are never really considered part of the larger part of the digital art but belong to the category of information art.

For instance, andy warhol did a good job in creating a form of digital art where the computer was publicly incorporated into the actual artistic works publicly. In this instance, they captured an image from a video camera and then did the technological magic of converting it into a graphic program. The artist then proceeded to manipulate the image by using flood fills to add color to it. Bunnell, 1998 more than 40 years ago, as a young woman in melbourne, australia, i had a pen friend in papua new guinea. The abundant tropical fruit, vegetables such as taro and sweet potato, and fish fresh from the sea made up for the mosquitoes that plagued me.

I suggested a different way to squeeze the coconut flesh that would allow us to make the milk faster. Today i see my interest in saving time and increasing productivity as a peculiar and interesting cultural eccentricity. Time is scarce, the pace of everyday life is accelerating, and everyone complains about how busy they are. High‑speed traders make millions in milliseconds, and people go speed dating where dates lasts around five minutes.

Technological innovation, we hear, is dynamic, disruptive, unfolding geometrically, changing everything. But is it true? digital technology products claim to shrink space and collapse time while also promising to save us valuable time and free us for life’s important things. If we believe silicon valley, a faster, constantly accelerating world is the problem, and the solution is more speed. Self logging wristbands that track everything from heart rates and sleep patterns to mood fluctuations enable us to better monitor our activities. At my local swimming pool in london, i can wear a bracelet to let me know how efficient my swim strokes are.

In case i didn’t know this, a flashing sign at the pool reminds me of this app. Whether it’s siri or cortana the helpful, accommodating female voice on your phone, ‘she’ lets you ‘use your voice to send messages, schedule meetings and place phone calls’ while, driving or exercising. If digital technology saves time, how come so many of us feel rushed and harried? technological utopians once dreamt of the post industrial society as one of leisure.

Is digital technology at once the cause of time pressure and its solution? is sherry turkle right when she argues in alone together: why we expect more from technology and less from each other 2011 that social media has replaced communicating with connecting? is tim wu, a leading authority on net neutrality, right when he says that ‘attention’ is the new scarce resource? o ne solution is digital detox. The novelist jonathan franzen believes it is impossible to write serious fiction on a computer connected to the internet. Evgeny morozov, an influential writer on digital technology, talks about having to lock up his phone in a safe in order to think, read and work.