Essays on Government Assistance Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

A little over 20 years ago the general perception of recipients of government assistance, particularly welfare, was negative, racially bias, and based on distorted facts. Researcher martin gilen used evidence from public opinion polls, analysis of public policy and welfare reform, and media reports to conclude in his book why americans hate welfare that much of the negatives feelings about welfare were related to the perception of welfare as a program for african americans and the misrepresentation in the media of most welfare recipients as black and the undeserving poor. Should people seeking government assistance be required to take drug tests? on august 22, 1996, president bill clinton signed the personal responsibility and work opportunity act, also known as the welfare reform bill, into effect ending welfare as it had been known for many years. This law transformed the traditional entitlement to cash welfare under aid to families with dependent children afdc into a transitional program, temporary assistance to needy families tanf , which requires most recipients to work after two years of receiving assistance, or, at state option, even earlier, with few exceptions.

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After 60 months of receipt during a lifetime, a recipient is ineligible for federally funded cash benefits npc, 2004 . 1 the personal responsibility and work opportunity act shifted the responsibility of the poor to the states. The act also made allowance for states to perform drug testing of those who were in need of federal assistance.

According to an article in the new york times policy makers in three dozen states this year proposed drug testing for people receiving benefits like welfare, unemployment assistance, job training, food stamps and public housing sulzberger, 2011 . The controversy rising from the proposed drug testing has many debating the question: should people seeking government assistance be required to take drug tests? there are several pros and cons to the new legislature to drug test those seeking government assistance. Those in favor of the bills feel that it is reasonable to drug test those who receive money from the government because most employers require a drug test before hiring an employee. Why should tax dollars pay for people who use illegal drugs? montaldo, 2012 others in favor of the bills believe it is an act of compassion and a way to help people addicted to drugs.

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According to the salt lake tribune osmond said the change is designed to help, not put down. That same person who has a nice car and a nice house, but when they go to the grocery store they use wic or food stamps. That person who has never worked, is in extreme social distress and is supported immediately. But those that have been working all their life and are suddenly laid off will lose everything before given any type of assistance. In fact, they will take your nice home, that you paid for with your hard earned money, because you have to pay property taxes whether you have a job or not. There are so many young and able people who receive unemployment checks, food stamps, and housing assistance every month and have no intention of changing their lifestyle. There is no incentive in looking, applying, and maintaining employment when you can live comfortably off of the tax payers.

Our current system enables welfare recipients to be non productive citizens who will never be motivated to find work. Our government empowers these people to live in poverty and then their children expect the same. Why should they find a job when they become young adults? their parents received money and benefits for doing absolutely nothing. The welfare system should have some regulations to keep recipients from becoming life time members. Thus, writing tips for me essays could have significant amounts of wrath, 2016 paid essays jurisprudence? should the government help.

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