Extended Essay Ib English B Text

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The extended essay is a required component of the international baccalaureate ib diploma programme dp. It is an independent, self directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,0 word paper. The extended essay provides: practical preparation for undergraduate research an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of special interest to them, which is also related to one of the student's six dp subjects. Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in: formulating an appropriate research question engaging in a personal exploration of the topic communicating ideas developing an argument. Participation in this process develops the capacity to analyse, synthesize and evaluate knowledge. Where students carry out an in depth interdisciplinary study of an issue of contemporary global significance, across two ib diploma disciplines.

Students are supported throughout the process of researching and writing the extended essay, with advice and guidance from a supervisor who is usually a teacher at the school. The ib recommends that students follow the completion of the written essay with a short, concluding interview with their supervisor. The extended essay and interview can be a valuable stimulus for discussion in countries where interviews are required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university. Find out how points awarded for the extended essay contribute to a student’s overall diploma score. The extended essay is an independent, self directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,0 word paper.

One component of the international baccalaureate ib diploma programme dp core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. The ib store and the ib’s online curriculum centre occ have a number of useful resources. Extended essay overview the extended essay is a formal research based paper that students write during their junior and senior year. Though this is not part of a class the students do receive support and guidance from a subject supervisor and the extended essay supervisor.

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The topic is selected by the student but must connect in some way to one of the ib curricular areas. At rex putnam the extended essay is used as a student's sse project and thus earns a student.5 credits.

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The acceptance of it, the denial of its existence and the classic 39 finding yourself 39. Make yourself a mind map: general topic, ideas you wish to incorporate, what you would like to write about and possible sources. When you 39 re done with that you can form a statement for yourself and turn it into a question, refining it until it 39 s really specific. For example: i 39 d be interested in the problem arrising from the cultural differences and stereotypes being passed onto younger generations creating a more problematic culture clash in a country based on foreign entities.

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My question then would be if you want to base it on 39 looking for alibrandi 39: in which ways does melina marchetta 39 s novel 39 looking for alibrandi 39 provide the reader with an insight and analysis of the problematic nature of multiculturalism in its early stages? just an example though. Mine was completely changed a few weeks before i had to send it in due to my supervisor screwing up and deciding to piss off.

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That means youre stuck with them, they have your blood inside of them and you have their blood and so youre closer to each other, she said. Do you think it is okay to write about how the american vampire pop culture is affecting the teenagers? e.g twilight how amicable and not ''dangerous''bella describes edward, creates another perception of vampires, make teenagers believe that drinking blood is not as bad as it sounds. This is just an example if this is possible, how would you formulate the research question? appreciate your help!

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To quote from the part of the guide that applies most to you in this case category 2: culture and society: sub category a the essay should be an analysis of a cultural nature that describes the impact of a particular issue on the form or use of the language. Not an analysis of the impact on behaviour, which invites behavioural explanations sociology and psychology , but an analysis of language or cultural artefact. Does this help? edited by blackcurrant, aug 19, 2013 1.

like this unlike david ripley taught for 23 years at st clare rsquo s oxford. David has led more than 60 english b workshops and has wide experience of examining procedures through responsability for a number of senior posts. His research interests include the use of english as the language of instruction, and ways in which critical thinking and creativity can be encouraged through language teaching.

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If you are interested in david ripley visiting your school to work with teachers and/or students, please contact us. It is arguable that the skill of critical thinking, the ability to analyse and question the truth of any statement or assertion, is fundamental to theory of knowledge, and indeed to the whole ib approach to education.this text deals with an issue which is of perennial importance in the usa, that of whether access to firearms should be controlled in any way. Lots of information and best of all, free resources to use in class! i also like the way it's very up to date.

I can highly recommend it! judith goebel, frankfurt international school, germany 2015 tuesday 2 february 2016 a research team in barcelona has produced a system for ensuring the validity of online assessment essentially, by making sure that the person. Or is it? on the one hand, all of the concepts of politics ideals, principles, policies. More revised to accomodate the 2013 extended essay subject guide there aren t that many extended essays produced in english b. To illustrate, in the may 2009 session, only 5.72% of candidates were awarded grades for extended essays in the whole of group 2 there are no figures available to show how many of those were in english b, but we re likely to be looking at a considerably lower percentage.

david ripley 25 august 2015 1 good point, deidre we should not forget that most ee stories end happily! the comments here, and most e mails i receive, are predictably about doubts and worries. Carefully controlled source material for example, the three bond films selected for representative reasons , or a short list of articles. Idealistic and admirable, yes, but so difficult to do well: the most likely result is that neither culture can be covered adequately and the emphasis has always to be on english.