Extended Essay Topics Dreams Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Criterion j of the extended essay rubric assesses students on the essays abstract. Social psychology extended essay topics the green party is nt, for that social psychology extended essay topics. Those of you who have begun to study psychology will have discovered that there are many fascinating areas for research.if you choose to complete the extended essay in psychology, you can use the following guides and documents to help you.

Best answer you can talk about dreams you have while sleeping and dreams people have for future. Dhonug 8 years ago

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Is my research question narrow or good enough for me to write a 40 word essay on? 2. How exactly do i answer a to what extent question? do i answer to a great extent. I 39 ve asked my mentor and she said to what extent sounds more like measuring something. Is she correct? thank you so much for your help 33 33 this is very important to me.

There aren 39 t many days left either 33 33 thank you so much once again 33 33 33 33

like this unlike broad field to study in the space of an ee so i do suggest you consider your topic quite carefully. But it seems you already have found a decent focus in dreams, which can probably be effectively treated in 40 words.

I touched on dreams quite a bit in my ee as well even though i focused on the role of rem sleep in cognitive processing. Dreams have a somewhat debatable, but in my opinion quite significant, role in cognitive information processing that takes place in rem sleep. In terms of focusing more on one side, these relationships are not unidirectional, but bidirectional. However, you may encounter more trouble in supporting arguments that showcase the impact of dreams on the conscious mind.

Also the issue is quite controversial to say the least, but it 39 s really a blessing that there is evidence available for and against as long as it doesn 39 t make you loose sight of your research question, which cannot be emphasised enough. You literally need to live it and breath it in every paragraph don 39 t write a redundant nice to know sentence. That 39 s not to say that you shouldn 39 t provide background information you should, but it should be relevant to your rq.

Your rq could be what you said or something along the lines of: to what extent do conscious information processes and dreams interact. That being said you may of course as you mentioned want to adopt a unidirectional focus, but i 39 m pretty sure that you will have a hard time quantifying what exactly do dreams then affect in the conscious mind, because research is subjective and based on the account of participants currently e.g. It 39 s up to you and i suggest you research more and see what you want to do then. In terms of answering what extent questions the way i see it is you have to present sufficient arguments for and against in order to justify a conclusion, which quantifies the extent and the limitations of the extent of e.g.

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So yes in a sense you are measuring the limits of the argument and it 39 s extent. As an example, one thing i found in my ee was that while rem sleep is significant in the processing of certain types of memory namely procedural and emotional it doesn 39 t have a significant role in processing of other types declarative , although this result isn 39 t quite as black and white as it may seem there is some controversial evidence. Essentially you don 39 t need to present every possible piece of evidence but instead you need to critically consider a wide range of reasearch supporting such an argument and against it. Yea and unless you haven 39 t got to know google scholar yet here 39 s a link to a couple of search results that may prove useful: researchers and psychologists you probably want to mention probably include freud for starters as the father of the study of dreams and their relation to the conscious, but i wouldn 39 t dwell on him forever though he 39 s pretty dated as you no doubt know .

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And then a couple of names that you may have some trouble coming across, but i came to know, because they are finnish and they do world class dream research. Just as a slight word of warning i may not be the best person to advise you on these things seeing that my ee to my unbelievable surprise initially received a d and is being currently remarked. I don 39 t know what went wrong since i was predicted an a and i entered the same essay into a essay competition and finnish university professors graded it as excellent.

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