From Rags to Riches Narrative Essay Text

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The immigration officer cut the green card in half and told that once he gets to chicago to immediately get a new green card. Song as rags to riches song , from 1953, by richard adler and jerry ross, popularized by tony bennett or this could all be yours from 2010, by guster rags to riches, a 1981 romance novel by joanne kaye rachel cosgrove payes guns and roses apos song paradise city. He had only brought one briefcase, which contained only 5 pairs of pants, a couple of shoes, and one pair of shoes. In 1971 my father was 17 years old he decided that he wanted to come to the united states and live with his dad and uncle in aurora, il. He did not want to wait until he was 18 because it would take a long time to get his green card. When my dad arrived he immediately found a job in lombard where they make boxes of cardboard.

There he made 2.25 cents an hour! he took a bus from his hometown tepehuanes, durango all the from rags to riches narrative narrative essay about the transcontinental railroad way to a city called ciudad from rags to riches narrative narrative essay about the transcontinental railroad juarez, which is right before the border of the united states and mexico. It was a 16 hour ride for him since the roads over there are very curvy because of the mountains. I am quite thankful for this and now i know why my parents are so strict about school.

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My dad doesn apos t want me to wake up at 6 in the morning like he does to work for a check that doesn apos t satisfy you. Speaking of money my dad only had enough money to get him the border, the taxi across the border, for food and the airplane ticket to chicago. length: 989 words 2.8 double spaced pages rating: red free from rags to riches my father faced some harsh times as a child in mexico such as not having much medicine for sicknesses, not having a school, and not having any job opportunities. So when my dad was about 11 years old his dad decided to go to the united states to get a job with his brother.

My father was from an area that did not have a public educational system and it was very poor. My father wanted an opportunity to work for money and to improve his life a little bit. He took a bus from his hometown tepehuanes, durango all the way to a city called ciudad juarez, which is right before the border of the united states and mexico. He noticed how advanced the united states was and the quality of the streets, buildings, and cars. Luckily gas prices weren't as high as there are now or else my dad would have really struggled with money.

On airplane to chicago on the airplane he had just gotten on the plane and noticed that the security guards were checking a lot more latinos and african americans then whites. They were talking only a short time when the flight attendant told the latino my dad was talking to that he had to sit down in his assigned seat. Another incident that occurred was when he was 24 years old and he was just coming back from his vacation in mexico to return to work. He was taking a plane from mexico and it they had announced that it would stop in houston, texas to be checked by the immigration.

When he arrived in houston they asked him where he was coming from and where he was heading to. Then a white immigration officer noticed that my dad's green card was peeling from one corner. The white immigration officer then took my dad to an empty room in the airport and the immigration officer told my dad to strip down his clothes, all of his clothes. After noticing that my dad was clean he asked him from whom did he get this card from and how much did he pay for it, assuming that it was false and not valid. My father told him that he had the same problem with the card in chicago and he went to the immigration office in chicago and ordered a new one to be mailed to his house and charged him 10 dollars for shipping. The immigration officer cut the green card in half and told that once he gets to chicago to immediately get a new green card. I'm very glad that my dad made this choice to come to the united states and make enough money to later bring my mom, my brother, and me.

My dad doesn't want me to wake up at 6 in the morning like he does to work for a check that doesn't satisfy you. Where my dad was from there was no education, places to work, and it was a land of no opportunity for him. 21 feb 2016 rags to riches the american dream is an ideal that has been present since american literature’s beginning. Typically, the dreamer aspires to rise from rags to riches. ϻ� from rags to riches by james chaney amp jessica thomas the nba has grown to a more popular sport over its existence.

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Everyone loves a success story, especially when it results from years of hard work and the protagonist has struggled from the depths of despair. This story type is so beloved, that it is charles bookers second plot type of seven: rags to riches. Photo by andrew magill rags to riches is essentially what the american dream can be condensed to. A child grows up with oppressive living conditions or authority figures, usually in poverty, and overcomes them to end the story with wealth, status, a companion, and usually a kingdom of some kind. Key to the story is a point where the protagonist seems to have achieved success, but its too early, and he or she isnt ready for it, and everything comes crashing down around them. The introduction to the physical, mental, and/or emotional squalor that is the protagonists early life.

This more than anything else defines our hero from the beginning, since this plot type hinges on the heros personal growth and maturation. We see the terrible conditions that the protagonist lives through until he/she receives the call to leave, and sets out or is forced out into the world. Some minor struggles hit our hero, but it looks like everything is coming up roses.

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Our hero may have already met their prince/princess, and have experienced some victories that foreshadow their future success and glory, but overall, the hero hasnt fully matured yet, so these victories will be short lived. Some dark figure from the heros past might return, or the hero might lose their prince/princess, either through physical separation, or from a mental or emotional standpoint. The small victories are stripped away, and the protagonist is at their lowest point in the story. No more genies or fairy godmothers the protagonist has only their wits and strength to pull himself or herself back up. And by golly, its done with style, with the hero realizing his/her independence and proving to all the haters that he/she is capable and worthy of reaching the final goal.