Gay Marriage Papers Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

In recent years, the debate over gay marriage has grown from an issue that occasionally arose in a few states to a nationwide controversy. People have opposing viewpoints on whether gays should be allowed to marry or not, and the sub topics that coincide with gay marriage. People wonder if it is okay for gays to marry, and if so, should it be legal everywhere? in the united states i 2009, some states like iowa, vermont, and connecticut allow gays to marry, while states like california, florida, and arizona have constitutions that prohibit same sex marriages. Most supporters of same sex marriage contend that gay and lesbian couples should be treated no differently than their heterosexual counterparts and that they should be able to marry like anyone else masci, par. Gay marriage may conflict with some religions, but who's to say what people can believe in? many people believe, or do not believe, in many different things and it is up to the homosexual and what he or she believes in to determine whether that person can get married or not.

Gays shouldn't be treated differently, because they are regular people like everyone else in the world. Besides, denying gays of marriage is a violation of religious freedom… and the first amendment of the constitution clearly states that a person's religious views or lack thereof must be protected messerli, par. Only a decade ago, gay marriage was nil but an afterthought on the plates of many u.s.

Liberal democrats like john kerry and hillary clinton did not even support or condone the idea that gays should be able to marry. Yet the turn of the century brought new life and perspective into this issue, and at this moment, a substantial majority of the american public actually support gay marriage. Several days ago, the supreme court heard cases pertaining to the issue and will make its decision on the matter in the coming months. In the meantime, however, professors from across the country have been assigning students argumentative essays on gay marriage. Check out this sample research paper in support of gay marriage for information on this legally complex and important issue. And remember, if you would like to buy a research paper on gay marriage or any other scholarly topic, feel free to contact one of our sales representatives today.

They can take either side of any issue and will craft your next paper 100% originally. So enjoy learning about this truly important contemporary topic and give us a ring if you are in need of any academic assistance! francis bellamy certainly could not have possibly imagined the profound weight of the words he penned many years ago. Across the country, citizens of the united states pledge this verse with their hands over their hearts, facing the flag of the nation that represents and upholds these ideals. Yet discriminatory liberties and unequal freedoms are plentiful, often running amok throughout the united states. From the african americans to gays, minorities have struggled to find their voice in america however, these groups have still found a way to progressively alter public conceptualization of their place in society. What is the question of same sex marriage if not a direct request to have these uniquely american values defended? allowing gays to marry is a critical step this country needs to take in order to progress culturally, economically, and globally as leaders in a more tolerant and peaceful world.

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The most fundamental issue when addressing same sex marriage is the definition of marriage itself. A universally accepted definition has yet to be established because marriage is a delicate entanglement of personal intimacy and public declaration. Above all, we as a society tend to value our freedom to choose the one we marry based on romance and compatibility an instinctual desire to love and be loved. We have largely developed the concept of marriage to include a formal union that joins a man and a woman who desire to be considered one entity under the law poulter. This definition is precise and reflects the perception put forth by adam and eve in the book of genesis in the old testament.

James dobson, an anti gay marriage advocate and evangelical christian psychologist and author, frequently references the bible as the foundation for his argument. This reflects his biggest concern about the legalization of same sex marriage: the demoralizing of marriage as an institution. He claims that marriage would be reduced to something of a partnership that provides attractive benefits and sexual convenience, but could not offer the intimacy described in genesis. The moral implications of same sex marriage are ethically perverse and would only pave the way for additional sexual promiscuity dobson. What they fail to distinguish, however, is the fundamental difference between canon and common law. The united states has always differentiated between church and state therefore, the constitution and the bible are not, in this country, lawfully equivalent. Because of our first amendment rights to freedom of religion, not everyone has to believe in god and thereby abide by his rules.

An additional and powerful source of same sex marriage support comes from the somewhat surprising field of business. As supreme court oral arguments commence, many businesses have begun to voice their advocacy. Because some states have legalized the unions of homosexual couples, the payroll systems and different tax treatments become a legal headache for employers.

Section three of the 1996 defense of marriage act doma restricts gay couples from over one thousand federal benefits, including the right to file a joint tax return. What is even more perplexing is a 2007 study that found the average married gay worker paid over $1,0 more in taxes than his straight contemporary. The red tape surrounding these legal complexities have led more than fifty businesses and chambers of commerce nationwide to be signatories on an open letter to endorse the legalization of same sex marriage stonewall . And according to noted npr commentator and proponent of gay rights jonathon rauch, it would have human asset significance as well: by supporting and reinforcing the care giving commitment, each marriage, gay no less than straight, creates social capital for the whole community. It is a known sociological and anthropological fact that societies are fluid and dynamic.

Our founding fathers recognized this and planned appropriately by constructing the framework of our government to aptly deal with changes in societal norms and ideologies. History tells us change is like eating your vegetables met first by resistance and then swallowed with time. I believe that this is why the issue of same sex marriage is not only significant in terms of tolerance and civil liberties, but also for future sociocultural questions that deal with the changing mentality regarding relationships and love. Traditional values do not need to be compromised, only progressively reinforced and altered if necessary. For that reason alone, gay americans should have the constitutional ability to marry. News about same sex marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships, including commentary and archival articles published in the new york times.

18, 2016 italian senate postpones vote on controversial bill recognizing civil unions for same sex couples. 14, 2016 travel q a offers excerpts from interview with mark semple, wedding concierge for b ocean resort fort lauderdale facility specializes in custom ceremonies and receptions, including those for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples. More same sex chinese couple sues local civil affairs bureau that refused their registration for marriage couple's effort lands them at forefront of growing gay rights movement opposing tacit disapproval of state and family unprecedented lawsuit faces long and difficult battle in chinese court system. More italian senate is expected to begin voting on legislation to legalize civil unions for gays and lesbians country remains outlier in western world with respect to same sex marriage or civil unions, in large part because of continuing influence of roman catholic church while passage of legislation initially seemed certain, doubts have been raised, as issue could split governing coalition. More archbishops of anglican communion succeed in keeping church intact in week of tense meetings in canterbury, england, over deep divisions, largely because 38 anglican archbishops have voted to impose restrictions on episcopal church for allowing clergy to perform same sex marriages. More archbishops of anglican communion vote to issue sanctions for three years on episcopal church, american branch of communion, for 2015 decision to permit clergy to perform same sex marriages. More alabama supreme court justice roy s moore orders probate judges not to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, citing state supreme court decision upholding state's marriage prohibitions and conflicting with united states supreme court ruling instruction marks second time moore has used administrative order to block same sex marriage.