Gcse English Great Expectations Coursework Text

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So, you know the plot and have thought carefully about the context, characters and themes of the story. Now it is time to think about how you might use all of these ideas in a coursework assignment. question: how does dickens depict miss havisham in great expectations? to answer this question properly, it would be wise to spend some time preparing your answer before you start writing, thinking about: 1. In your essay, you need to: say what the novel tells us about miss havisham explain, at text level, how dickens created his impression of her, and why he created her character in the way he did show that you can 'respond critically' to the effects of dickens' technique at word and sentence level consider different possible interpretations, showing that you have begun to develop some of your own ideas. What you know: spend some time reflecting on what you know about: to help you analyse and explain the effects of dickens' text on the reader.

So you can offer insights into why dickens presented miss havisham in the way he did. It is clear from this first chapter that great expectations is going to be an exciting adventure story. The story begins in a graveyard, and both this and the surrounding area are described to us clearly and effectively. Dickens uses various words and phrases to indicate such things such as the time of day the weather and the type of place pip finds himself in. In david leans 1946 film, i think that the early marsh scene captures the mood of the original text very well and portrays to the reader/viewer the immediate suspense and tension that dickens wishes to represent. He also uses metaphors and similes to present ideas the reader may be familiar with. A good example of this is when he writes the dark flat wilderness beyond the churchyard.

This suggests that there was nothing but bare land surrounding the graveyard, which makes pip seen very alone. In the final paragraph of chapter 1 dickens uses various adjectives to give us a clear impression of the fear that the scene inspires in pip by using varied colour adjectives such as black and red. This suggests to the reader that pip is in distress as red can portray as a danger colour. He also uses adjectives like ugly and dense to describe to the person reading the novel some of the feelings he may have felt after he had been confronted by the convict. The setting is described to us very clearly in this opening chapter in which pip is confronted at the graveyard. Dickens uses varied sentence lengths a good use of adjectives various words and sentences to describe the time of day the weather and the type of place. This all contributes well to the description of the setting in this first chapter.

In the first chapter we are introduced to the two main characters pip and magwitch. In this opening chapter we find out a lot about pip and his background, we find out that he lives with his very strict, older sister, mrs joe and her husband joe gargery. The above preview is unformatted text great expectations english assignment how does dickens gain the reader’s interest and create a sense of drama and tension in the opening chapters of the novel? pip is a young orphan boy, and he has never seen his parents, and his younger brothers have died too. You get drawn in because the way pip is described and it makes you want to learn more about him and how his family died and you feel sorry for him.   ‘as i never saw my father or mother, and never saw any likeness of them’, this shows that he never had the chance to see them, before they died. He does this by explaining it from pip’s point of view, and it is as if pip is talking to you personally as you read on and you can connect with him.

There is a use of pathetic fallacy when it is describing the churchyard and it says about the thorny overgrown nettles and the bleak marshes, and that relates to how pip would be feeling as he goes to visit his families’ graves. He’d be upset and disappointed about how he can only imagine his parents and how they would have looked. When it describes the wind rushing it gives a sense of urgency, and as pip begins to cry, a man comes out and grabs pip. This is like the description of the wind and the surroundings, was a warning to the reader, that something was about to happen or a warning to pip that he should get away. It makes you picture the setting, like where he would be standing, and what the weather is like.

Keep still, you little devil, or i’ll cut your throat! this is what the man says to pip in a very threatening way. He seems like he would be able … meet our team of inspirational teachers good conclusions usually refer back to the question or title and address it directly for example by using key words from the title. How well do you think these conclusions address the title or question? answering these questions should help you find out.

    do they use key words from the title or question? do they answer the question directly? can you work out the question or title just by reading the conclusion?
in conclusion i believe these three women have all had their effects on pip and his life in some way or another.

The majority of these effects have been negative and pip has had to endure a lot in his life. Yet he has come out all in all a very respectable young gentleman when he could 039 ve turned very differently. in conclusion, in the opening chapters of 039 great expectations, 039 i believe that pip earns the most sympathy due to the way he is presented his frailty and him being an orphan being the key emotional areas. However, later on as we learn more about each of the other characters, we feel more sympathetic towards them. By the end of the novel, each character is an almost contradiction to themselves as dickens argues against society suggesting that people can change. Poor, trembling pip has grown up, he has sufficient money, which is what he wanted, he becomes educated and is a gentlemen, whereas the arrogant and beautiful estella becomes quiet and battered, her beauty now hidden behind her scars. Miss havisham dies understanding, that although she felt it is necessary to gain her revenge on men, due to her pain, she 039 d caused a lot of pain by creating a monster in the cold hearted estella which meant that her once broken heart could finally feel again.

Finally, magwitch, who seemed to be rough and animal like, mellows down and forms a bond between himself and pip. His story helps the reader understand him and the hatred they felt towards him in the opening chapters is directed towards compeyson who becomes the common enemy and villain who meets a just end. in conclusion, i believe that the opening chapter of great expectations is very effective. Not only is this one of the most exhilarating novels that a person could read, but it is one to recommend too. Due to the narration of pip, the opening chapter would make readers very intrigued, wanting to know more about 039 what 039 s going to happen next 039 as well as pip 039 s life and what his outcome in life is. The choice of language as well as the literary terms used such as metaphors, similes and dramatic tension, would draw one 039 s attention and keep them fascinated throughout the entire book. length: 1373 words 3.9 double spaced pages rating: red free charles dickens criticizes his society and everything that he thinks is wrong about it.

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Dickens traveled a lot and had seen amp 8220 many little things and some great things, which, because they interested him, he thought may interest others' internet site 3. His books all contain themes that show dickens amp 8217 s dislike of the way his society is. He was not particularly fond of the aristocratic class, and how they treated the people of lower classes. His audience was people of the same class as him, so they could understand his feelings and beliefs. Dickens was a very big advocate in the amp 8220 plea of poor versus rich' internet site 1. Dickens gave plenty of aid to this plea by the works that he wrote, which provided progress to the battle for the poor. He portrays the lower class in a respectable way, but he portrays the proletarian people in such a dishonorable way that the reader in some books despises them.

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The aristocracy consisted of about 3 percent of the population, and everyone else was poor in the lower class. This book shows the admirable qualities of the poor, and how they managed to squeak out a living despite the horrible conditions that they lived in. He introduces many poor children in his books that the reader feels bad for because of their upbringing. Dickens amp 8217 makes the reader feel bad when jo dies because the he could not help that he was given such a rough life, but he tried his best to survive. This horrible experience affected him all his life, but this amp 8220 became a source both of creative energy and of the preoccupation with the themes of alienation and betrayal' internet site 2. This theme of alienation can be seen in great expectations because pip is of a much lower class than hiss havisham and estella.

Dickens amp 8217 amp 8220 american notes created a furor in america' internet site 2. In these writings, he presented in a disgusting way the american practice of chewing tobacco and spitting out the juice, which he considered to be quite distasteful. He also wrote martin chuzzlewit, which portrayed america in not a very attractive way. Dickens amp 8217 christmas carol presented many of dickens amp 8217 criticisms of his society. This book was supposed to be amp 8220 a whimsical sort of masque intended to awaken loving and forbearing thoughts' internet site 2. Another theme in this book is greed, which is one of scrooge amp 8217 s qualities.