General Paper Essays on Environment Text

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The business perspectives and approaches have changed a lot in the past few decades. The traditional businesses had only one purpose and that is to earn maximum profit from their business enterprise. The modern business however, has a newer approach and perspective in conducting their business activities. The new concept defines business entities as a member of the society which needs to discharge social responsibilities like human beings. Thus, we can anticipate that modern businesses do care about the worlds environment. Todays business organisations are required to discharge corporate social responsibility csr and show accountability to the society and environment they operate in.

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This means that providing quality goods and services to the consumers only is not enough. They are expected to take proactive instances in the social and environmental issues of the world. The corporate houses have an obligation towards the society, for operating in the society. As the major contributors to the global warming, the developed nations provide monetary compensation to the undeveloped nations for producing harmful emissions of carbon compounds well below the limit sanctioned. This can be regarded as a sort of acknowledgement of the harmful consequence of their activity by the modern corporate houses. The carbon trading has helped the underdeveloped nations economically to run environmental conservation programmes and have also inspired them to reduce their own carbon emissions to receive more financial reward. The direct mixing of sewages and industrial wastes into the water bodies has been declared illegal in many nations.

Similarly, the emissions of the factories are being neutralized before releasing them in the atmosphere. Similarly, other legal provisions have been made by the governments of many countries to make the modern businesses environmentally accountable some modern businesses have reduced or completely stopped using plastic for packaging their products which is a good initiation to protect the environment. Using the bio degradable alternatives and recycling or re using of the all plastic wastes will help to limit the production of non degradable plastic waste that has long term impact in the environment. On the contrary, all these are the theoretical concept which is practiced by only the limited number of corporations. The contribution of the majority of the business organizations is not satisfactory. Stricter legislation is required to make such organizations environmentally accountable. Some organizations claim that they use the advanced pollution free technologies only to get the support of the environment conscious consumers and thus better market their products.

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Several corporations cheat on this matter by bribing the government officials, especially in the least developed and developing nations. Therefore, there are still many organizations which dont care about the worlds environment. World environment needs to be maintained well for us to ensure healthy living conditions for humans as well as animals.

Organizational perspective has changed a lot and many organizations are taking proactive instances to protect the world environment. However, there are still many organizations which have not left the traditional practices and the profit only motive. Yet, with the shift of trade and business into an it driven globalized economy, we can expect that the modern business will be more and more environment conscious in the days to come.

To what extent would you agree with this assessment of our relationship to the environment? humans are the masters of the earth today. It is our intellect, innovation and creativity that have allowed the human race to rise in power against all the other animal species that are more physically advanced compared to us. It is through innovation that has allowed us to win the conquest against the animal species, bending them over to our will and subjecting these animals to whatever we please. Even in todays modern world, conquests are made, in the form of the uncountable inventions appearing daily, to improve the quality of life. However, the negative effects of the numerous battles we have held to become more technologically advanced over the centuries is showing in the home we reside in, mother earth. These battles, regrettably, are still fought daily, and we show almost no effort to stop.

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In my opinion, i feel that conquest without conscience is an accurate description of the humans relationship to the environment. Many of the daily tasks that we do in our everyday life involve polluting the environment. These tasks take up a majority of our lives and are often done without a second thought to spare for the environment. China, a country that has up to 1.3 billion people is one of the largest contributors to pollution. It is not only due to the large number of people living in the country that causes the pollution to be high. One of the main reasons that i have singled china out is due to their burning of coal to generate electrical power for the masses. The usage of coal is highly polluting and the main reason on why china uses it is due to the cost effectiveness of coal.

The more expensive but cleaner alternative of fossil fuels, however, is adopted in many countries around the world. The usage of coal to generate electrical power for so many people is significant to the global emission levels of carbon monoxide gas. This selfish act of rating cost effectiveness over the harm caused to the environment shows how the humans are involved with the notion of a conquest for advancement without conscience. Mother earth is then made to inhale so much more of these toxic gases at the expense of coal being cheaper than fossil fuels. Pollution is the result our never ending need for cheaper energy to power our never ending consumption of resources. Deforestation is deemed as necessary for many countries as it is the only way for more land to be developed for industrial purposes and for housing.