Global Warming Fact Or Fiction Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

What is global warming? global warming is the common scientific belief which states that man is producing greater and greater amounts of green house gasses вќ such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap the suns heat inside our atmosphere, heating up the planet to dangerous levels. Another tool used as propaganda to institute meaningless reforms that will only further disrupt our economy and our society with little or no effect on our environment. This supposed man made вќ phenomenon does not happen simply because the planet is designed to prevent it.

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According to global warming enthusiasts like the sierra club, automobiles and power plants, the leading producers of carbon dioxide in the u.s. Only account for fifty six percent of the united states carbon dioxide production. Some scientists have noted that the amount of green house gasses in the atmosphere has risen by thirty percent in the last one hundred years. They have also stated that the temperature has risen one degree in that same time period.

What they haven't noted is that one hundred years ago, mercury dependent thermometers were not accurate enough to measure temperatures al close as one degree, and tree ring sample are just as inaccurate when it comes to minor variations. There for that thirty percent rise in gasses hasn't seemed to effect the temperature of the planet for the last one hundred years. The sierra club and their sponsors have been accused o f being alarmist hoax вќ organizations, by some of the foremost scientific leaders in the global climate field. And with attitudes such as the human race is engaging in the largest and most dangerous experiment in history to see what happens to our health and the planets when we change our climate вќ sierra , and no scientific evidence to back up their claims, how could they not be an a global warming is a phrase that has been used a lot in the past few years.

The consequence of global warming is that it generates conditions that hurt our planet's ecosystem some of which are: the melting of the polar ice caps, generating of gases which are destroying the ozone layer and by temperatures increasing. With all these things occurring the world's governments are taking action to curb the increase of global warming and are taking steps to decrease greenhouse gases immensely. Global warming is a real threat to our world and if measures aren't taken now to curb the effects of it, our world will one day be destroyed by it, the causes of it and the measures to fix it will be entertained in this paper.

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global warming: a scientific and biblical expose of climate change dvd these days it seems you can hardly turn on the tv, go online, or open your morning newspaper without being confronted with the idea of global warming. Vice president al gore presents global warming as an imminent threat to the planet and paints an alarming picture of a future in which mankind ultimately destroys life on earth. But global warming is far more intricate than one 48 minute film can convey, and most people are simply not getting some of the most important information.

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It’s clear that global warming is a complex and emotionally charged issue, one that cannot be ignored in today’s cultural and political climate. New claims and counter claims appear in the press with numbing regularity, leaving many christians uncertain what to believe. Rather than getting lost in the details, it is necessary first to uncover the basic facts and then to understand the assumptions that drive the interpretations of those facts. Although many people may think otherwise, all of us have assumptions beliefs that influence how we look at the facts. If a scientist believes in billions of years of earth history, he will assume, for example, that polar ice needed hundreds of thousands of years to build up over two miles in depth. Scientists who believe in the biblical account of noah’s flood, on the other hand, believe the ice must have appeared shortly after the flood.

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Depending on their assumptions, equally skilled scientists can reach very different conclusions. In the global warming debate, it is important to separate fact from interpretation. We hear a great deal about the dangers of co2 emissions and greenhouse gases, but rarely do we hear the facts behind the hype. Assumptions and beliefs about the past play a major role in shaping our present attitudes. From there we can uncover the truth about climate change the history, the causes, and the answers.

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