Good Argumentative Essay Titles Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

For instance, legalizing marijuana: colorado's biggest mistake tells the reader the paper covers marijuana's legalization and expresses the writer's opinion that colorado erred by approving such a measure. You might begin by writing a single phrase that summarizes your argument say, making marijuana legal is a bad idea and then reworking it to come up with a succinct, engaging statement. An effective title also grabs the reader's attention, making her want to read the essay. Play off a thought provoking phrase, such as the killer's innocence, which combines two different and seemingly opposing ideas.

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Especially when combined with words that clearly reflect your argument, such phrases make strong titles. Happily never after: stuart goth's innocence plays on the well known happily ever after phrase and tells the reader the paper will argue about the innocence of this man. Without knowing anything about the case, the reader can glean that this paper tells the story of a man the writer believes was wrongly convicted for killing his wife. If you choose a lighthearted topic, such as why a movie should win the award for the worst ever, your title should similarly convey a humorous tone, such as, 'movie x': a shining example of everything wrong in hollywood.

For instance, an argument about the dangers of the internet might use the title, the new child predator, a serious and frightening title that matches the content. Use a phrase rather than a complete sentence, eliminating unnecessary words, including verbs when possible. Try writing out your title as a statement and then pare it down, replacing weaker words with more enticing language where possible. For instance, the idea that companies should not market to children might become the title down with ronald mcdonald, an interesting title that tells the reader the attitude and general point of the argument.

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Forced, orwhat is your position regarding to division of male and female sports? read about that in our free argumentative essay sample. Click go argumentative essay titles good essay titles for to kill a mockingbird essay outline format sample: narritive essay example, essay preparation for exam. Argumentative essay title students are searching: write my paper for me more than ever before. For example, if you are writing a persuasive essay advocating for paying student athletes, a catchy title could be student athlete pay: end college indentured servitude. For a drug policy essay, if you agree with economist milton friedman that the war on drugs is too costly, a catchy title and subtitle could be: friedman was right: ending the war on drugs will save money and lives. War on drugs is a good example of a clear, catchy title: it's time to end the war on drugs. An essay about global climate change could be titled, reduce carbon emissions now to save the planet.

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