Guidelines to Writing a Book Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Nonfiction books often stay on the market and produce royalties for many years. Educational, reference, travel, hobby, fitness and religion nonfiction do quite well. The author should list credentials, provide references and cite sources in a cover letter. Provide a detailed outline and sample chapters to give the editors an idea of your writing style. Today's fiction must be fast paced, relevant to current tastes and have clear conflict. The book should begin with action or dialogue, which will instantly immerse the reader in the story.

Character motivation needs to be clear close to the beginning of the book, and it should tie in to the main conflict. Employ the senses throughout the book for the most favorable reviews from editors and readers. For example, in romance, the hero and heroine must get together by the end of the story. For fiction novels, most publishers look for a well written query letter and short synopsis before requesting sample consecutive chapters. The query letter should start with a one paragraph story blurb, a short version of the author's bio, and details about the genre, word count and when the full story can be delivered. The short synopsis should be one to two pages and include the character motivation, the conflict, the main plot, major turning points and the theme of the story.

If the editor requests a full proposal, reiterate the information in the initial query letter. The general rule of thumb on the longer synopsis is one page per 10,0 words of the completed story. The conventional publishers have everything set up for the success of each book. In addition to only acquiring what they feel will sell based on their history and experience in the market, they offer editing, distribution to places authors don't have access to and an accounting department.

Some have editorial guidelines, while others will print whatever someone is willing to pay for. Since each book is printed as it is ordered, they are generally more expensive than those published conventionally with a 20,0 print run. The advantage to a pod is that the author can have the book printed more quickly and only order what is needed. Types of books to consider for print on demand are family histories, memoirs, and books that are turned down by conventional publishers if the author has a ready market for them. Novels rarely do well if they're self published, but self published nonfiction can be a viable option for those who are on the speaking circuit.

Often the cost of a workshop can include the price of the book, or the book can be sold after a lecture. With a captive audience, the author is likely to see a profit from self published books. guidelines for writing a summary with in text citations the purpose of a summary is to give the reader, in a about 1/3 of the original length of an article/lecture, a clear, objective picture of the original lecture or text. Most importantly, the summary restates only the main points of a text or a lecture without giving examples or details. Skills practiced: note taking, paraphrasing using your own words and sentence structure , condensing examples of acceptable paraphrases and unacceptable paraphrases plagiarism . Plagiarism: what it is and how to recognize and avoid it before writing the summary: for a text, read, mark, and annotate the original.

Highlight the topic sentence highlight key points/key words/phrases highlight the concluding sentence outline each paragraph in the margin take notes on the following: the source author first/last name, title, date of publication, volume number, place of publication, publisher, url, etc. The main idea of the original paraphrased the major supporting points in outline form major supporting explanations e.g. Reasons/causes or effects writing your summary steps: organize your notes into an outline which includes main ideas and supporting points but no examples or details dates, numbers, statistics. Including an in text citation of the source and the author as well as a reporting verb to introduce the main idea. In his/her article or lecture _, _ year title, first letter capitalized author/lecturer's last name argues/claims/reports/contends/maintains/states that _.

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