Happy Home Happy Child Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

By radhakanta swain category essay ah! when i was a child the world seemed to be a place of joy and happiness to me. Image source: picrolls.com/wallpaper/15/15721 happy_childhood_vol_2_no_1.jpg

my school, my friends and teachers:

when i was six years old i was sent to a small but nice school. When i was young i did not like my school teacher because sometimes he used to beat me.

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In the beginning like most boys, i was unwilling to get up early in the morning and go to school.

my mischief, excursion and late coming:

in the afternoon, we played all sorts of games and pranks in the street. When i saw a man passing on the way, sometimes i would pull down his turban and run away. Sometimes when i found a bullock cat waiting on the way and the cartman gone away for a while on business, i would ride the cart and drive the bullocks to some distance and disappear.

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When i was ten years old, i had gone with some boys to a neighboring village on pool. A father, though gentle is often strict, but a mother is always tender to her children.

the beginning of worries and anxieties:

as i grew in age, worries about my studies and small worldly matters came upon me. As a young boy of fifteen i was expected to help my father in the work of shopping and in buying vegetables in the morning. essay introduction: man has to pass through many stages of life, since he is born until he dies. important of childhood: childhood is the formative period of life.

what should be done in childhood: childhood is one of the growing stage in mans life. He should be taught to be neat and clean, to do exercise regularly, to eat, sleep, read and play at habits. At this stage, records should be kept of the childs inclination, aptitude, knack, mood, temperament, interest, abilities and his latent qualities. care of parents and teachers: in the modern system of society and education in india, nobody takes the responsibility of the childs welfare. The parents think that it is a responsibility of the teachers, because the child stays in the school for six hours a day.

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The teachers think that it is the responsibility of the parents, because the children belong to their parents, and in future the children will come to any use only to their parents and families. But in the interest of society, nation, country and above all mankind all have responsibility for the welfare of the children. But in india we find that a lot of children in schools are dying by food poisoning in the government mid day meal system. The milk powder that comes to panchayats and block offices is said to be put to black marketing. By marguerite lamb from american baby

what makes a child happy?

we all want the same things for our kids.

We want them to grow up to love and be loved, to follow their dreams, to find success. But just how much control do we have over our children's happiness? my son, jake, now 7, has been a rather somber child since birth, while my 5 year old, sophie, is perennially sunny. Evident from infancy, their temperaments come, at least in part, from their genes.

But that doesn't mean their ultimate happiness is predetermined, assures bob murray, phd, author of raising an optimistic child: a proven plan for depression proofing young children for life mcgraw hill. There may be a genetic propensity for depression, but our genes are malleable and can be switched on or off depending on the environment, he says. The research clearly shows that happy, optimistic children are the product of happy, optimistic homes, regardless of genetic makeup. What can you do to create a home where your child's happiness will flourish? read on for seven strategies that will strengthen your child's capacity to experience joy.

foster connections

the surest way to promote your child's lifelong emotional well being is to help him feel connected to you, other family members, friends, neighbors, daycare providers, even to pets. A connected childhood is the key to happiness, says edward hallowell, md, child psychiatrist and author of the childhood roots of adult happiness ballantine books. Hallowell points as evidence to the national longitudinal study of adolescent health, involving some 90,0 teens, in which connectedness a feeling of being loved, understood, wanted, acknowledged emerged as by far the biggest protector against emotional distress, suicidal thoughts, and risky behaviors including smoking, drinking, and using drugs.

Fortunately, we can cement our child's primary and most crucial connection to us simply by offering what dr. It sounds hokey, and it's often dismissed as a given, he says, but if a child has just one person who loves him unconditionally, that's the closest thing he'll ever get to an inoculation against misery. It's not enough, however, simply to possess that deep love your child must feel it, too, dr. Hold your baby as much as possible respond with empathy to his cries read aloud to him eat, snuggle, and laugh together.

Meanwhile, provide chances for him to form loving connections with others as well, advises sociologist christine carter, phd, executive director of the university of california at berkeley's greater good science center, an organization devoted to the scientific understanding of happiness. We know from 50 years of research that social connections are an incredibly important, if not the most important, contributor to happiness, carter says. And it's not just the quality, but also the quantity of the bonds: the more connections your child makes, the better.

don't try to make your child happy

it sounds counterintuitive, but the best thing you can do for your child's long term happiness may be to stop trying to keep her happy in the short term. If we put our kids in a bubble and grant them their every wish and desire, that is what they grow to expect, but the real world doesn't work that way, says bonnie harris, founder of core parenting, in peterborough, new hampshire, and author of when your kids push your buttons: and what you can do about it grand central publishing. To keep from overcoddling, recognize that you are not responsible for your child's happiness, harris urges. Parents who feel responsible for their kids' emotions have great difficulty allowing them to experience anger, sadness, or frustration.

We swoop in immediately to give them whatever we think will bring a smile or to solve whatever is causing them distress. Unfortunately, harris warns, children who never learn to deal with negative emotions are in danger of being crushed by them as adolescents and adults. Once you accept that you can't make your child feel happiness or any other emotion for that matter , you'll be less inclined to try to fix her feelings and more likely to step back and allow her to develop the coping skills and resilience she'll need to bounce back from life's inevitable setbacks.

nurture your happiness

while we can't control our children's happiness, we are responsible for our own.