How to Answer English Paper 2 Upsr Section B Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

tip upsr: tinggalkan dulu soalan susah ketika jawab bahasa inggeris oleh p rangit singh berita harian 2010/09/15 bahasa inggeris english paper 1 contains 40 multiple choice questions. They cover the vocabulary, social situation, grammar and comprehension aspects of the language. Pupils are given three different types of questions namely word level questions, phrase level questions and sentence level questions. For this section pupils need to study the pictures given in order to answer most of the questions. Different social situations are given through the speech bubbles in the pictures. Before proceeding to the options a, b, c and d , look at the picture and then read the dialogues in the speech bubbles. Understand the social function in the questions to enquire, to assure, to inform, to explain, to apologise.

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Then choose the best sentence that fits the empty speech bubble based on the social function. In the grammar section section c pupils are required to answer questions on grammar, punctuation and spelling. For grammar, pupils need to read the questions and understand the grammar rules that need to be applied.

After choosing the answer, you need to think whether the answer you have chosen is the best answer. When choosing the answer for the punctuation questions, pupils need to read all the options given. Then compare the sentence with the other options in the question until you find the sentence without errors. When answering questions on synonym or antonym, make sure you give the synonym or antonym in context the meaning of the word used in the sentences and not its general meaning. For questions that test spelling, pupils need to read the options given carefully. After that compare the words with the other options and choose the word that has the correct spelling.

During the second reading, make sure you understand the whole text especially the important points. If there is a word in a sentence that you dont understand, underline it and read the sentence again a few more times. Pupils need to construct a variety of sentences namely: simple sentence example: the boys are playing football. Compound sentence example: the boys and their friends are playing football in the field. Complex sentence example: johan, who is wearing jersey number seven, is playing football in the field. If you want to use names, make sure that you describe clearly the person you are writing about. zul is sitting with his friends. Correct after you have completed all the five sentences, make sure you check the grammar, punctuation and spelling.

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dont relate yourself to the picture. my uncle and aunt are watching television in the living room. Then, they have to make a choice based on the question given and state the reasons for the choice. For information transfer pupils need to be aware of the spelling, punctuation and their writing. For the second part of the question, pupils need to make a choice and state the reasons for their choice.

Based on the information given, which type of tour would you suggest? give reasons for your choice. Give some elaboration on your reasons. i would choose aerobus 380 because it can carry the most number of passengers. Thus, it will be more spacious and i will be able walk around in the plane especially since im going to paris. After completing the answers, pupils must check the sentences for grammar, spelling or punctuation errors.

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Pupils need to write creatively in this section based on the pictures and words given in the question. Start your answer with an interesting introduction and end it with an interesting closure. In a nutshell, pupils need to be alert and concentrate while answering the questions.

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