How to Get a 6 on The Act Essay Text

Jonathan Friesen - Writing Coach

Schools in some states have changed their school calendars so that they are now year round schools. Advocates of year round schooling argue that the traditional summer break is a waste of students’ time that could otherwise be spent learning. Opponents charge that today’s students are already overburdened with the stresses of school, and need the summer to get a much needed break. In your view, should the traditional three month summer vacation from school be maintained? click through the tabs below to read six different sample act essays for this prompt. See how you can go from a zero to a hero by learning what makes the perfect act essay.

Schools out for summer! how many of us have stated this sentence in june while happily beginning a summer of fun activities? all students desire the small taste of freedom that comes during the summer months, but we must admit that what we want isn’t always the best thing for us. Few students will admit this, but having an extra few months every year to complete our education would be beneficial to young people entering a world that is more global and competitive than ever. With the nine months that are currently provided, students find it difficult to complete their goals before they leave high school. Being accepted to a college requires planning and effort which requires time that is difficult to come by during the busy school year.

By extending the school year, students will be given the precious time they need in order to truly prepare for the real world. Do students do well in their courses? are students afraid of taking difficult courses? are students well rounded with extracurricular activities? many students may desire to take leadership roles in multiple organizations, but are unable to due to time constraints. With an extra few months each year, students will be able to fulfill all of these requirements. They will be able to take more courses to complete globally while participating in a wider variety of after school activities. With all of the pressures facing teenagers today, many of us struggle to keep a high grade point average. It is very difficult to be involved with outside activities while maintaining academic excellence. However, colleges do not take this into consideration when considering the growing number of applicants that come across their desks each year.

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Many students who are from other nations such as japan and china spend much more time in school, and are therefore at an advantage when being compared to american students. Students in our country need to step up to the global plate and use all twelve months of the year to achieve their goals. Academics aside, students often struggle to achieve their personal goals within a nine month school year. Which looks more impressive on a transcript? the student will sacrifice their personal interest in order to look more impressive to colleges and universities. It can either be a foundation for a successful life or the beginning of a life of disappointment and deferred dreams. With the additional time, students can take both the courses they want and the courses they need while having more time to work at a reasonable pace and to reduce stress and pressure.

Teenagers work hard to build the foundation for their future, and they need as much time as possible to ensure their success. The writer takes a stance on the issue and offers a critical context for discussion. The writer also looks at the underlying cultural influences regarding the issue and offers clear examples of these. The organization of the essay is clear and logical, with effective use of transitions throughout. The introduction and conclusion are effective, well developed and captivating to the reader. Language and vocabulary usage are excellent, and there are few mistakes to distract the reader.

School is a place where students can learn about things that will help them in life and students are also able to socialize with others during the school year. Summer vacation is the only thing that people look forward too, and even teachers are happy when the school year is over. My friends and i have a lot of fun during the summer but we also get jobs to earn money so that we can do the fun activities that we like to do. Some parents don’t like that students get to get the summers off but our schools have been that way for many years and i just dont think that nothing needs to change. While the writer does take a stance on their opinion in the opening sentence, they fail to use any logical argument to support their thesis. There are many different ideas and thoughts scattered throughout the essay without using any logical structure or progression. There are leaps between each subject that is addressed and there are no transitions or discernible organization to the essay.

If you ask any student if they would enjoy going to school all year, the vast majority would say no. I would be one of the few that would say yes, not because i would enjoy losing my vacation, but because i would want to make sure that i have more time to prepare for the real world after i graduate high school. Along with this, i feel that we waste a lot of time preparing for the tests that we have to take at the end of the year, and this might make up for the time that we lose when we are doing that. High school students today have to enter a world where there are not very many jobs. Students need to learn more in school and become smarter so that they can get the jobs since many more people are going against them to get these jobs. Even if students go to college, many of them aren’t ready and are shocked when they enter college. Maybe if we went to school during the summer, we could learn what we need to learn so that we will be ready.

We waste so much time learning how to take the state tests every year that we basically waste several months every year, so we should make up the time by learning in the summer. Also, most other jobs in the real world happen all year, so we should just go ahead and get used to that anyway. Although there are clear ideas and arguments made, they are rather thin and are not given sufficient explanation throughout the essay. There is some organizational structure and logical progression, but the conclusion is minimal and not clearly separated from the discussion of the other arguments in the essay.

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Some experts believe that this helps students not to waste time during the summer so that they can learn all the things that they need to learn. Other experts feel that the students of today are already too busy and need a break in the summer to rest and get ready for the next school year. Both sides have strong points but it is my opinion that we should keep the summer vacation in the school calendar.

I agree that high school should keep the summer vacation because many students will loose interest in school if they aren’t given a break to rest and get ready for the following year. School is very busy for students with both educational and extracurricular activities, and if students don’t get to rest sometimes, they will get burned out and will do worst at school instead of better. Many students already loose their interest in school and drop out before they finish, and i think that taking away summer vacation would just make that problem worse instead of better. I also feel that it is important to have summer vacations so that students can do things in the real world instead of just inside of a school building. Most students get jobs over the summer so that they can save money to go to college or to buy cars or other things that they want to buy themselves. Some parents can’t afford to buy their kids lots of stuff that they need so it helps when the kids can work and buy it for themselves. Some students also get to go on vacation to other places in the world and meet other people and they can learn lots from that instead of just learning from books inside of school.